I'm genuinely convinced that if this game was made by anyone other than Kenkou Cross, it would have already faded into obscurity, because it feels the only reason this games has got high ratings is his reputation in the MG community and his very determined fans.
For those who don't know, Kenkou Cross is a pillar and one of the pioneers of the monster girl genre. He is the creator of the Monster Girl Encyclopedia, a doujin about humans and monster girls living in the same world and being hostile to each other, with strong themes of femdom and rape. It has quickly become the main source of inspiration for many MG porn games that came after it, and even had a spriritual successor in the form of Monster Girl Quest, one of the most successful MG games of all times and also one of the most influential piece of media within that genre. A game in which Kenkou Cross also had his hands in, with some of the monster designs being in his own artstyle. Which, as you can see in this game, is quite fucking good, and the only reason I gave 1 star to this game.
Because the rest doesn't hold up at all, and I can't understand why KC went at it the way he did. First of all, it's a RPG with quite a few changes added to the gameplay compared to the typical RPG made with RPGMaker. I'm not against shaking up the established formula, quite the contrary, but I think the way he went about it failed in every regard. First of all, it's an action RPG? meaning time passes normally between your attacks, which means the enemy can attack even when you do nothing, and the issue here is that it's rigged against you. You have to defeat your opponent a certain number of times during each combat to win, but your opponent's meter always fills up faster than your own, and if you lose once in the entire battle, your meter might as well not be there because you will lose in chain with your abilities being locked one by one.
There is a tutorial in this game, but it teaches you only the basic stuff, and once you go out in the real world to fight, the mechanics work completely differently than in the tutorial. What is going on with the gameplay inconsistency in this game?
Which leads to another major issue : The battles take forever. You only get one shot at defeating the enemy, but the enemy has like seven or ten lives per battle. There are only 3 fights in the entire demo (and frankly, the lack of content in this demo is quite pathetic considering who makes the artwork), but each fight drags on and on even after you lose. You can't, like, surrender or skip the cutscene, you have to sit thought all of it for like 10 minutes before you're allowed to go. There are battle items, but they are so scarce and they help you so little they might as well not be there. To this day, I still don't understand how to win. I've lost every single fight, and yet I still managed to get the girls to join me afterwards. Like, what?
Speaking of the girls, when I said this demo lacks content, I mean it. 3 girls, 2 sex scenes per girl, and the battle drag them on and on. And they can't actually join you in the fight, they just follow you in the hub world. That's it. No involvement in the gameplay except to serve as enemies to defeat lose to.
The story is bad, even for porn game standards, and knowing the author is one of the guys who hand a hand in Monster Girl Quest, it's quite dissapointing (although how much of a hand he had in it, I'm not quite sure). The deal here is your typical MG game plot, where humans and monster girls live in the same medieval universe, and the MGs are out to rape and eat the male humans to reproduce, while the humans hunt and kill the monsters whenever they can. Then the humans start to realize the monsters are not as terrible as they initially thought, and some of them start living in harmony, etc. There is not much here, but for what is there, the settings is cliche and boring, the character are dense, and the plot itself has no threads hinting at mystery for what comes next. There is little content as far as the demo goes, but nothing in here makes me ask questions about what the world is like or what is going, or what will happen to the hero after leaving the village. There's no sense of mystery, no building up of tension or anything. It's just there.
But actually, that's not the worst part of the game. What little enjoyement I had with the game was snuffed out by the two characters that tag along with you after your fight with them : A loli imp that speaks like a loud, annoying child, and a cat girl that ends every single one of ther sentences with "nya" like every other japanese catgirl stereotype out there, as if onomatopoeias were an excuse for a lack of actual characterization. These characters are flatter than the earth, they interrupt you every two screens to tell you pointless stuff that is neither relevant, funny or arousing, they're useless in the gameplay itself, and while their H scenes look neat, there's only 4 in total, so it's not enough to compensate having to sit through their agonizing dialogues. At one point it got so bad that I tried to get in a combat as fast as I could just to stop having to read their dialogues, and you know how much I hate the combat in this game.
So, in conclusion, there's nothing of value here. The gameplay is frustrating on purpose, the story is bland and doesn't hint at anything good, the character are some of the most annoying pieces of shit I've read in a japanese porn game (which is a feat in itself, when you know how stereotypes japanese character tend to be), and while their H scenes are neat, it's not enough to compensate for the rest of this game.
If you're a MG fan, just read MGE or play MGQ (or any western MG game, they're actually all better than this). If you're not a fan, this game will make you hate monster girls even more. In either cases, skip this one.