[R>Writer] Paid Unpaid Monster girl game looking for erotic/rape scene writer


Game Developer
Aug 2, 2020
(working title) - A guard who failed to protect the princess from a kidnapping finds clues to her whereabouts under the city and goes after her.
It's a 3d first person rpgm game inspired by games like the Monster Girl Quest series where the hero gets raped when he loses (There will be consensual scenes as well. :LOL: ).


Looking for:
I actually have one for this but he fell ill this past month and I have about 4 or so animations done but no writing for them.

Employment Type:
-Preferably unpaid until I get paying subs when I start a patreon. But I'm willing to work out a deal.

I'm not making any money from the project(yet). I know not every game makes money, so I'm just doing it as a hobby atm, trying to get enough content before I really put it out there and see what people think. So I'm looking for someone who wants to hop on this train early and see where it goes.
You don't need to be experienced. If you just wanted to try it to build up a resume or something that's cool with me. If you insist on getting paid early then just let me know how much and how you want payment(paypal, etc).

Work commitment:
-No commitment necessary. If you just want it to be one and done that's fine, although it'd be nice to have someone that I can just come to every couple of weeks with new scenes instead of hiring new people all the time.

Preferred method of contact:
-discord or PM's through this forum. Just PM me for my discord or tell me yours and I'll friend you.

Job Description:
-Basically I'm looking for someone to write the sex scenes. Things like describing the sexual acts and the character's dialogues/thoughts during them. It'd help if you are familiar with or played the MGQ games before to know what I'm going for(but not mandatory).
The word count could be as low as 200 words or as high as 2000 words. I don't really have an exact requirement, whatever you think works best for the scene works for me.
I have about 5 or so scenes animated already at this point but for future scenes, you'd have some creative control on what type of animation it should be. We'd bounce ideas back and forth. Unless you prefer to just write for my finished animations, that works too. I'm pretty flexible to work with.

Additional comments:
-It'd be nice if you have a decent pc to run the game as I'm not sure how well it runs on low end ones. Although I could just make screenshots or video for you if not.
-If you find just writing sex scenes boring and want to help with the overall story, quests, characters, etc... I'm open to it.
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New Member
Mar 4, 2018
Writer, check.

Ready to work on a scene to see what you think, check.

Played MGQ probably too many times, check.

Decent PC, check.

Ability to follow instructions, apparently not a check.

So...the thing is...I've been a ghost on F95 for a few years. Now I checked, and it seems that I don't have enough posts to PM someone.

This is actually my second ever time I've written anything here on F95. Part of me thought about just shrugging my shoulders and heading back to the shadows, but when I saw the snail monster...well I knew I had to at least try or I'd live the rest of my life wondering what could have been.

So if you're at all interested in hearing more from a weird guy like me, my discord is Spencer#9745. For now, it should have the same profile picture as the one I have on here. Also, sorry to put the burden on you, but my lack of posting ever really seems to have bit me in the ass on this, haha.
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New Member
Nov 22, 2020
Hey there!
Kind of in a similar boat as the other dude, as I can't really PM you, if you could start a PM with me though that would be awesome then we could talk more about what you're looking for etc.


Game Developer
Aug 2, 2020
Hey there!
Kind of in a similar boat as the other dude, as I can't really PM you, if you could start a PM with me though that would be awesome then we could talk more about what you're looking for etc.
Ah, this is my speciality, honestly. I'm not sure that I'm ready to enter into any kind of commitment here; however, if you ever need any impromptu writing or editing just let me know. I'm a bit of a hawk for grammar and have a decent amount of experience writing rape scenes in particular.
PM'd you guys. If you didn't receive anything, let me know.


New Member
Mar 12, 2021
Hi... I'm actually quite new here. Played a lot of MGQ... not to mention a lot of genre in few language (to the point of opening dictionary to understand languages)

I use to write both my native language as well as English, would be cool to finally write something to become a game or sort. So far most of the game are either written by pros who actually view sex game as porn or they made it a quest as reward.

if you're looking for a writer who grew up with a lot of own stories. who knows hit me up! Would love to contribute back to this society.


Game Developer
Aug 2, 2020
Hi... I'm actually quite new here. Played a lot of MGQ... not to mention a lot of genre in few language (to the point of opening dictionary to understand languages)

I use to write both my native language as well as English, would be cool to finally write something to become a game or sort. So far most of the game are either written by pros who actually view sex game as porn or they made it a quest as reward.

if you're looking for a writer who grew up with a lot of own stories. who knows hit me up! Would love to contribute back to this society.
Thanks for your interest but I have a few people now, so going to see how it goes with them.