Unity - Abandoned - Monster Girls Hotel [Ch.1 Alpha] [D&G Games]

  1. 1.00 star(s)

    Eepy Poss

    Really just needs a lot of work overall. Active cursor alongside fps camera movement when the cursor serves essentially no purpose at all, an extremely slow turning speed for no reason what so ever, pretty slow movement speed in general with a large area and nothing to do makes it boring and uninteresting, and the girls themselves aren't even that monstrous despite it being a monster girl game. A girl with horns, small wings and grey skin. Another girl who looks 100% normal but has a few spider legs that come out of her back and serve pretty much no purpose at all and could just be considered a deformity.

    This game has a really long way to go and doesn't really look promising, unfortunately. Even if mechanically the game was spruced up the girls look as normie monster girl as they come.