HTML - Monster Slayer [v0.72] [It That Watches]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for v.61:
    This game is short and free to play in browser at the itch link. Rather than reading reviews, it is not much of a commitment to open another tab and play it.

    Good pregnancy focused games where the mc is male and a rapist are rare.

    The game is primarily text based. The images are often safe for work and are not really the main content.

    Basically, each level lets you level up once (level 1 is the wolf archer). The only gameplay is guessing which order to select the quests and how to distribute your stats each level.

    I wish more game devs wanted to rape instead of to be raped. Unfortunately, for most, from the moment they learned to code their fate as a sub was sealed.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I like the story and art and gameplay but I wish there were more images while the actual sex scene happens, although i played the older itchio version so maybe that has been done already. I also yhink it would be nice if I didn't have to restart completely after dying and there is some way to retry missions
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    It captivates with a compelling story and meaningful choices that keep you engaged. Every decision feels impactful, and the world feels rich with detail. It’s a perfect blend of immersion and tasteful art, offering a truly memorable experience.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Cool text based game with a simple stats+morality system.
    And some art :)

    -Story, Originality
    You are in a strange world where you SLAY monsters.

    Cool 2d art.

    No sounds.

    A lot of branching paths and encounter variants.
    But most of the choices don't have an impact on other interactions... Shame...

    Runs okay.

    There are several pictures missing (Small dragon interaction and one more).

    Still images.

    -Voice Acting
    No voices.

    Didn't see any mistakes.

    -Amount of content
    There are a lot of interactions and variations.
    Cool game.

    But I don't understand how to grind all the required stats...
    I just cheated, looked through content, liked it all and that's it.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a very cool game. There are some cute/sexy images, but the focus is text based and the situations / events are very well done. The key point to playing it is that you can't (and shouldn't try to) get every sexy time event on one play through. You can either play through quickly a whole bunch of times taking notes and trying strategies for particular encounters and endings, or you can cheat your ass off and play through quickly a few times to get most of the encounters and some endings.

    I suppose there are also completionists out there. ;)

    It isn't quite 'finished' yet - you can get past the "final boss" and then there is nothing to do. There are also a bunch of plot-lines that I would love to see followed up on more. But there is still a lot of content and it's well worth a play.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Version 0.7.2

    It's fine. The storytelling is overall pretty standard, but serviceable enough. The plot is nothing great, but it gives enough of a credible setting for the MC to do dimension-hopping and meet all those alien characters. A bit dissapointed some (all?) of them are characters from other franchises, rather than unique monsters to this game, but that's a personal gripe.

    The problems I have with it are more with this gameplay elements, funnily enough, rather than its storytelling. I've never liked how Twine doesn't allow more than 10 save files; I don't know if the dev can change the amount, but since that kind of game requires you to reload quite often, it can be a pain in the ass to see all the content in one go.

    So for starters, your charater has multiple different stats that indicate what kind of outcome you will get out of each scenario; if you're strong enough, you can do X, or else Y. Typical stuff. The problem is the game will not tell you upfront how much of each stat you actually need to complete a quest, until you buy a very specific item and read a book in the library about each quest, and even that info is incomplete. There are also some locked stats you can't level up, unless you already have a point or two into that category.

    How do you get a point in those stats without the starting class? I don't know. The game will never tell you about these things. It's very easy to get locked out of a route late in the game because you didn't invest correctly, forcing you to start over multiple times for a very minor decision you made early in the game.

    And none of the quests are repeatable. If you screwed up once, you either reload at a very early point in your run or you give up that monster althogether. You'll want to spend as much time and money as possible leveling up your character before accepting the quest, because you can't accept them all at once. But actually getting money is difficult, because those quests are finite in number and there's only so many points you can attribute. Once you've invested in a trait, you'll probably need to create another character to do another quest, and rince and repeat until you unlock them all.

    Not only is this tedious, but some of those stats are just straight up useless. Karma and Charisma are used very sparingly and only for some characters that need multiple interactions to develop their content; in that meantime, it's very easy to screw up your stat investment and get locked out of their route halfway through unknowingly.

    But the worst thing about these stats, is they actually don't help you get adult scenes; they actually lock you out of most of them. If you try to be a good guy and help those monsters, most of the time you'll just go home blue balled, so the best way to get them is to be an ass and invest in fighting for most of them. So most of that content is rape or at least non-con. I don't have an issue with that, and there's also some wholesome stuff, but I wish the game was more upfront about what kind of content it has, so that I knew before investing in the wrong stats for an hour.

    It's still a fun game, and most of those adult scenes are pretty hot, but there's a lot of rookie mistakes here that bog the whole thing down.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Not enough teratophilia (Male human on female Monster) in basically any site, and most that are haven't been updated in years. Glad to see this one finally here, hope it gets the attention it deserves.