VN - Ren'Py - Motel: A Son and Brother Story [v3.1.0] [Interbladecard]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    This Game was supposed to be an alternative, to the endless teasing of the original Game. However this alternative turns in the same way as the original one. Now there is even a point system, which can lead to an early Game Over, when you dont have enough trust points. The thing is, that you dont know how these points are gained, so you need a walktrough Mod which isnt availlabele right now. If i want the endless teasing/difficulty i can stick to the original Game.

    This one doesnt even haven a Story that would be worth to reading it.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Wasn't this game supposed to be an alternative to the original game constant teasing? :unsure:
    What an hit and miss! At least Lust & Passion know how to make the characters interesting through teasing. This game here is just dumb teasing.
    This game is a joke! I stopped taking it seriously (meaning i stopped reading the dialogue and start skipping to skim the content) when i had a game over because i had make the choice for mc to fuck sophia without a the ass!:rolleyes: This game is filled with teasing scenes who lead nowhere because of dumb twists (or imposed choice) like that. At least, in this scene, you go to completion (full sex) but don't take that for granted because it's one of a kind in this game. You can literally count this type of scene on the finger of one hand.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Dev claims that NTR is avoidable, but that is a lie. Even selecting the "'without NTR" option, in the following scenes a message is displayed that Zed and Robert are abusing the unconscious Sophia. It's better to say that NTR is inevitable than to continue lying and say that it is avoidable while maintaining the idea that abuse happens.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    it is a good concept to the OG AWAM and way more lewdness to it than OG but the story is all over the place with different characters and different story arcs . and it is hard to see where one ends and the other begins it's all over the place and they don't even focus on the the Son Dylan and the Mom Sophia the focus is taken away from them and onto other side characters . if some of the other non main characters where given a back seat and the main characters come to the forfront the story i think would be better but as it stands now it is a not
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    I like it. The art isnt bad but it falls miles from the original, still good enough tho. I wish the dark path at the motel wasnt a rape situation, Dylan is a horny pervet and Sofia was wasted drunk, group sex could easily hapen without rape. It started spicy, i understand it was to much sex to fast, but after the motel it didnt just got slower it completely stoped, atm its almost as playing the original
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    version - [v3.0B]

    The game is a huge disappointment. It starts off as a lively and confident porn game but then becomes boring and dull, with nothing happening except teasing, and suddenly Sophia turns into a prude. Just like in the original game.

    Near the beginning of the game, you can choose to play 'with NTR' or 'without NTR', but later on, NTR is imposed anyway. Some people might not like that. If you're a fan of NTR, you can give it a try, but it's doubtful you'll enjoy this game.

    All the interesting stuff ends when the MC leaves the hotel.

    Overall, I wouldn't recommend wasting your attention and time on it.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    At the time of the release of version 2-9-5.
    Pros: not bad renders, animations - rather so-so.
    The lack of music and voice acting is not embarrassing - usually after half an hour or an hour of play I turn off the sound (annoying).
    Content is enough, fans of pure porn will be satisfied, I recommend this game to them.
    Cons. I base any of my evaluations of a particular VN on two basic factors: the quality of the story and the characters.
    The characters are cliched, they don't evoke any empathy. The story is fairly standard, some moments look ridiculous, but in this story it is not fundamentally important. These factors force me to take two points off this VN.
    Summary: if you want porn and only porn, this is for you.
    If you want an interesting story and memorable characters - don't waste your time. Unfortunately, you can't give a fractional rating (I rate the project as 2.5 out of 5), but let it be 3 points for the author's effort (but that's an overrating).
    PS: I am indifferent to NTR wars, the absence or presence of NTR has no bearing on my estimations.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    I love the girls and the renders, all very hot.
    The fetish and sex is algo well done.
    The story is what is kind of bad, it feels like the author never commits to a single thing and keeps trying things out. That being said it is not that bad, and it is getting better. I say give the author time and experience to figure things out, as for sure he is talented.
    This game has few decisions to make and I believe only one true path. As that is a matter of preference, take that as you will.
  9. 2.00 star(s)

    Harem Trooper

    I remember when this “fan game” got released for the first time I got excited, and to a point when the NTR happened I really liked it. But now ? It lost its appeal but also got dumbed down with multiple male protags too. Its safe to say its going to be a fuck fest as even other characters going out of their way fuck other dudes too now since the story drifted from "motel" to...this.

    You see, as someone who didn't like the original game since it's a female protagonist but liked the models, this was a god blessing for me. Sure, the characters' behavior and fast paced action wasn't to be taken seriously, but it didn't need to. It had a simple premise. Its all about incest between the original FMC(mother) and the new new MC(her son). And it delivered on it to the point as I mentioned, the unavoidable NTR happened and didn't even make sense. It reads like it was shoved in because the author was forced to.

    But after that it took a nosedive since the event for this fan game's already unbelievable “story” got more absurd. And for whatever reason we have a second male protag who is building his own way for sexual action… again, not what this game was supposed to be in the first place.

    I can't go above 2 as the only redeeming factor are the sex scenes and nothing more. And if you also enjoyed the models of the original game but couldn't enjoy it since it was a female protag one, you can at least fap to this but don't expect anything else.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    i had some hope for this game but reviewers are right. it's utterly garbage.

    full of grammar mistakes even in the intro. even in the message where he thanks ppl for fixing mistakes. dear god how many versions this game have and for how long has it been going that literally first 10 sentences there are like 5+ grammar mistakes. what did the author do in all this time?

    so the story is already unwatchable. so it's skipping to porn scenes then.

    well porn scenes are "meh". creator doesn't know how eroticism work and how to make something hot.

    but still there are some scenes which might make some ppl able to fap to this so i guess i gave it a 2. i think the best scenes are the actual real porn on the TV screen in your motel. OP spent more time pasting real porn than making his own.

    honestly i should give it a 1 but there are rare animated scenes and 3d models are not completely terrible(even better, they are actually nice) so it feels wrong giving it a 1. although it probably deserves it.

    and I LIKE NTR. especially forced one. so i was hoping that the famous "unskippable" ntr scene at least might redeem this garbage. but it didn't. it was just a couple of still pictures of 2 guys cumming into the mother's mouth and stuff without her waking. not to mention how truly retarded the premise is paired with the dialogue, the sex scene is bad too. no animation, some picture, that's it.

    most undeserved 2 rating. it deserves 1. but here it is. you have been warned.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    It's pretty bad as a sex game even for a "kinetic novel".
    Half the game is teasing, it's barley animated. I saw only one animation.
    Porn that were running on the TV in the hotel room were more entertaining than scenes in the game itself.
    The story was also nothing special.
    Can't recommend.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Motel is a bad game, to be honest. First of, there are no choices, so gameplay wise it should be considered a kinetic novel. What is worse is that the story makes no sense from the get go and lacks any interest in any possible way as the characters and events are a mere excuse for quickly getting into sex (unlike the game this comes from). By the time it remembers it can have a story it is way too late and the result is sloppy and bad, worsened by a rushed ending.

    Render quality is decent but not greating. Animations are poor or mediocre at best. Music or sound is non-present at all.

    So, all in all, I'd recommend a hard pass on this one.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game!

    I have no idea how some "reviewers" can give it 1 star and have the audacity to LIE that the game has a bad story or grainy graphics - it is none of those! The moderators should punish them, instead of defending shit games by punishing everyone that uses a bad word.

    1. The supporting story is absolutely great for the scenes - smart, funny interesting and not overdone!

    2. The so called "teasing", unlike in other sooo boring yet pretentious games is done in a very realistic way, not just postponing any sex scenes or nudity for the sake of idiotic grinding.

    3. Graphics are absolutely great! And NOT grainy! The so called "grainy" part appears very rarely during some animations, but only because it is needed because of their complexity and realism - they would've been way too big otherwise. The angles are also very good, or should I say the "directing" is close to professional.

    Other devs can really learn A LOT from this game.

    Again - do NOT believe what some people say about this game - they are lying! I'd even think they have something personal against the dev - I honestly can't believe what I am reading..
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    If a spastic ADHD kid could be condensed into story for this VN would be it. This thing jumps around so often and with zero sense it is impossible to follow what is actually going on. The art is okay, but honestly this is barely worth ctrl click through for the renders only because you can't follow the story anyway.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    story line has no continuity it jumps all over the place. what there is for story line at best is mediocre written but jumps around so much its confusing, graphics are mixed quality like some were pure after thought and throw in to fill a hole random. He hs chased format and style he is doing a couple times already my honest opinion i wont waste the couple minutes to see if it ever improves marking this on and a NO GO cause dev ability was NO SHOW
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    review on version 2.7:

    For now i rank this as "average game".
    It's not the best, but also not the worst.
    The renders are extremely grainy and way below todays' standard. Choices like "skipping ntr" are basically obsolete, as NTR will happen nevertheless just you don't see the scenes which will result in some weird situations and confusion if you play a following scene not knowing what happened before.
    Thus said (just to clarify the correct applied tags "netorare" and the devs statement "SKIPPABLE" -> skippable ,and NOT avoidable) this fact doesn not influence my rating as the dev clearly told ya what to expect and the tags are there for some obvious reason.
    The story writing is kind of ok too.

    in sum:
    ok story, below average renders => average rating

    The bad aside that (not review related for now, but potentially will cause problems later imho):
    I don't see this game to be able to get finished in a good way, as the way of coding is very bad in my humble opinion
    So for just as example, instead of using variables for each person and another one for their mood, the dev uses a completely new sayer (renpy related stuff), which results in having HUNDREDS (not lying) different sayer just for main character. As for today there are over 2000 (you see right: over two thousand !!!) different Sayers defined (names above textfield).

    I guess this (and other "beginner-faults" in way of coding) will most likely lead to a mess of code in later game when things interfere each other.
    Thus said, it's not really part of my rating, but it's an obvious valid point which could backfire later
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Version Reviewed: v2.5

    Overview: Have a little fap with me

    Story: This game doesn't have a story in the traditional sense. It's more like a series of barely connected porno vignettes. It starts off with the main character and his stepmom trying on clothes at the same time in some store apparently hundreds of miles from their home, as people do. The mom starts off kinda opposed but quickly gets real comfortable with her stepson buck naked watching her change into a variety of sexy outfits. Then the scene ends fairly abruptly and we switch to both of them driving home before having a breakdown in the middle of nowhere and being taken to the seediest motel in all the world. There the son finally breaks the stepmom's will with some free rape beers and they go full porno scene. Even after she sobers up, having magically teleported back to their previously disabled but now working car, she's still fully addicted to the MC's baby arm. There's also an optional NTR rape scene if you're into that. Then it switches to a completely different time and MC is convincing his stepsister to pose with him for her Onlyfans. Then it switches again to some nurse scenes. Then both his arms are broken and his mom needs to suck him off, and then another cliche scene and so on. Basically just porno setup after porno setup with little to no connective tissue.

    Gameplay: It's a VN, there do not appear to be any stats and the game doesn't even track your choices, not that it would matter since the game forgets everything after every scene anyway. There are a few choices, but they're just "see scene/don't see scene" or "make the obvious choice/game over" type choices.

    Graphics: This has some weirdness. The game starts out pretty well rendered but then it turns dark and grainy in later chapters. The sex acts are all pretty vanilla. The most extreme thing is a bit of anal and the aforementioned optional NTR.

    Conclusion: It's fappable. This game knows it is a pornogame and doesn't pretend to be literature. There's no huge walls of text before you get to the sexytimes, you skip right to the part where everybody is getting naked. Will you remember anything about it after you cum? I just finished it and I can't remember any of the character's names ouside of the unchangeable one for the MC. So maybe it is forgettable, but that's true of the majority of the games on this site, and at least this one doesn't waste your time. If you like slow burns, sandboxs, or having to engage your brain this game is not for you. If you're just here for the porn then it's perfect.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Its a very good game. Appreciate the effort that the DEV have put in to make it. The story line is going good. More frequent updates will definitely pull in more audience.
    Please keep up the good work!
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    I rarely review games, because I usually wait for them to finish and if I like them a lot, I just give feedback to their creators, but this one is so bad, I literally have to say it, the worst I've ever played, the models are lousy, and the story, although interesting, leaves a lot to be desired, too direct, the typical game that goes straight to the topic and doesn't let you play or enjoy the preliminaries, and it shows that whoever programmed it didn't even take the time to customize it Enough everything as it is extremely basic and generic. Don't wait for an update from me
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Edit: I want to clarify, while I still don't think I'd like this game as it exists today, dev has made a lot of changes to it since I wrote my review. As an example, I think the forced NTR is now optional. Read the changelog. Not saying the game is good now, it definitely wasn't good when I played it last, but who knows today.

    Edit Edit: Well, sounds like the dev didn't actually pull NTR, he just allowed you to skip it lmao. How ridiculous...

    First of all, since the dev is too lazy to type up an overview telling anyone what to expect, allow me:
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    And then, to provide some more detail about the plot:
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    So, let's assume you're into the kinks: I'd give it maybe 3 stars. The one strength the game has is that it does a good job of building up the characters in a short period of time. Efficiency. Unfortunately it doesn't follow through imo. There is no sound, the "animation" is extremely slow and only a couple poses of the many used are animated (vast majority of the sex is still-images). The renders are fine, I did like that they addressed the topic of women with/without makeup - sort of unique. However, even if you like the kinks, I don't think you'd get off to this so... yeah.

    Now, if you don't like the kinks, obviously this rating drops. I hate NTR. Yay. Can I really dock a game for that? Usually I'd say no, but USUALLY A GAME TELLS YOU WHAT IT IS ABOUT AND TAGS ITSELF PROPERLY SO PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT INTERESTED IN TH*cough cough*... Ahem. So no, I won't dock a point off for this. I will however dock half a point off for it not having a gallery, and round down to 2 since F95 won't let me do half-ratings. Why down instead of up? Idk, I feel like it, similarly to (but not because of)™ how a certain someone felt like not doing a certain something.