VN - Ren'Py - Mother Lovers Society [Ch. 5.2 Fix] [BlackWeb Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Well, until now it was a top-tier game. This latest update just propelled it into the stratosphere. The graphics and models are nice, the story is entertaining, sex scenes are plentiful and very erotic. It has some spelling and stuff issues, but that's not too serious. And while I can understand some not liking the shift from pure lesbian to something more, as a fan of that more I love it, but I would understand those that want it pure and they have a legit point. That being said, dev left a nice apology at the end of the latest chapter for the sudden shift it took and that was gracious of them.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm going with a 3-star review because 1) the dev was considerate enough to add a disclaimer at the end of this update that basically apologized for the turn the VN had taken, to those who might not be into... that. And 2) because I am all for Lesbian protag games! Woo-hoo!
    But -
    It's a 3 because this update (spoiler?) was all about the, um Elephant in the Room; a different kettle of fish, a sort of sexuality that all lesbian-loving gamers dread, because it shouldn't even BE there... well, that's as clear as I'm going to get, but MAN, it bummed me out. And it was going so well and hotly!
    I was waiting to see how the whole neighbor situation would develop, seduction, long-term strategy from the 2 predatory lover-couple MC's.
    But Nooo, for some reason the dev went all...non-lesbian, for some reason. Oh well. Hope the other game doesn't head south like this. Good luck, dev; from where I'm sitting, you'll need it!
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    A kinetic novel with fake choices that have no impact on anything.
    Every single sex scene is scripted and forced.
    No build up of any relationship, every encounter leads to emotionless sex.
    To top it off, the newest (forced) lovers torture the player with constant tales of former boyfriends, orgies, whoring, horse cocks... Even while having sex with the MC or the daughter.
    There is nothing much redeeming this mess.
    The graphics are good, the english is passable.
    Comming from their main game, where the story branches according to players choices, this is a big disappointment.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    review for Ch 5.1:
    The renders in this game are good with only a little clipping here and there that I noticed as a flaw. Minor stuff really.
    The English is acceptable. There are some issues like the use of hear vs here for instance but very readable at any rate.
    The story is mostly as an excuse to get to the next sex scene but there is enough there so you still get to know the characters a little bit.
    The story is mostly kinetic which might turn some players off but it means the dev can focus on telling the story.

    Overall a good game in my opinion.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    This might seem a little harsh but as far as i noticed, the choices don't matter at all. I'm a fan when you can play a game a few different times to unlock various different scenes and I'm not seeing that here. We are also jumping right into it with little build to the sex scenes.

    Good renders. Fun to play an actual lesbian incest game for once. I might wait a few updates before i play this again
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    the art and the look of the girls should be worth more than 2 stars but i just can't give it a higher rating just because of that when everything else just isn't that good. first of all it is a KINETIC NOVEL i don't know why this game has not the tag. the 2-3 choices u get do nothing. (try yourself by activating skip unseen text you will be finished in 2minutes)

    the player has no say in it, you will not be asked if you want to fuck the handywoman or not, if she wants to get fucked by a horse dick you will do it. so you have no choice either you like it or not. DON'T play it if you have problems with games that do that.

    a story that is incest focused but the mother would be fine with fucking a woman that is in a hetero relationship is also something that isn't my cup of tea in a lesbian game and looks out of place. the abrupt ending of chapter 3 and the time skip when starting chapter 4 was also pretty poor executed. at least give us a finished sex scene between M/D at the end of chapter 3.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    It actually pains me to give this game a rating which is so low.
    I like incest games, have a soft spot for lesbian incest and ESPECIALLY for Mother-Daughter relationships.
    It might actually be my favourite pairing for incest in general.
    And this game does a lot of things right, the art has a specific and distinct style, sort of a mixture of realistic 3d and comicbook aesthetics; the models are fine and I do find the sex scenes hot.

    "Sounds great, botc76, so what is your fucking problem then, give the game 5 Stars!" is what some might say, but nuh-uh, I can't.

    I can't because the game fucks up the main attraction of incestuous relationships, the taboo, the struggle to give in to the temptation, the seduction of the other side, of the wannabe partner.
    The stuff that actually provides the thrill. It already showed in the dev's other game, where for most ladies it took very little effort to actually get in their panties. At least you weren't already in a relationship with your mom in that one.

    For me, this is a horrible implementation. Games that skip the romancing and seducing part of the story are always weaker in my book, but there are settings where this can work. Give the MC a position that makes them attractive as fuck, give them special powers or abilities or make them butt-fuck ugly and just let them be the best fucker in the universe with a huge dick (don't know what the lesbian equivalent to the latter would be :) )
    and treat it like fun. But if the game takes itself seriously and there is no real explanation for why or like in this case the why and how gets scraped altogether? That just makes for a weak-ass game.

    I'm really sorry, the games are technically fine, the characters look good, apart from how the relationships develop the writing is alright as well, but without the build-up, I can just watch a porn film, if I wanted that.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    • I like the unique rendering style, sort of an airbrushed/painted feel, right over the top of traditional models.
    • Chloe's static image when she's speaking in the lower left corner is flattering, but then whenever she's making an expression in general dialog her face becomes less attractive. This is actually true of Amelia as well; she almost has a wicked witch quality to her face when speaking in what I assume is a sarcastic tone.
    • Michelle is attractive, all-around. I'd say she's my favorite of all the women. Ample breasts, a uniquely pretty face, and good choice of hairstyle.
    • Amelia is attractive, but not quite as much as Michelle. Her breasts should be bigger. She is her mother's daughter, after all.
    • Regina is...not pretty. At all. That may've been the point? Who knows.
    • No animation.
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    • I like the cadence and the formatting of the dialog.
    • There is some pretty obvious spelling and syntax oversight. Dev should re-read and fix.
    • One minor critique I'd have is to make thoughts form in italics, since that is the accepted norm for inner monologue. I'd also extend this to narrator's observations, i.e. "She asked, seeming oblivious..."

    • Conceptually, I actually consider this dynamic among my top 3 favorite within the *cough* "inter-family relationship." There's not nearly enough mother/daughter stories, and even fewer sister/sister ones (yes, I know this is not one of them).
    • I think the player doesn't really get adequate background on how/why a romance blossomed between mum and daughter, here. They are flirtatious and carnal within moments of beginning the story.
    • We don't really get a clear picture of the mom's desires and plans beyond a continued infatuation with her daughter + the occasional casual romp with other ladies around.

    Other Notes

    I don't usually comment on the interface side of things, as most of what I play is Ren'Py, exclusively, and it's mostly something that seems to boil down to the individual dev's taste and the aesthetic they're going for, but in the case of this game I wish dev would enable opacity. The text is quite hard to read on some backgrounds, and so being able to adjust the text itself and textbox opacity would be nice.

    I think, overall, there is a missed opportunity to build upon most people's desire to indulge this particular fantasy in a way whose romance matches its lewdness.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Another 5 stars clickbait.
    More than a year for maybe half an hour of content with some random girls that without any introduction have sex.
    Maybe in 3 or 4 years but for now, let's see: No choices, no story, the art is good.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Beautriful girls? check.

    Incest ? check.
    Lesbian incest!? double check!

    in media res introduction? check.

    Appealing context and story with no useless plot, sex at front and relationship right behind? check.

    Not the greatest game, but for a porn game? one of the best here!
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Not sure what the point is of such a game, when the (supposed) mother and daughter already have sex in the first 2 minutes of the game. No seduction, no corruption. Also the relationship is only in the text, visually they don't look like mother and daughter, could be just some friends/lovers. Graphics are quite nice, though the faces look to lifeless to me, the sparkle is missing. If you are looking for some quick lesbian scenes you can give it a try.
    Rating based on CH.3.1
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Not much content at the moment and the choices don't have huge effects so far. I hope this will change as the development progresses, the game is obviously in early stage.

    Otherwise I really like what I played. Good writing and the lesbian content is excellent, which is a rarity in porn games. I recommend the other game of the author too, it has similar fetishes.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I've played over 200 VNs on this site and I haven't come across even a single game where the main tag is lesbian incest. And that alone is enough to have me interested. This game picks up when the couple are already in the incest relationship and are very comfortable with it, and I haven't seen this in more than a couple of VNs either.
    The dialogues are good and the characters are fun. Looking forward to more of this novel.
    Edit: And it keep getting better with every update.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly this game might be a bit to early to review, and is certainly to early to even try and place somewhere on my personal list, link in the sig below. But even with that being said I am already in love with this game and this story.

    Truly, I am. One of my favorite VN's of all time is "Sisterly Lust" and not for the models or images, not for the harem aspect either. I love it for it's genuine connection and relationships that envelop it's story. So with "Mother Lovers Society" and the Chapter and a bit that is already out, I'm completely invested in not only these two characters, who I can already see and feel their personalities, but the relationship they share as well.

    I want to know how it started, I want to know their past, what the 'rules' are for each other, why they had to move, how are they going to handle living as a couple, will they get what their hearts desire, what does the future hold for them.

    Most of the games I have played through, especially those of the incestual variety have been males and moms, sisters, aunts, cousins, etc. I can only think of two others off the top of my head that has a female MC incest story, and even one of those gives you the choice of male or female in the intro. So this already is something special to me.

    If things hold, and the story gets deeper and richer, conflict, love, romance, raised stakes, etc. And it has some real length to it, which I hope it does given that it is split up into chapters, though chapter one is rather short by itself. I could easily see this story breaking into my personal top ten, or even top five. I honestly think it can be that good.

    P.S. Visuals are amazing as well.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Hello. Ican only say WoW. What a Beautiful Game. Its Really Amazing, i hope we get more Updates soon. Its a very good Game with a Good Story and i like Both Main Characters. Great Work. BTW. We need more M/D Love Games/Content. <3
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Cygnus X-1

    Ladies and gentlemen, here we are presented with a lovely cake. As a basis we have a juicy mother and daughter with a lesbian flavor. The cream filling between these layers is made of sweet incest. Beautiful graphics serve as the icing and the cherry on top provides a prospect of pregnancy.
    Bon Appétit!
  17. 5.00 star(s)



    The love between the two is just wonderful, the playfulness, the cheeky romantic flirting, the raw hunger they have for each other. all of it is gorgeous to behold.

    The models are some of the sexiest I have run across to date. Both mother and daughter are beautiful and watching them unable to keep their hands off each other is a joy.

    Its just wonderful to watch them being in love with each other.

    I dont even mind that the relationship is already a thing when the game starts, avoids a lot of the boring repetitive tropes most incest games have.

    No akward peeking in the shower scenes, no accidental kisses, no will they wont they, no mother beating herself up for taking advantage of her daughter.

    What we get instead are 2 people deeply in love in an open healthy happy relationship thats new enough that the fire of fresh romance is burning hot, but established enough that they are not awkwardly stumbling around each other.

    I am not familiar with the Dev's other game but as good as this is, its inspired me to check it out.

    Solid 5 stars so far (as of Chapter 2) and deserving of way more attention, even if it is a side project.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    3/5, although I admit that this grade is based on my expectations that were not met. Incest happens in the first 3 minutes in the game so I didn't get where the game is going and why do you need to play it after 3minutes. There is basically no evolvement pf the relationship as the culmination is already in the start.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Great renders, beautiful models. Though very few, the scenes are unique. And the fact that this is a game dedicated to lesbian incest, which is so rare, really ties it all together. Can't wait for more!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    If you know of any other game on the same subject let me know. This is very nice. I love it. Maybe without tattoos but never mind. Can't wait for more. The plot is sexy as hell lol. Personally, it's a dream story.