Ren'Py - Mother's Devotion [v0.14b] [FluffyStudio]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    What started off as a promising title has now totally gone off the rails.
    Weird and unnecessary sandbox and poor design choices have doomed this.

    Shame as the characters and art are above average and the story is not bad.

    Hopefully the Dev will reboot his reboot and keep things simple. Over complicating the interface and user experience is not a good decision.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    I really liked the premise.
    A mother corrupting her son and daughter, instead of the usual vice versa.
    Played it for an hour or two, the renders are nice. Models are also nice (although Max could use a better Hairstyle. The current one looks insufferable asshole)
    The story so far was going good.

    But GOD DAMN I hate the Sandbox aspect of it.
    I see literally no purpose for it. It's extremely annoying.
    Had the Dev streamlined the events into a proper flow of story, and the sandbox aspect to be removed completely, this would have been a much better game.

    I hate Sandbox stuff, especially the ones where scenes trigger only when you talk to a specific person at a specific place at a specific point of time.

    It's annoying when I have to sleep, work, go to someone and then play the actual story for 3 minutes just to repeat the same thing.
    Like a 15-20 minute question is artificially broken down into 4/5 scenes so you have to navigate through the Sandbox just to proceed to the next part of a single quest.

    The Sandbox UI is also very annoying.
    So many clicking to be done.
    On top of all that the Top panel where you access most of the main menu SLOWLY SLIDES DOWN literally every time you interact with the sandbox. Which makes me wait when I'm trying to speed through the boring sandbox part.

    Hate it when an actually interesting game is annoyingly unplayable because of the sandbox aspect.
    Deleted in less than 2 Hours
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    It's been a long while when i got so bored and even longer when i stopped and deleted a title after a few scenes.
    This new "gameplay sandbox mechanic" destroyed the imersion of the story .

    It would have been different if the 'sandbox' was a part to choose what story and with whome to follow it and later on to merge those parts togheter, that would have made sense.

    Renders are still good though.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Game Used to be actually pretty decent, with a decent amount of content, then for some unexplainable reason decided to "Reboot"(?) it, now it barely has any content, while it also became confusing, buggy and annoying. I mean seriously, the top menu slowly coming down, whenever you change locations in itself should be considered a war crime. Game used to be good-ish, now its so, so bad. I am forced to ask again, why reboot, so many games do this shit, when there is absolutely 0 reason to do so, stop it. Also, i didnt see it anywhere, that the game has been rebooted, called it a special update or something like that... Well, if whats special about it, is that the story was somewhat redone, a ton of content was cut and now the game sucks, i guess that is indeed, really special.
  5. 2.00 star(s)

    Vatana Batata

    This game has potential sure. Even with generic cliche plot. Or even with no plot, games with milfs are hot in general.
    This one deserves a poor rating because incase it is undergoing a revamp it should be v0.1 revamp or something such.
    There is very little content in the game. There are no specific bugs but it isn't worth playing in the current state. Sure a lot of interactive UI is available but it is simply frustrating when clicking on all those buttons does absolutely nothing. What makes it a worse experience is game doesn't tell you on clicking a button something like 'Hey nothing exists here. Wait for future update' It is annoying because you can click around a lot. You can move around in the sandbox but majority of the interactions do nothing at all. And if they do nothing then please keep them disabled atleast until you are ready to add content?
    For me the low rating is mostly due to bad UI, most of which does nothing nor does it tell you.

    TLDR: Game has good potential but current UI makes it dissappointing experience without sufficient content and unrestricted clicking
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    tiger in the hood

    To be honest, I think the current rating is on the low side. Mother's Devotion is a very typical mother's degeneration game, but the plot is good and can always stimulate my sexual desire. This is undoubtedly a quite qualified porn game.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Really enjoyable female protagonist game.

    Its a sandbox, but with no grinding, just story progression. If you want to play a slutty mother, this is the game for you. The sex scenes are amazing, the renders are decent, and the story is good enough.

    If you're looking for a story vn this is not for you, but if your looking for good scenes via female protagonist, this is it.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    I just played the first couple of days. My conclusion is:
    This is a poor attempt of a clueless male to make a vn from a female point of view.
    Dialogues are below par even for a very bad telenovela, the guys are unappealing and unlikeable, shady and suspicious and UGLY,
    There are way to many unnecessary clicks to make for every start of the day, pain in the ass, if that continues.
    I don´t even want to try to play further to see, if this is going to change.
    Graphix are decent though, but it´s not enough to make an enjoyable VN.
    That game isn´t a faceplant, it is a leap into a cactus.
    Would not recommend to even try this game.
  9. 1.00 star(s)

    James Cook 1232

    The game isnt bad nor is the writing, its actually a pretty decent concept for a vn, but on a personal preference note, the forced cuckhold, especially without warning, is an absolute game killer for me personally, at lest give a warning as there's a big difference in games with optional and forced cuckholding.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is a complete mess. The renders look pretty nice, but that's about it. Progressing in the game is just a mindless, unintuitive, and boring click-fest.

    Story has been done 100x, dialogue is bad, those things are forgivable if other parts of the game make up for them, but this game has 0 redeeming qualities.

    Don't waste your time.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Very prone to crashing, so save often. Also, not intuitive design at all; why have areas you can click into spread out everywhere but then not tell you that you have to progress the office quest before being able to explore anything else? Early game is a grindfest of talking, and doesn't really give you any ways to control your experience. Not super enjoyable, but the models are fine I suppose.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Damn, this game has got me excited! I cummed buckets. The main character (MOM) is smoking hot and the renders of her are awesome.
    But let's face it, the biggest issue with the game is that she is excessively horny. I mean, there's no romance in the game, she just wants to get laid. They should have added more corruption, slow burn, and romance before diving into the main event.
    But the best part is that the latest update has a VN mode that lets you see all the sex scenes without missing a single one! And you know what would be even better? An NTR route with Kevin, Mc's son's friend. Oh yeah :devilish::devilish:!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Some issues with the icons not working properly but I dont think the low rating is warranted. A good number of sexual scenes could use a gallery. The plot is still in early development interested to see the direction of the game.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    We spend our time clicking on hearts so that nothing happens or stupid family interactions. The system is really crap, very boring. It's a shame because the model is well made, and it looked good in the office.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    While this game is still very much a work in progress (many aspects of the game don't work yet), I have to say what I've seen is pretty promising. Content is plentiful and the build-in guide system works well. I should warn you that I wouldn't really call this a "corruption" game per se, as sexual content is available almost from the start. I personally like that aspect, but I can see why others might not and feel railroaded into sexual content. Overall, I'd recommend waiting until the next update to try it out as there appears to be a lot of content that will be added then.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    Damn... This game has one of the worst gameplay in f95. There are no instructions for anything . Simply you dont know anything what will you do in game. MC's model seems good but it is what it is.
  17. 1.00 star(s)

    King Wan

    It was bad before but it's worse now. I don't know why devs think adding gimmicks to a VN and some bells and whistles makes a bad game better. Both the story and the mechanics are clunky and the logic behind the FMC's actions are so stupid that suspension of disbelief has turned to 'play while brain dead'. Renders are below average and gameplay is jumping around different places using red hearts trying to figure out what to do to advance the game. There are hints here and there but any game that needs a walkthrough to play and get scenes is a huge pain in the ass and this one is a big contender for the prize. This game is at the opposites of what it's supposed to be, entertaining and fapworthy, and it comes out as stupid and badly made. The 1 star is for the 280MB download so I didn't waste a lot of bandwidth on it.
    Points for the dev for accepting criticism.
    Edit @v 0.12: It hasn't got better. Story is meh, writing is terrible and imaging is below average. I only lasted 15 minutes into the game before deleting it in frustration. Then I realised I'd played this before and even rated it! LOL. That's how forgettable this game is.
  18. 2.00 star(s)

    Purple Lagoon

    After checking the reviews I learned that the game was originally a bad sandbox game, but then it got changed to a more 'normal' renpy approach, and the reviews got better.
    So I decided to try it out.
    And well... it's still a very bad sandbox game.
    You're not able to make a single choice in this game.
    Let me explain:
    - If you choose to spend time with your daughter, you enter the daughter quest, which involves showering together, touching each others breasts etc., but without you being able to make any choice (a simple 'yes' or 'no, stop it' would already be a miracle in this game).
    - If you choose to go to the gym, well there's the gym quest, and again the story unfolds, but you don't have any say in how things go, you get railwayed into forced gym sex.
    - I didn't dare to try out the other routes (with the sons, the boss, the co-workers...) cause I was afraid to being forced into sex without having any saying in it.

    So, I'm sorry, dev, but this game is a big no.
    It's still a sandbox game, and where-ever you choose to go (visit sister/visit gym/check dauther/check son) will lead to forced content.

    Please, just add some choices to the game! It's renpy after all, the engine is designed for giving choices.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Played 0.05

    Nice game with lot of content for a 0.05 version.

    You play a female MC and have the freedom to play as u like.
    The current content suggests that you can play a "no schlong route", an "all schlongs belong to me route" or everything u can imagine between these routes.
    If the developer supplied the routes with more content and dont focus on one or two routes only this could be a really good game.

    The lewd scenes are nice to watch.
    Unfortunately there are no animations (beside some "2 pics anims")
    Some pics are a bit grainy and some are bit dark.

    A big flaw (for me) there is no pubic hair!
    But neverthenless the MC is very hot.

    The only "bug" I discovered: when u repeat some events u get to main menu.
    But I hope this is only because of this early version.

    Keep an eye on this and hope the are updates in a regular base. :)
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Definitely a step up from the sandbox game, hard to say much about the story since there is very little content.

    With that said it's a step in the right direction. The renders look nice and the premise is decent, now it just needs to be fleshed out.