I've played my fair share of porn games over the years and this, with no hyperbole, has the absolute worst UI and QoL I've ever come across.
Your base is a giant cave with a series of connected rooms that you navigate through with a painfully slow camera, the speed of which can't be increased. You could also just hit a number on your keyboard or click the number to warp to a room, but as another review pointed out, said numbers have no labels. Why? Seems like a simple thing to fix up to make it more convenient for players. There's a good reason why games in this raiding + management genre are all 2D. This is the first one I've seen try a 3D approach, and while I welcome people trying new and different things, it's just a miserable experience in this instance.
Then there's the slave and monsters UI. Say you want to check a particular unit's stats, what would you do? Left click? That just highlights them. Double click? Snaps to their location in the cave. Right click then? Nope, nothing. You need to press F when you've selected their portrait in the menu. A hotkey is fine but why is there no mouse functionality at all? And if you want to move a unit to their rest area or sell it, you need to click the scroll wheel (which sometimes exits out of the menu instantly, requiring multiple clicks). This is the most illogical possible way to do this. Who thought of this, and why has it still not been changed? If you're going to have bizarre and unintuitive ways of doing things, at least let the player change their hotkeys/controls. It would be so much nicer to just right-click a unit and manage them from a drop down list.
Dragging units to particular spots to breed them sometimes just doesn't work, requiring multiple attempts until the game feels like doing it. If I'm too far away or clicked the wrong pixel then tell me. The brothel is also touchy, sometimes you'll click on a bench or bed to edit it and it just won't select it, requiring multiple clicks.
Raiding is a largely pointless venture except to get the unique slaves and is also poorly implemented and communicated. Logically when you select the area you want to raid and the units to do it, the game would give you some indication of the chances of success, as a percentage or something, but no. In Mudblood you send them away blindly and hope they're strong enough to win. There's also no notification when they return and what the result was. You can check the logs to see this info, but why not have a little pop-up as it finishes? Why do I have to go manually hunting for what is pretty important information? Gold and items are largely pointless, except to buy potions to edit your slaves, so once you've gotten the unique slaves (a long, grueling journey) you don't have to raid again. A game where raiding should be a significant part of the gameplay suddenly renders raiding almost pointless.
Currently the game has no story or goal, you just breed and raid until you're happy with your units. Usually these games have some requirement you need to meet every X amount of days because you're in debt to another character or something. Maybe that'll come later, but at the moment the game is a glorified animation gallery.
It's not all doom and gloom though. I find the models and animations to be pretty decent. It's no Wild Life, but they're quite enjoyable in their own right. There's a large variety of pairings, with different animations between species of slaves which is a nice detail. I also like the detail of slaves becoming more depraved the more sex they have, which in turn changes their expressions and behaviour during animations, whether sex or just idling. There are five levels of depravity but you only see changes on levels three and five, so why not reduce the max level to three?
Overall, this game has promise and potential, as others have pointed out, but right now it's mired by a painful, miserable, atrocious UI and a lack of desperately needed quality of life changes. This is a game that's fun to watch but nightmarish to actually play. On the off-chance that Lodos ever reads this, please consider the improvements I and others have suggested, because if the game continues to be this frustrating to play, people will just go watch gameplay online, which you have ironically uploaded personally.
Mudblood is carried by its visuals and animations, but if I'm being brutally honest, they're the only things it has going for it right now. I give it two stars for that at least.