Unreal Engine - Onhold - Multisekai [v0.0.3] [Multisekai]

  1. 1.00 star(s)

    Ai Shoujo Fan

    Multisekai 0.0.3

    I just started the first few minutes of the game and I already want to uninstall it. All the F2 cheats have been disabled and are for Patreon subscribers only. For some reason, in 0.0.2, I was able to run around the map very quickly. But in 0.0.3, it's a slow jog. Maybe using the F2 cheats made me faster or something, but this jogging BS is painful to bear. Oh, and because I can't use F2 cheats, the dialogue is slow. The dialogue types out each letter like someone typing on a keyboard, so you have to wait for the game to type it all before you can read it. What a stupid feature. I will try my hardest to get through 0.0.3 and see if it is worth it. But I have a feeling it won't be. If it is worth it, I'll keep the rating about the same. But if it isn't worth it I'll lower the rating later on.

    One thing that I didn't mention in my previous review is the whole virtual reality hands that "let you grab" the female's chest while talking to her is completely stupid and unnecessary. First of all, you can't really get a good grab. It's more like waving your hands in front of her than anything. And nothing comes from it. It's not like you get a fist full of titty and she reacts to it and gets horny or blushes or pushes you away. All she does is move her head to follow your hand movement but you don't really touch her. Because of this stupid feature you have to use right mouse button to advance dialogue instead of left mouse button. And no one wants to see virtual reality hands (you know the floating hands with no arms).

    I can't do it. The stupid slow typing dialogue is annoying me. Uninstalling this garbage now and never playing it again.

    Multisekai 0.0.1 and 0.0.2

    I played both the v0.0.1 and v0.0.2 versions. Both times, I thought that the game had potential. I thought that it was especially brilliant that the developer made all the objects inside a certain room disappear until you walked into the room. That's a great idea, and I will copy it and do the same thing in my own game if I ever make one. I really like the F2 cheats, and I hope that those will always exist in the game because I don't like grinding. I liked the skills although I am unsure on what one or two of them do or how they work. The characters look alright. Just what I would expect from an anime type of game. The sex scenes are okay too, albeit VERY simple and short. I mean with each of the two girls there are only two simple sex poses. That could be improved. There were placeholders on v0.0.1 everywhere. This is where a girl will be. This is where a bathroom will be. This is where such and such will be. It was like that in v0.0.1, and it is still like that in v0.0.2. The only difference between v0.0.2 and v0.0.1 is that now the developer has you run to seven different locations in the world. Each location has a placeholder for a girl, where there is a message of her saying something lewd and you get an idea of what kind of monster girl she will be and how she will look like. And then the message concludes with begging you to support the developer by joining his Discord and Patreon. Seven times you do this and seven times you are begged to support the game. I mean, I guess that is progress since v0.0.1, beacuse in v0.0.1 you just meet two girls and have no idea what to do after that. But this type of game development is unnatural. I mean, really. Would you quickly meet two girls in a short period of time and then run to seven random locations in the world to find out about seven future girls? No. That's not how games work. Games are never that linear. So v0.0.2 should, if the developer is taking game developing seriously, be scrapped eventually. It was a wasted release, since it is just a temporary placeholder that will be (should be) redone eventually. I'm just really afraid that this game will never go anywhere. It seems like the developer is extremely reluctant to do any one small thing with the game unless he gets a lot of supporters first. What he should be doing is focusing on fixing bugs and making things more polished and fleshed out to draw people in. But no. Just a barebones demo and lots of pleading. And I haven't seen any real story yet except "you have magic, you can earn money, meet this person". That's like two lines of story. If you want a good game, you need a lot more story content and dialogue than that. I hope that I am wrong and that the developer is actually passionate about his game, is willing to complete it from beginning to end, already knows how everything is going to be, and isn't going to abandon it at moment's notice. I think that the world is beautiful and all nine monster girls will look good. The sex scenes may or may not be good. I'm not sure yet. They seem promising, but they also seem limited. At least right now it is. I just hate seeing placeholders everywhere. Don't talk about what you want to do. Just do it. And don't put placeholders everywhere. You can go to a nearby castle and there are a bunch of ugly looking generic cloned figures. Like some ugly free asset placed there temporary. Why would you share a game like that? Get serious. It's like announcing to your wife and everyone in the world that you are going to build a mansion and you build a fancy golden door but everything else is cardboard tubes and you say "I will do this soon. I promise. Just make sure you support me first." Someone truly genuinely serious about it would use an actual steel and concrete and wood foundation and not temporary cardboard tubes. Well for now, the two "demo" versions v0.0.1 and v0.0.2 get a three star rating. And if the game improves and gets bug fixes and actual content, I will increase the rating to a 4 or 5. I think that this game has a lot of potential. You know what. Even though I feel this demo is only three stars, I will give the developer a temporary fourth star to give his game some positive publicity. There. Bumped to four stars.

    I wanted to add a few more comments. In v0.0.1, the dialogue was too slow and you had to use a FastChat cheat to speed it up. I think that was mostly corrected in v0.0.2, but I used the FastChat cheat again to make sure that it was as fast as could be. Also, I don't remember the running speed in v0.0.1, but the sprint speed in v0.0.2 is nice and fast. It's easy and quick and fun to run around the world. So these little adjustments are good. I'm happy. One bug I noticed is that after having sex with the first girl, I was running around naked with the clothes, cum, speed etc. controls on the right side of the screen. I also don't like starting the game to see 1/3 of the screen dedicated to a Twitter feed. And a lot of the dialogue is still in Portuguese even though I have English selected as my desired language.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    the game is getting very good, I hope that in the next updates it will get even better, waiting eagerly, it is very good to see that developers are investing in more languages for the games, this makes the games more immersive if you play it in your native language