
Unity - Completed - Muse:Valkiri&Dungeon [v1.3.5] [Happy Max]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall Grade: C+

    Not a bad game...a good time waster if you want some variety in your porn games, but also a game that needs more polish to really be considered a complete effort.

    STRUCTURE: Side scroller, 7 stages (each with a girl that represent each stage), each with four sublevels. You just have to pass the first level to be able to progress to the next stage, but the sublevels are where you open more lewd content for the girl in that stage. Each sublevel has two parts--the side scroller sublevel, followed by a "rescue" mini game that has you throw darts at a whirling set of targets (?!?) to rescue the girl from the clutches of the demon that has her. Completing and exiting a sublevel allows you to choose to do a point and touch erotic scene reminiscent of the flash games of yore.

    GAMEPLAY: The MC walks at a constant pace, lobbing shots at enemies. There's a few settings here you can fool with, but I choose the setting that just allows you to hold the mouse button to elevate his cannon and let go to fire (which is the default). There's a short learning curve (15 min?) to master the timing necessary for lobbing your shots to effect the most damage, but fortunately the game gets easier as you go along because soon you'll pick up a multishot effect that doesn't require you to be so precise in your cannon fire. So it's hard at first, then it gets easy and you pile up money, and then it gets a bit harder as you near the end and have to spend that money to pay for special power shots to clear the field of enemies. I felt like after you get the hang of it, the train ride is enjoyable and the progression is nicely done. Not too easy, not too hard. (And I'm not really much into side scrollers)

    LEWD CONTENT: Overall, there's four lewd sex positions for each girl you rescue for a total of 28 morph-animated scenes. Some of the art is fairly good, some of it is less so. The sex scenes are animated at the C- level (the shapes seem flat--penis often looks like a tab entering a slot).

    LENGTH: The whole game will probably take you 4-6 hours to complete all the levels (including restarts and the like).

    OTHER: + points for English voice acting in the sex scenes, - points for not really matching what's going along with what's pictured. + points for mostly recognizable English, - points for strange word choices and improper spellings of any word that has "ch" as a syllable.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Am i playing a NES game from the 90s?

    Horrible Controls. Mouse pointing doesn't work, sometimes the game doesn't even register the clicks.

    The intro scene when starting a new game... The screen zooms in, the music overlaps the voice acting? So, i'll just read the text from the screen, NOPE the zoomed in screen prevents you from reading anything what so ever.

    AND the most frustrating thing of all; your goddamn character moves like a fucking snail, and you DIE from a one-shot when you get too close to the enemies. This is all from the VERY FIRST stage of the game, not to mention there are 35 enemies in the first stage, and they fucking appear extremely slowly.

    Oh, and you have to restart from the beginning of the stage once you die. Yep.

    Not recommended at all. (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n) (n)