RPGM - Completed - Mushikarishi: The Bug Hunter [Final] [Tistrya]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Ehhh....This game isn't the best. I know the pool is low for bug sex games but just skip this one. The scenes are alright at first but once you've seen the same one 10+ times it just becomes a drag to get through. For me, when I got up to the part with the Skull Spider I almost forgot it was a porn game because I was getting so frustrated with tryna battle it.

    Maybe there was something I missed, but that spider boss was extremely difficult for being that early in the game. Worst of all, when you enter that room and save in there (like a reasonable human should) YOU CAN'T LEAVE. And when the "sister witch" joins your party she is at a high level but has no equipment. So you have to HOPE that you have some spare stuff for her. To wrap it up, my final rating is a 2/10. The sex scenes are neat but eventually aren't worth the hassle.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Read all the posts and shit and wanted to give it a go anyway
    and holy fucking shit NO!
    JUST NO!
    Don't play this. This is even fucking worse then people say it is. For fucks sake I ran it with cheatengine to make the game play at 3x speed and even then EVEN THEN Fuck hell nah. Going around outside is like going out of town in pokemon. BUT everything. every. damn. square. you can tread is damned tall grass! The encounter rate is way waaaay fucking higher. The encounter rate is the worst I have ever seen in my life. Can't take more then 8-10 steps max it seems without having a nonskippable encounter.

    That shit makes this the worst most pain in the ass rpgm I have ever played. Heck even worse then the barely translated half finished crash often shit I haven't played cause at least in everything else you can make shit go faster or skip or whatever... Stuff like actually play the game. This tedium takes shit to a whole another level
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is hot garbage.

    Hot, because scenes and protagonists are really appealing (if you're into insect/bestiality)

    Garbage, because gameplay is GARBAGE. This isn't even a game. you just go around, fight monsters and if you lose, you get H-scene. Random encounters are WAY TOO FREQUENT and map structure requires you to travel long distances so chances are even bigger. The only fight i liked was final boss - which sadly had no reward for winning, nor any hot scene forlosing (!!!)

    TL,DR scenes are 4/5, i like how main char hates insects and still is raped by them, but good lord gameplay is atrocious.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    The gameplay is absolutely awful, there are so many items that are absolutely useless and annoying to use, you wonder why you even have access to them as options. The maps are unnecessarily large and the only reason to explore is to get EXP and repeat the same arbitrary set of sex images over and over again for someone asking you to get 30000 of those when you can easily beat this game with only doing a hundred or so fights, period.

    The writing is a one note story where the heroine is reluctant but you can't even play to her character and avoid sexing bugs because the game will literally not let you continue unless you sex them. It could have at least done something like pointing out the need to sex them. Honestly I felt more like you are the perverted old mentor just watching the heroine gleefully than actually being the heroine and sure that's a thing.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    After playing for what 1 hour! I honestly can call this BULLSHIT! The encounter rate is THE WORSE i ever had the displeasure of playing with. This game not worth the time. There are a loot of better games out there you can waste time with.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    I enjoy the theme. I really do. But I can't like this game no matter how much I try.

    First, you get stuck every step of the way with random encounters that you either oneshot the entire wave or you play a scene for auto win, but each fight takes like 30 seconds just to run through the motions.

    Then the map is not exactly small, and you have to find random unmarked environmental hazards to progress. Not bad by itself but having to retread the map a couple times when bogged down by the random encounters is frustrating af.

    Then, when you finally get the MC pregnant, there's a SINGLE CG that reflects that; the standing picture that only appears the one time she tells you she's pregnant, then any subsequent scenes and pictures are still her default pictures.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    I like these fetishes and its a bad, broken game. Worst off, its grindy. As far as I'm aware of, this has been translated for a while, it's just bad. Really. Stay away. The game can be beaten with 40 minutes but most of that is just being attacked by creatures that you can choose to let an animated scene play out. It gets old fast. There is no change as far as I'm concerned for being corrupted, although the game tracks your progress, its absurdly quick to level. Ugh what a disappointment