Oh...oh my god...my god...it's my dream game...
Mutation! is an RPGMaker game that centers around binding and bad status...if you've followed my reviews for awhile, you know that I'm having the time of my life here. You control a protagonist named Mute with amnesia as she explores an Ero Trap Dungeon in search of her memories.
The story is actually quite shameless in what it is (the ENG translation is an MTL, which...as far as MTLs go, it's relatively inoffensive); from the very beginning, your closest ally openly states she's involved because she likes, ah, testing out dungeon traps and monsters for herself. The rest of the town, and the story enemies, do a better job of hiding how lewd things are, to varying successes. Honestly, I expect the biggest problem people might have, storywise, is the cutesy art style that may put off some people. It's not Ibsen but really, this is an H-Game, and what you do get is actually pretty touching; Mute is a sweetie, and the conclusion of her search for her identity is pretty satisfying.
The combat is actually pretty good; with a handful of exceptions in the shape of story bosses, you're never in danger of losing HP, so it serves more to demonstrate how much resistance you can put up against bindings. Unless you specifically chose not to, (or you're inflicted with certain statuses) Mute will automatically struggle at the end of every turn, leaving you free to keep on battling. The bosses are fairly tough, and the game obviously expects some level of grinding to beat them, but it never gets to the point of feeling tedious. The magic system, too, is actually fairly interesting in that you have a handful of basic spells that can be improved by items you can either find or craft, and each spell has a special version that comes from using the right item on it. There is a cooldown associated with it, but like many mages in H-Games, Mute has pretty good physical strength, and you're capable of dealing good damage even without magic.
The H-Combat largely comes from the binding fetish. There's three levels of binding, and should you reach the third level of binding, that's when the harassment starts~ There's a handful of bad statuses, too, to make your life difficult; a couple that can be found in pretty much every area, and each area has a couple of it's own (and each boss fight has one of it's own, as well.) If you're watching HP and being careful, Mute can generally keep herself out of trouble, but again, the game gives you an option to keep her in trouble if you see fit.
Remember how I said you don't have to worry about HP? Well, your "HP" in Ero-Combat is how many times you've climaxed. Cum three times and you lose. It's a classic for a reason! Also like other such games, cumming temporarily weakens you, but unlike other such games, it's not long enough that you get trapped in a loop of cumming over and over. Honestly, most of the frustration comes in "brainwashing", something a handful of enemies can do, which essentially stunlocks you until you rest. Fortunately, checkpoints abound, and you have an item that allows you to return home at anytime (and there's an item that usually gets you out of non-event battles), so as long as you're cautious you can stay out of that loop.
Mutation doesn't really shake up the genre. It's a binding H-Game with enough work put into the engine that it's not a naked RPGMaker game. The protagonist is naked, not the skeleton of the engine. The story is barebones, and while there's more depth to the world than some other games, it's still pretty basic tropes. For what it is, though, it's a lot of fun, and if the occasional frustration and the art style doesn't bother you, this is a game you can easily come back to time and again.