VN - Ren'Py - Completed - My Christmas Angels [v1.0] [BindassDev]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Sorry to say that nothing about the boisterous claims made by the "ad copy" is true.
    The graphics and models are actually subpar, the writing is weak (hint: if you show something, you don't need to describe it to us with a bunch of words. We can see her frigging costume, we don't need a page of info about it; also switching from first person to third person in the same sentence is beyond jarring).
    The story is also subpar.
    I get it, first game, first release, but come on, if you boast that big, you better at least partially deliver, this delivers nothing of what it promises.

    By any means, dev, continue to make games, but if you make such claims you better not disappoint so much, that calls for strict rating of what is there, and I can't give more than two points for this.