Yes, it's the millionth adaption of the same old concept. It's literally like watching the same movie forever. I am not sure how you guys do it. BUT I can't really fault the game about this, since it's pretty clear what it tries to achieve. It's yet another harem power fantasy. It's all it is meant to be and I assume that's why you are here anyway.
It's one of the better versions of TEH HAREM. The plot is still beaten into submission with a crowbar. The girls still fall in love with the MC for no reason whatsoever and say things no living woman would say or think. So far, so similar.
Unfortunately it eventually loses all cohesion with a flood of faceless women coming in that all go through the same bullshit (Oh, I love him, Oh he has other women, Oh, I accept it anyway, Let's fuck).
What it has going for it though is that it is fairly entertaining and the characters are different enough to be interesting - at least the first dozen or so.
As far as Happy Meals go, this one is at least still warm. Enjoy.
Edit: I have to add, that the "I can have anyone, but you can't kiss/look/smile at anyone but me" really bothers me. It's ok to not show it or even act on it on the girls part, but fucking around as the MC and disallowing the women the same freedom comes across as really incel-ish. Meh (-1 Star).