Tropey, Shallow Game with a lot of Words
People like @TheLegend1337, @berny, and @LordOfMurder have already discussed the issues, so I'm not going to simply reiterate what they've mentioned.
I'm sure this game has an audience. There's people who will enjoy it as a kind of mindless frat boy fantasy of just going around, banging a lot of different women, impregnating them without any real consequence. If your goal is just to watch some dude build a huge harem of women and you don't mind reading a bunch of words before you get to that point, this is a decent option.
For anyone else that cares about the story, the characters, the dynamics of a relationship, this game is shallow and uninteresting.
The MC is just a massive, self-insert Gary Stu. He was formerly chubby—done transparently to try to take the edge off his obvious Gary Stu-ness but is completely irrelevant by the time the story starts. He dickishly wants to claim ownership over every girl he meets. Not because their personalities are compelling or they have interesting conversation, but rather just because they're hot.
You have to sit through slide after slide of boring, topical conversation that doesn't illuminate anything, only to discover that it was never even needed, because the girls are already head-over-heels for the MC just because he exists. His magic aura and super penis must produce some kind of mystic forcefield that ensnares any vagina in the area (some of these characters are so shallow it's insulting to call them women).
Almost every girl is either a virgin or has only ever wanted to be with the MC. And as soon as they see the MC and his magic penis, forget whatever they were holding onto their virginities for, it's time to jump aboard the most one-sided harem train. Choo choo!
On some level, this is a game of almosts. For instance, the justification for why the MC looks "older" is delivered out-of-character. It's a pretty shallow, straightforward explanation that the dev gives, that some people simply look older than their age. That's fine. But why isn't that information delivered in game? It can almost make sense, if you delivered it in game.
Worse, the exact opposite is implied. The first time you take Norah out to the hairdresser, the hairdresser comments on how she's dating someone half her age. Huh? Norah's model looks about 25. The MC looks about 40. If the rationale is that Norah wants to date an older looking man, why doesn't anyone in game assume he's older than he is? It's such a handwave-y explanation delivered after the fact, to justify why the author took a middle-aged DAZ model and put him on a college-aged character.
Scenes just drag on because nothing really happens. The developer doesn't know how to edit. (And to be fair to them, a lot of developers are guilty of this.) You don't need to depict everything in essentially real time. You don't need to capture every line of dialogue, every interaction, and every piss or shower the MC takes. A lot of these scenes have characters sit around and shoot the shit, and either no action takes place or the plot doesn't move forward in any meaningful way. You can cut those scenes. Believe me, developer, no one will find your characters sitting around and making small talk as interesting as you do.
For a game called "My Dorm," the first thousand or so slides of the game are a run-of-the-mill slice-of-life incest game. You're seducing your mom, aunt, sister, and cousins for long before you even catch glimpse of the first roommate. The main issue with these interactions are they're shallow and porn tropey. A girl walks in on the MC while he's showering and becomes dickmatized. Someone slips and falls on top of the MC. It's bad and cheap. There's no seduction or tension. They're just immediately transfixed and can't think of anything else, because apparently there's no one in this universe besides the MC that has a decent dick.
It's another one of those weird, incel fantasies where the MC is praised for being an amazing guy just for breathing. He essentially does nothing of value. He's bland, uninteresting, doesn't possess a sense of humor, is selfish and thinks of himself, but he's this amazing guy by virtue of how every other male character in the game is a cartoonishly horrible mouthbreather.
And worse, it's not even self-deferential in its tropey power fantasy. The game might be better if it takes itself less seriously, plays into the silly tropes and just has silly and light-hearted, porn-logic driven interactions. Instead, it tries to take itself seriously and falls flat on its face. It really wants us to believe the MC is a nice dude but all of their efforts just backfire on the simple account that he's not a nice guy. Like how the MC repeatedly mentions how he wants a relationship but it's only open one way, and apparently the audience is supposed to buy that he's being a good guy because... he mentions it?
"I'm going to go around banging anyone I want but you have to be loyal only to me" is not exactly the grounds for a kind or likable protagonist, no matter how the game tries to dress it up. It would almost be better if the game completely cut out any attempts to have this conversation and just had the girls magically propose this kind of relationship on their own. Maybe he by some miracle ended up in a dormitory of all cuckqueans. But the more he brings up this inherently unfair relationship, the more unlikable and selfish he appears, which is exactly the opposite effect you want when you're trying to create the MC as being a uniquely awesome guy who's just so lovable because he's nice and treats people well.
Even when you finally, inevitably, hook up with the girl, none of it feels interesting or special. They're just another statistic in the black book. The renders are nothing special, the animations are short and loopy, and there's almost never any foreplay or comedown. It's just hey, this time you get to bang the redhead rather than the brunette.
This is also one of the few games where the presence of sound really detracts rather than adds to the experience. The developer needs to understand that his game is wordy. In fact, he should probably cut out half the dialogue slides, but barring that, he needs to understand the wordiness of his own work. Having a looping, 30 second background noise, that's poorly balanced with a loud laugh or clap at one part of the track, is just terrible sound design. You end up wanting to mute the game.
What I can say about this game is that its not irredeemable, and the developer has some potential if they can curtail a lot of these beginner mistakes. However, the game in its current state is nothing to write home about.