My fellow dudes


Jan 10, 2020
I want to start by saying that I don't know if this is the right place (thread/section) to ask this, I hope it is and I apologize in advance if it isn't.
Is there anyone who could make a YouTube cover picture for me?

I'll say str8 away, I have no budget for it, I can't pay you for it, I can tho, advertise your channel, site or something like that in return.
I'm kinda out of options and this is my last one. I've asked on social networks, discord channel's and so far, only one guy popped and ofc, he asked for money first, which is reasonable.

I saw few guys here doing covers and stuff for free, for devs and users of this forum. I don't have those skills in Photoshop that those dudes have and it's pain in the rear to start learning PS just to be able to make one cover.

The focus of my channel is gaming and gameplays ( non adult games ).
The resolution of the cover should be 2560x1440.
I would also like to have the same picture in 1920x1080 as my desktop wallpaper.

I know I could Google some random generic covers but I don't want that.
I would really appreciate the help if there's someone willing to help.
I've recently restarted my YouTube channel, I have 4k subs and I'm working towards making it active by uploading often.
The name of the channel is FromTheHood.

I also made a trailer for one of the VN's here, for the game called Where The Heart Is.
It was well received by the audience and the dev liked it. So basically my set of skills includes editing also, but I'm nearly clueless when it comes to PS, Adobe etc.

Like I said, I would appreciate the help and maybe we could help each other out.



Jan 10, 2020
Thanks alot mate. I'll try there. Of course I'm gonna thank the artist for helping me out.
I'm willing to advertise their site/channel on my YouTube channel in return. I agree.