VN - Ren'Py - Completed - My Furry Protogen [Final] [Dirty Fox Games]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is very unfocused. Story was medicore for the most part, but the porn was all crammed into the final part of the plot where it just undermined the tension and diresness that was being build up completely. The story ended up being not interesting due to that, and the porn so deep in the game just wasn't worth going through all of it.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I wanted to give this 5 stars, as my first actual interaction on this site, honestly. A kinetic novel I finished in an afternoon, it's nothing special, but I just loved it

    Story is nothing we haven't heard of. The initial monologue feels very long, it's basically world building so we understand the entire previous life of MC, without word building, it's just decent enough writing in one big pile.

    The main story begins soon after, you immediately notice that the only character drawn is our Protogen, and even the backgrounds are just blurred out scenes. Not that many asset for the protogen itself, just a few expressions (and right at the end of the game, you have like 3 lewd images for 3 scenes, plus a nude variant of the body). What we have is nice, but it's not a lot.

    For sounds, we have some atmosphere music, it's passable. Not voiced, I usually don't care about that, but I would have given this one a chance for sure. Gamplay is N/A, it's a Renpy kinetic novel.

    Story, I enjoyed. Probably more than I should, really. This could have been a novel length thing, but they decided to just cut to the turning points and skip anything in-between. I feel like I wanted to explore the relationship between MC and Protogen more, but it just wasn't given to us.
    It's also not a revolutionary setup, no real unexpected genius plot twists. Even the writing got a bit sloppy towards the end (mislabeled speaker, weird grammar, there was a line that contradicted the one before it). Yet it somehow managed to scratch an itch I didn't know I had

    For a porn game, it is not great. I almost preferred it to be an SFW version honestly. I don't know why do I feel so strongly about it so I decided to write my first thing on the site now, and why so positive where I can see so many obvious areas for improvement. I guess it just got the crucial points right, so it touched something in me.

    Looking through the other games of dev, I can now see a scheme, and understand why people say quantity over quality, even at first look they don't raise any interest from me. Yet still, I'll keep this game around and might even click through it again in some years.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    I loved the story, it was sweet, probably not great for a quick fap, but once you get to the scenes they play one after another and are pretty hot.

    The art was great, and the scenes weren't too long

    Also I found Juno to be very sweet and endearing (and also hot).

    Only con I can think of is the intro taking a bit long, but then again dunno if its something that can be skipped or cut down, and also the fact they probably won't continue this particular story since it seems like they churn these games out sadly looking at the steam developer
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a relatively short kinetic novel that would have benefited from spending more time in the oven. Apprently, the dev team seems more interested in putting out game after game, favouring quantity over quality, which might explain the unfavorable reviews on their other games. Fortunately, this game is the exception.

    While it's, not the most original or eye-catching VN, the characters work well for the setting this game goes with, being developed in detail and having their own little internal character conflict. However, this story suffers from the cardinal sin of storytelling, which is that the game spends its time telling us, and not actually showing us, the ordeals the characters went through in their lives. We learn that the MC is a Chosen One from a prophecy who doesn't get to live his own life, and that Juno, the furry girl, lives isolated after losing someone she cared deeply for. And while these make for interesting character archetypes and stories, we don't see any actual interaction between them and the world that led them to become the way they are; the best the game does is outright telling us in as few lines as possible that yeah, no one really loves the MC for who he is, or that Juno lost someone close to her and refused to make a new bond with someone else by fear of getting hurt again. The only two characters we see actually having any back and forth is the MC and Juno, with some minor character having one or two dialogues thrown in there for good measure.

    I'm not saying this approach of storytelling doesn't work, because it does work well enough here; it's just that, had the game spent more time in the beginning making the MC interacting with his entourage, and added a few flashbacks from Juno's past life, we could have had a really good display from start to finish on who these characters are and what has led them to become the way they are.

    A few more weeks or months in the oven would have done this game better justice in my opinion. But that doesn't mean the story is bad, in fact I didn't expect to like it so much, especially the dark twist towards the middle of the story. It's still a bummer that we don't see that much of the world the MC lives in, but with what happens to it, it's not like we lost that much in development opportunities.

    As for the rest of the game, the artstyle is really cute. I like Juno's design and the sex scenes she has are pretty hot, even though they're short and piled one right after the other towards the end of the VN. They're serviceable, although it sucks a bit to have to wait that long (~ 20 to 30 minutes) to reach the first sex scene. Sadly, Juno is the only thing that was properly drawn; the backgrounds are jsut blurred stock images, and the music tracks, while all enjoyable, aren't really the ones I'd have picked for the situations they're played in. Again, another sign of the devs churning this game out as fast as possible instead of taking the time to properly care about it.

    Overall, this VN isn't incredible, but it's never outright bad or a waste of time. It will please the furry fans, and the story was engaging enough to keep me in until the very end. I do'nt necessarily recommend it, but if you have 30 minutes to spare, give it a try.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed reading this kinetic novel. It tells the story of a human male and a female hybrid protogen who fall in love in a world-soon-to-be-destroyed. The novel has its story very well planted, just not with the quantity of "descriptive" images one would expect. It has potential for a second part.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Intro sequence can last up to 5 to 10 (or more) minutes. It's a lore exposition dump designed to give you EVERY damn detail about the MC, town and people in it.

    Story was long, drawn out and uninteresting, everything was all over the place with no clear structure. Characters felt flat, and music didn't always fit the situation. Sex scenes were average for Renpy games.

    The game seemed to have some thought behind it and there was some effort put into the art, but I lost interest really quickly.

    Music was decent though.