Writing: 5/10
Imagery: 7/10
Gameplay: 4/10
Kinks: 5/10
Overall: 5/10
The fastest downfall into depravity since Eve ate the apple.
Wowzers Batman, you ever want a girl friend who is so quick to give up that she might as well be a Giant Panda in a zoo. She follows her boy friend, the love of her life, into an all male school that just recently opened to be co-gender, and wouldn't you know it she gets gang raped! Shocking, I know.
Be it the boy friend's "friends", the school's sports team, the staff members, they're all horny and ready to totally abuse their only female student into a mind breaking situation. Yes, instead of reporting the abuse or anything to the proper authorities, she's blackmailed into keeping quite or else... her boy friend will be EXPELLED! Hermione Granger would be proud.
Logic is out the window here, so the story is pretty much trash because it is so unbelievable. I can suspend my disbelief, but man, this one tested my limits. So what's the saving grace? Well, it might have been the art but a lot of it ends with the girl friend covered in so much cum she looks like she just had an accident with a Krispy Kreme glaze machine.
I will say the route, which by the way, you get ONE WHOLE CHOICE in the VN, you take and pick the principal as the girl friend's go-to fuck buddy, has her wear a magical girl outfit which look pretty good on her and her thicc ass. But that's about all I can praise.