Ren'Py - Completed - My Little Angel [v1.06] [Feodosiy]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I love a good corruption game with humor and great art. This is definitely one of the more enjoyable ones I've played. My biggest complaint is it just goes by too fast. I'd love to see a sequel. Feodosiy did great on this one and makes a lot of good content.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games out there with corruption, where you turn a quiet cute school girl into the most slutty girl ever. Game have multiple paths and multiple endings. Story is excellent, and really great 2d artwork, including a gallery.
    Only thing I would wish for is continuation of the story or some kind of DLC, and last thing maybe some more interesting/awesome endings!
  3. I
    5.00 star(s)


    Probably one of the best trainer games out there, i do wish they would have either expanded on the little papers please minigame or left it out entirely. Another thing is that it can go by a little slow sometimes but besides that its really good.
  4. 4.00 star(s)

    Papaco Schneider

    - Art is great;
    -The main idea/concept of the game is interesting and has potential;
    - The "Aftermarket" is praiseworthy;
    - Plot and writing are simple, but for an eroge game is fine;
    - Music doesn't fit quite well with some game elements;
    - The amount of content is o.k, but not for 3GB.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I like the flow of the game. Good graphics and a not long but nice story. Although, I got tired of categorizing the deceased almost everyday. But overall this is a cool game to play and I'd like to see Anabel again in a new game, to see where her fate took her. Like what will happen to her if you end the game in Angel way and what will happen to her next if you had the Evil end. All the best on your next games!!!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Version reviewed: 1.0.f


    I have to say that i didn´t like the idea of destroying this poor girl life but the different endings are awesome.
    Specially the True Ending, that explains why is Anabel the girl you are guiding or why you are there trying to be a guardian angel.

    Renders and animations:

    I love the renders. Are so expressive and this is superb because you can always feel how the character are and i have to say that since i love to draw i couldn´t help but make some of the scenes there :sneaky: :) .

    Animations are good too and you can control the speed of most of them.


    Every characterhas it´s own personality and it changes along the game, sometimes is because of your decisions or by some events.
    Not only the MC or Anabel, but Murano and even some of the others too.


    I personally don´t like the games where you have to be on a exact place at an exact time to trigger an event but in this game is different.
    It´s a bit hard to get it at the begining but soon you will get the idea.
    You can even see when a event is going to take place, no like other games that without a guide is impossible.


    At first i had doubts and waited for this game to develop completely and finally I liked the game a lot.
    Love the fact you can do some endings and that every one gives you more information. And, like almost everyone, i loved the True Ending.

    I know this dev is making a new game and i don´t liked too much the demo when he upload it. But HEY! After my big surprise with this game i will have to try the new project.;)
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I Finished Demonic , Angelic, and True Endings.

    Story : The concept of being a false angel, controlling (well destroying is more appropriate i should say) the life of a schoolgirl is very original.
    The decisions sometimes are accurate and some other time lead to some nonsense.

    Music : Always good, and suits the atmosphere of the scenes pretty well.

    Playability : Well it's a VN nothing really uncommon here. The game is readable with the map, the interface is well done too nothing to more to say. Maybe some minor bugs sometimes but that's all.

    Animations : The best point of the game, drawings and animations are very good.

    Bugs : Well in the english version sometimes there are some untranslated lines in Russian and some others minor bugs like pictures staying on screen.

    Time : Some hours to finish both Endings, pretty decent i should say.
    There is a third ending but i will pass personnally.

    Edit : i reviewed my rating after doing the "True" ending. Both Demonic and True endings share the same part of actions through the game but the but without doing the True ending we can't understand the whole plot.
    Thanks to @disimulated i played the story another time and now i got all the pieces.

    I advise you to play the Demonic and Angelic Path and then play the True endings. I read that many people found it meh but i have to say that i found it well done and surprising. I don't want to spoil but i can only recommend you to play the game you'll be not disappointed.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    just finished the so called good end
    ok...WHAT THE FUCK...I've never been more disappointed in a game's ending...(yes it was even worse than mass effect 3's ending)
    HOW was that a good end?
    I feel fucking terrible
    I've done the bad girl route till the strip club part but I think I'll just stop playing if this ending is going to suck too
    it's a shame...I really liked the artwork and the gameplay mechanics

    Edit : 2021 Review

    around two years Ago I finished this game and Got both the Angelic and Demonic Endings, I was So pissed off of how Bad both endings were for Annabelle. I deleted the Game and moved on. Today I Finished the Game Because I heard there was a True ending. Holy Shit, It was great. I did not see that coming. I don't feel terrible anymore. I'm Glad I came back. 10/10. Great Art, Great Plot
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Ok... What the actual f***. Never in my life did I think I would find one of the best game plots (not to be mistaken with PLOTS) in a porn game. The twists and the ending left me speachless. And I am not even exaggerating.
    At first, after playing early versions that were short, repetitive and full of bugs, my expectations for this title were low. And oh boi, was I wrong... with pretty much everything.
    10/10 plot
    10/10 PLOT
    100/10 ending
    9.5/10 length (a game this good could always be longer)
    9.9/10 art
    9.9/10 animation
    That being said, there were still minor bugs and flaws in the gameplay. Let's be honest though. If you are looking for an amazing gaming experience you are in the wrong place.
    And one last note at the end - if someone would ask me if there is any life-changing porn game (which is obviously never going to happen) I would have to point at My Little Angel. Yup. I think It trully has potential to do so.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a great mid-length trainer visual novel where you direct the corruption of a young university student. The world is well built and is interesting to navigate around. The art is good too and there's lots of h-content. The pacing is good and payoffs come with an appropriate amount of work.

    What really sets this game apart is the premise. You play as a covert agent of the devil who has been placed into the Guardian Angel service, replacing one of the "good" angels. This places you on the student's shoulder, able to influence her thoughts, opinions and behavior.

    The game has a real life layer where the student interacts and a spiritual layer, where the MC interacts. The MC needs to guide the student achieve specific goals for her life. The game also has an RPG element in the spiritual realm where the MC needs to complete his own tasks in order to gain skills and advance in the heavenly realm.

    The game is nearing completion for the current student, but I hope it is just the start of a series of games (or chapters) involving the same premise, world and game mechanics.

    Previous reviewers have mentioned the bugs and translation errors. The game gets better with each version and the developer is very responsive to bugs. Version 0.8.6 is playable to the current finish point. Don't let past reviews discourage you from experiencing this great game.

    My Little Angel is a fun visually engaging game with a great plot device. Highly recommend.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    this is not a game is just an unplailabe colection of bugs, dont waste your time, go for the other games in f95zone. In the future when they actualy try to play the game before releasing it may it become someting, now there is no game here
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    The cover art did not really do anything for me, but when I read the description, and being a big fan of trainers in general, I thought i would give it a try and I have thoroughly enjoyed this game. The art is good and the story is solid. Not too much grind yet not too easy either; it is a decent balance of grind and reward.

    I didn't give it five stars because of two things really. The first is the English needs some work. There are still some interactions in English where Russian shows up. The second reason is there is no place to go back and replay the scenes once the tasks are completed.

    EDIT: Actually, there is a gallery that will replay a lot of the scenes... Not all of them but a lot. It is in the main menu.

    Regardless, it is a great game with lots of content. Nice job!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    My Little Angel is a game brimming with potential.

    If you enjoy corruption and training themed games - this visual novel does it in an excellent manner. The Gradual influence YOU the player have on the main protagonist "Anabel" is at times rapid and at others subtle. All the while obtaining new abilities to influence her via doing "work" in the form of soul sorting (a simple and in recent updates short minigame) - with the goal of gaining more influence over her. The Gradual story an interactions with the protagonist make you empathise with her and get to know her - her personality, fears, doubts and dreams. Even (with some imagination) her family life and friendships. Then when the time is right you can use those fears and doubts to get her in to sexy situations or exploit her dreams to open up other interaction options in the game.

    The Art style of the game is excellent with well drawn animated scenes, seemingly random events which are accessible via the map and finally some interesting side events and interactions with various characters.

    Even tho the game is available in 2 languages and there are some bugs present the "rollback" mechanic in Ren'Py's game engine makes very little be game breaking. The Dev. is always interacting with people and working on fixes for anything that stalls the game.

    All things considered - i absolutely love this game and im always looking forward to more. The Update cycle at this point seems to be on a bi-monthly basis, but id rather have people take their time if they deliver content of this quality.

    Great job from Feodosiy.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    ggThank you. wow this game is a buggy mess. Seems i screwed everything up by getting "strawberry" count over 100 at day 3.
    There are so much missing dialogue too. Asking the angel when I get more powers is just empty she says nothing.
    That's not the only place that's happened either. Telling her to go commando in the morning is also empty.
    I guess it doesnt matter what I do unless I have a walkthrough that tells me exactly how and when stuff happens.
    and don't get me started on that stack of paper 10 seconds to decide and it barely refills? wtf is with that pointless shit?
    At least let me read the text and even if I pick send to hell someone who has killed parents passer by's and other stuff the game says it's incorrect. icba..

    the game even said incorrect on a a guy who kidnapped and raped a girl in the woods. Yeah even if I'm not religious I think i speak for everyone who is that heaven isn't for that person.