RPGM - My New Life: Revamp [v0.98] [Beggar of Net]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    An absolutely horrendous mess.

    There's really no other way to describe it; I don't even want to bother wasting time to write an in-depth review because I've already wasted enough time on this game as is. I got to the part where you choose a mafia before I threw in the towel, which is way farther than I recommend anyone getting to; in fact, I recommend you don't even get to the first line of dialogue and just save yourself the trouble by not installing this. Pretty much every kind of bug imaginable is in this game, ranging from minor inconveniences to bugs that will outright break your game and force you to quit. You know it's bad when the game has a dedicated fan fixing its bugs because the dev can't be bothered to do so. What is this, a Bethesda game? In addition, the #1 recommendation about the game is to install the cheat mod because without it, the game is 10x worse than it already is. If you can think of a problem, then this game probably has it. The story sucks, and absolutely none of the characters are likable and feel like they all have bipolar disorder because they are constantly flipping how they feel about the situation and can never make up their damn minds. It really feels like every part of this game is intricately designed for the sole purpose of wasting your time. I guess the scenes are kind of good at first, but they get old really, really fast and are all pretty much the same scene, just with the characters swapped. Considering there's like a bajillion scenes in this game, it's not a good thing if you're already sick of them by the 4th or 5th one. Did I mention that this game is also supposedly the "Revamp" of the original game? I shudder to imagine how buggy the first one must have been for this game to be considered an improvement.

    I could go on and on about the numerous other problems this game has, but I'll just leave it at this: click off this thread and save yourself some time; even if you spend your time 24/7 in your mom's basement jerking off every day, your time is still more valuable than this. If for some reason you read all these bad reviews and like me decide to install it anyway, then godspeed and goodluck.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is coming apart at the seams.

    This remake was supposed to simplify and fix things but now it's buggier than ever. Expect constant softlocks and errors even as early as the tutorial if you do anything unexpected. No part of this game is polished. Which is terrible for a sandbox. And worse for one that apparently has many hidden scenes that demand exploration.

    The writing and pacing also seem to have taken a massive downgrade. Gone is all the charm of core characters like sweet Laura and innocent Sarah. The unfaithfully remade personalities and arcs will even be a bit hard to see if you're not coming in fresh to the series. The game also does not do as good a job of letting you keep Sarah away from the antagonist as before. A change which doesn't really fit this type of power fantasy and may leave a sour taste in your mouth.

    Whereas I still have a soft spot for the sexy character models and designs, the quality of the images have become very dated. Everything is low res and blurry. The UI is non-intuitive to navigate and obstructs too much of the screen in its attempt to look cool. The game also does a bad job of guiding players to objectives. It can be very easy to get lost in large areas like the mall.

    I'd like to do a more in-depth break down of this game's other strengths and weaknesses but I just kept running into critical errors that forced restarts. I'm sure this remake must do something better than the original, but it's hard to say what because it's unplayable.

    So for now, play the old one and pray for a devamp. Because this game needs a fresh start far more than the other one ever did.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favorite games ever. It takes a lot of patience at first, but I just love how it introduces you to this huge world full of characters that you can potentially lure into your arms. Sometimes it's all about the fantasy of one day having this certain character and this game plays well with that.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Mr. Random

    I'm a fan of sandbox game, and this game is one of my favorites, i like the mafia type thing, also the story for each character and mini games, all of that is good tho, the only problem is bug, like there's tons of bugs like cmon dev, everytime this game updates they saying fix some bugs but, the new updates got a new bugs too, so what's the difference? But even so, i will say this one of my fav games so i will not give bad rating, but please fix the bugs dev.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    As someone who doesn't really like the RPGM style take my opinion with a grain of salt.
    I found the images to be a bit grainy given the filesize (absolutely could just be me using too high of a resolution or something).
    I've unfortunately not gotten into it because I frankly dislike (personalitywise) most of the characters.
    Most character designs (visually) are pretty decent overall. The game is humorous although not my cup of tea in particular it's done reasonably well.

    I think I would like to have the quests (if you want to call them that) take a little less time. As an example (early game); it asks you to get something for an NPC that as far as I could tell you can only talk to during recess. Which means waiting for the next day to talk to them again to progress. (Someone correct me if I'm wrong on this one as I did search around the school but couldn't find a way back into the recess room OR the NPC elsewhere).

    Ah, sorry for the long post. Subjectively 2/5; objectively probably actually a 3 or 3.5 as the overall build quality is average or somewhat above average.
  6. 1.00 star(s)

    Abaddon Doom

    Bugs, bugs and some more bugs...possibly bed bugs and a little bit of poo thrown into the game code.
    This has the potential, but it's broken and after my ninth reload, I called it a day and uninstalled.
    Likes: nozu
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Review for version 0.98. Well a 4 stars - but with a bit of an explanation. This game is a sandbox, and there is a shit ton of running around, different times to be places, walkthrough has to be referenced quite a bit as many of the selections and timings are not intuitive. Graphics are a bit dated, and holy smokes the grind that you can encounter.

    That doesn't sound like a 4 star game does it. Well first of all I used cheats...like every moment of the game, using teleport and time change makes things almost quick and you can move really fast though a INCREDIBLE amount of content. Thats the thing, piles and piles of LIs, content that is absolutely huge.

    Graphics are actually really good, and although a little dated they are hot, with lots of animations and really an incredible amount of content.

    Days of playing even with cheats and then more cheats. I cannot comprehend how long it would take you to do all the content without cheating...very long, and not sure its survivable doing that..I would go insane.

    Storyline is good, with dozens of side stories, and an interesting plot that keeps you going.

    This is not a fap fest, you are too busy running around, and changing time and teleporting everywhere (with cheats on) to advance the story to have the time to fap one out. So for a good porn game - all of that should be sped up and made more easy.

    Sex scenes are plentiful, lots of fun, but can get boring as you have to repeat things over and over to advance to the next level of sex. (hate that)

    4 stars for the Devs commitment and amount of content and sexy stuff you can find.

    If you cannot stand sandboxes, and quest driven games..do not play this.

    Surprising with all the comments about bugs, I only found a few, and could get around them, so either playing by the guide and walkthrough keeps most of them away, or I got lucky.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Can't progress, game tells you to reach school in 3 mins, doesn't tell you where the school is at, even if you find the school, you can't enter because you need to ring a bell, but you can't ring the bell because there is no bell. And when you run out of time, it sends you back to starting point. No help in the discussions either. Game is broken.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    One my favourite RPGM games. Animations with sounds, repeatable scenes, long and complex story, and original too. One con is the fact that you can't end a sex scene while in "sex scene mode" without filling the bar, so you have to wait a bit. Other than that there are a few bugs but they don't hamper the experience that much. 5 stars deserved imho.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Really like the game apart bugs this game is very good. Good scene ,hot girls, good story. I hope developer add more scene of maria with mc. Best feature of this game is cheat mod. Lot of scene with lot of girls. This game was my first rpg game I play so I have emotional attachment with this game. Previous version is also very good.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Excellent game, an interesting story besides being one of the few games that know how to combine very well gay, futa and hetero content, if you do not like any of those contents (gay or futa) are completely avoidable, do not affect the story and are even compensable (example: if you do not want a gay relationship with your classmate, then you can have it with his mother).

    The graphics are peculiar, I personally consider them good but it will depend on each user.

    The audio is not very good but it is well handled in the necessary scenes.

    The aniamciones and above all, the sex scenes are excellent especially for the “playability” in them.

    Although the map can be complicated at the beginning, in the cover of this thread there is a guide for that, at least at the beginning since one gets used to it in a short time.

    However, it is important to mention that it has quite a few bugs, something that is slowly being fixed, but it is better to keep in mind if you decide to play it.

    Finally, mention that the tag “ntr” recently added makes reference to scenes that existed 3 years ago, and that are NOT real ntr, basically they are sporadic scenes of blackmail, rape, couples who have a relationship (husbands, boyfriends), or some trio with a friend of the MC, in the cases of blackmail and rape (separated girls and girls), it is important to mention that if you access these scenes you lose the girl, not because someone else “steals” her, but because she bothers with the MC, being basically bad endings, unfortunately someone shouted “NTR” and the moderators refused to remove this, so if you plan to play this just for the tag better not do it, are scenes 3 or 4 maximum, are bad endings and are after much travel, and taking into account how bugeado this can be I assure you that other games are more appropriate for what you are looking for.

    For the rest that do not like this genre play it with confidence (and patience for the bugs), if you choose the options clearly marked as correct you will never see that.

  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Top of the line games for an RPGM

    Story: You are the son of a huge underground mafia gang, and the story goes deeper into your family history. Explore the city and uncover secrets, that cycle from politics, science, school, and many more to what the city is hiding.
    Characters: MC is pretty decent, he has his moments to be cool and calculated but often falls short since all he thinks about is sex, don't we all.
    Art Style: Maygad, does this game have one of the best sprites and models If it weren't for the characters and scenes, i would not have come back to this. HAVING THESE SCNES ANIMATED MAKE IT SO GREAT.
    SIZE: other than the characters overall supersize proportions, THE FILE SIZE IS TOO BIG. TF IS THIS GAME STORING A MAP OF ELDEN RINGS THE GAME IS AN RPGM.

    Solid 7.5/10
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    the game has been a delightful surprise towards the end of the year, especially when I thought I wouldn't find any good games. However, some significant drawbacks prevent me from ranking it too high in the top 10. I must confess that I enjoy games that are slow in seduction and require precision, which doesn't bother me at all. But this one is sometimes torture. I had to resort to cheating, something I've never done before.

    However, there are numerous positive aspects! The girls are perfect, their beauty and attachment are incredible, and even though they are few, you never get tired of them – a rarity. The plans and staging are sharp, well-framed. While the story may not be a narrative masterpiece, there are plenty of original ideas and unique moments. The sandbox is perfect, providing helpful hints without giving away the solution every time. Knowing where the girls are without clicking a hundred times on other locations for events is a relief. The atmosphere is noteworthy too, with sounds and music adding to the overall experience, even if there's a minor bug with the music when being spotted.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't know how I hadn't seen this game before. Very good, the three stars don't reflect how entertaining it is, but it's mostly because of the bugs. I recommend that using the cheat patch is almost mandatory if you want to have a consistent progress. I would recommend the creator that if he ever wants to make a rework or another sandbox game, he should do it in renpy, it will save him the headaches (and us too). I like RPGM games but they have their limits, they are tedious if you plan to make a long game, in renpy you can also make it sandbox, perhaps similar to the Summertime Saga or Desert Stalker format, and in that engine long games shine. Moving on to modeling with something more current with Daz 3D wouldn't be bad either.
    If you are reading this, greetings and good work. If you continue like this, I'm sure you can get even more support.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    You can accuse the dev of a lot of things, but a lack of ambition isn't one of them.

    This game reminds me of Shenmue in a lot of ways. It appears to be built to be less of a game, and more of a life simulator (If your life was a porno movie at least). I don't think I've seen a game with more full sex scenes in it than this one, you start off as a school student of some kind, join a gang, become a sports star, and a bunch of other shit. It's honestly all very impressive. Now the problems are the dev has ignored most conventions of game design to maintain his vision. 14+ packages that you need to get 1 by 1 and wait for specific flags for them to appear is WAY too many. The models are all good to quality, but some of the animations can be a bit janky. There are some game breaking bugs with certain parts of the game, which is unfortunate but expected from something of this scope being handled by 1 guy. You can always tell when a porn game dev really wants to do something else but they think porn is the only way you'll play their game or read their writing or whatever, but this feels different. This feels like he both wants to create a porn game AND he wants to give them freedom on par with "real" games like BG3 or MGSV. I recommend it as both an oddity of game creation and for the models/animations. Keep a guide handy if you're interested in experiencing the game, if you just wanna see the sex there's a gallery mod, Either way, be prepared for some jank.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    I gave this game a try, and the story isn't bad, although it features some weird grammar and slang. There's a lot of content, and since it's made with RPGM, the grind can be annoying for some. However, it's not that bad for an RPG Maker game.

    The real problem with this game is the massive amount of bugs. It's filled with them, and each update seems to add more.
    Likes: nozu
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Peter the Great

    As a sandbox fan, the freedom in this game to do whatever you want instantly was a huge PLUS for me. The sheer amount of content is unmatched on this site.

    Sure, the game can be a little buggy sometimes, but it has gotten far better over the years. The render and animation style is... let's call it "choice," but the atmosphere this game creates alone is enough to carry that. Although the premise is a little out there, the story is coherent, not rushed, and makes sense all around (unlike a lot of other games on this site).

    In my opinion, this game is one of the, if not THE best, RPGM-sandbox games on this site. 10/10 :BootyTime: Although the releases have gotten slower lately, I still think it deserves 5 stars from me for the endless hours of enjoyment over the years.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    This had the potential to be the best game on the site. So much content, different girls and scenes. But the dev just can't back it. Why is he so against fixing bugs? The game as it stands now is unplayable as there are so many things that are game breaking. I'm expecting a revamped revamp soon.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    Bugged asf, impossible to play. Different missions are just unplayable 'cause the timer get bugged or similar. It will be a good game, but the bugs are so many and frustating. You have to save every minute and even that doesn't help really much.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    It must be complicated to create games, personally, I don't see myself but please, it already has too many bugs and for my part I'm already tired and I'm going to stop playing it, the truth is that each update has a lot of them.