An absolutely horrendous mess.
There's really no other way to describe it; I don't even want to bother wasting time to write an in-depth review because I've already wasted enough time on this game as is. I got to the part where you choose a mafia before I threw in the towel, which is way farther than I recommend anyone getting to; in fact, I recommend you don't even get to the first line of dialogue and just save yourself the trouble by not installing this. Pretty much every kind of bug imaginable is in this game, ranging from minor inconveniences to bugs that will outright break your game and force you to quit. You know it's bad when the game has a dedicated fan fixing its bugs because the dev can't be bothered to do so. What is this, a Bethesda game? In addition, the #1 recommendation about the game is to install the cheat mod because without it, the game is 10x worse than it already is. If you can think of a problem, then this game probably has it. The story sucks, and absolutely none of the characters are likable and feel like they all have bipolar disorder because they are constantly flipping how they feel about the situation and can never make up their damn minds. It really feels like every part of this game is intricately designed for the sole purpose of wasting your time. I guess the scenes are kind of good at first, but they get old really, really fast and are all pretty much the same scene, just with the characters swapped. Considering there's like a bajillion scenes in this game, it's not a good thing if you're already sick of them by the 4th or 5th one. Did I mention that this game is also supposedly the "Revamp" of the original game? I shudder to imagine how buggy the first one must have been for this game to be considered an improvement.
I could go on and on about the numerous other problems this game has, but I'll just leave it at this: click off this thread and save yourself some time; even if you spend your time 24/7 in your mom's basement jerking off every day, your time is still more valuable than this. If for some reason you read all these bad reviews and like me decide to install it anyway, then godspeed and goodluck.
There's really no other way to describe it; I don't even want to bother wasting time to write an in-depth review because I've already wasted enough time on this game as is. I got to the part where you choose a mafia before I threw in the towel, which is way farther than I recommend anyone getting to; in fact, I recommend you don't even get to the first line of dialogue and just save yourself the trouble by not installing this. Pretty much every kind of bug imaginable is in this game, ranging from minor inconveniences to bugs that will outright break your game and force you to quit. You know it's bad when the game has a dedicated fan fixing its bugs because the dev can't be bothered to do so. What is this, a Bethesda game? In addition, the #1 recommendation about the game is to install the cheat mod because without it, the game is 10x worse than it already is. If you can think of a problem, then this game probably has it. The story sucks, and absolutely none of the characters are likable and feel like they all have bipolar disorder because they are constantly flipping how they feel about the situation and can never make up their damn minds. It really feels like every part of this game is intricately designed for the sole purpose of wasting your time. I guess the scenes are kind of good at first, but they get old really, really fast and are all pretty much the same scene, just with the characters swapped. Considering there's like a bajillion scenes in this game, it's not a good thing if you're already sick of them by the 4th or 5th one. Did I mention that this game is also supposedly the "Revamp" of the original game? I shudder to imagine how buggy the first one must have been for this game to be considered an improvement.
I could go on and on about the numerous other problems this game has, but I'll just leave it at this: click off this thread and save yourself some time; even if you spend your time 24/7 in your mom's basement jerking off every day, your time is still more valuable than this. If for some reason you read all these bad reviews and like me decide to install it anyway, then godspeed and goodluck.