RPGM - My New Life: Revamp [v0.98] [Beggar of Net]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    This used to be on one of my favourites.
    It was buggy back then, still as buggy as it is today.
    Has a good premise, lots of characters..
    But not worth the hassle when u spent so much time and then encountering a game breaking bug and unable to proceed..
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Story : 8/10
    Originality : 10/10
    Renders/Art : 6.5/10
    Sound : 7/10
    Playability : 10/10
    Performance : 4/10
    Bugs : some visual bugs if you rush too much
    Animations : 5.5/10
    Voice Acting : none
    Grammar : some errors here and there, nothing that is incomprehensible.
    Amount of content : as of v0.953 lots of content, you'd need at least 2 hours minimum to play the whole game.

    rpgmaker + tk17 studio game by BoN, very janky and doesn't have a gallery to view scenes, big uncompressed size + mods that break the game doesn't help it, wouldn't recommend it if you just want to skip rpgmv "gameplay" just to get to the sex.
  3. 1.00 star(s)



    This game's main story, at present, is lineal, dreadful, and incoherent, not to mention directionless (for instance, the entirety of the school questline is impossible to navigate).

    The renders are fantastic (granted, the renders are sub-par early game), and just about the only thing going for this game.

    Solid, although a couple of scenes aren't translated properly, if at all.

    This game is a glitch-fest (there are simply too many glitches to name, but, for instance, the glitch that results in nearly every cut-scene not playing); this, alone, makes the game borderline unplayable. Players are virtually required to save after every scene, and if they do not do so, the game irretrievably breaks in nearly every way imaginable.

    Significant, evident by its size.

    One of the worst games I have played; do not bother with it, at least until the Developer addresses the many, many bugs that need to be patched.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    All the bugs aside (and there are a lot) this game has issues

    too damn many "finish this story to advance this other character" that have nothing to do with each other. it forces optional characters to be... well not optional.

    game drags on at places. worst is near the end. pretty much every time you see lucy POV just goes on an on and on and is super tedious while not adding much/if any value to the story. pointless chores and running back and forth or just do one of 6 repeating tasks and just wait till next day. and many scenes characters talk way too much, even conversations and dialague that dont needs to be said. interactive sex scenes where highly Meh and was far inferior to the other ones, and they just took so much time to get through. i skipped 99% of all talking but still the game took 50-60 hours to reach end of lucy(pretty much end of current version)

    too many characters, this overlaps with my first complaint. game just keeps them coming, random chick #87 and a single sex scene and never seen again.

    story was not that great. standard asshole father, one sister hate your guts for no reason, drama, stop that guy from banging your LI. endless tease from the main love interests and finally bang them their story is done.

    School system is pointless. your grades doesnt matter. skill magazines doesnt seem to have any effect on the game.

    sex scenes and models are pretty good and unique so there is that, renders are pretty low quality, especially early on.
  5. 1.00 star(s)

    The UnHolyOne

    what can i say, i have given this game well over a year to iron out bugs that broke the game, and broke the fact you couldnt complete MANY quests.

    however, the dev seems to prioritise pumping content into the game, and just ignoring bugs completely, they ignore reports, they ignore fixing things, and simply ignore everything that needs tweaked, fixed and addressed, and instead keeps adding content that adds further bugs that aren't minor by any means, but completely game breaking. this game is beyond a mess, and what makes matters worse is the fact that the developer just refuses to acknowledge the VAST amount of game breaking bugs, and refuses to prioritise bug fixing, so people can actually progress, instead of a bug locking them out completely.

    dreadfully awful. i cant even comment on gameplay, as for over a year ive not been able to progress past the quest where i need to ring the school bell to access school
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    This game... it was nice when he started it. It grow more and more. And he developed so many thinks...

    But its so fucking buggy because its so big. Nothing really works in my opinion. Quest description dont match. When you visit someone the mc runs like the flash on speed. So many items which are only usable ones but can bought over and over again.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    There are very few positive things to say about the game right now.
    The overall story is not bad and even though the visuals a very outdated the women look good and you have a lot of variety.
    The biggest issue is that every release is a huge buggy mess with game breaking bugs and most bugs aren't even fixed by the dev himself. The only reason why this game is somewhat playable is because SoTN takes time from his day to fix the bugs that the dev doesn't seem to want to fix.

    Edit for version 0.97. As of right now I don't understand how some people are giving this 5 stars. The game is an unplayable buggy mess. Some of the bugs have been there for more than 1 year and still haven't been fixed. And those aren't minor bugs, they block you from progressing the story.
    To be honest this doesn't even deserve 1 star. If I could give it zero stars, I would.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Dont even think about touching the game without SOTN's bug fixes. There are game breaking bugs left and right.

    Some models look OK but the engine used for models is ancient by today's standards - even for a porn game.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    How is this guy on a remake and still has modder's megalomania? Everything takes so longgggggggggg. The cutscenes take forever, this isn't baldurs gate its a RPGMaker game. I don't need to hear stock sounds for 3 minutes per scene. The dialogue boxes take forever. The intro took me 2 days to beat cause I had to put it down. Nothing was happening. This is the worst type of game. A game that has so much potential, but it's hidden under so much crud you can't get to it. I played the first version and thought the same thing but somehow the new version has even more crud.?
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Played 0.93
    Played with cheats and patch
    Can't address anything aside from sexy times, no idea what gameplay is. Strictly sexy content, animations suck. Animations are terrible, 3 frame rotation, not smooth rendering, with zero IC dialogue. When there is the "incest" tag I expect scenes to reflect it with dialogue reflecting mom, son, sis, bro. Again, no idea how gameplay is but only watching sexy times this is terrible
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Man. The Lucy questline was amazing. The part where the protection comes off is damn near worth every hour invested by itself. Probably one of the best mom/son iterations that you can find on this site.

    But goddamn. they totally butchered Sarahs (the sister) big moments. Even with the inclusion of Alex. You gotta understand, MC asserts himself totally in every scene, but croaks entirely on this one for some reason. Bro literally falls asleep.

    And for that reason, i can damn near recommend you to go play the non revamp for those older Sarah scenes alone as well. The ones in the hotel are pretty damn nice and somehow close to being on par with the lucy quest, even though its that much older and that really speaks for itself.

    Everything else has already been said. The only other thing i can add is that i always wished there was more dialogue during the dirty. There is some pretty nice stuff there during the unlock, but nothing in the actual repeatable parts.

    Edit: also, i dont know what some people are on about, but THERE IS NO FORCED NTR WITH THE ANTAGONIST. Yes, you can fail which leads to a scene, but you really, really have to go out of your way to mess that one up. There are some scenes and acts he does that do seem unnecessary, but even so. the MC isnt really up to his max in this one yet. In the older, abandoned version of the game, he could beef up and learn how to handle himself, while in this one, he is just beginning to get there as of now (0.93)
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Honestly the amount of content and sex scenes that is in this game is pretty crazy. The story is probably above average and changes are made frequently with stuff added or removed that makes it hard to follow a lot of the time, especially if you don't play every version since the dev is not very forthcoming with what has changed a lot of the time.

    The sex scenes are very varied and includes a lot of kinks though it's usually focused around the player having to go through the steps of handjob - blowjob - titjob - vaginal sex - anal sex for every girl.

    I would rate this as a 5 star normally but because of how buggy the game is I don't feel like it's fair to do so since there are a lot of game breaking bugs in the game with almost every release that modders are often forced to fix for the dev. Every time you start a scene there is seemingly a 5% chance the game freezes, every time you progress a quest there is a chance the game freezes, stuff can seemingly randomly happen in the game like you all of a sudden clipping through things and much more.

    As a player you should save at least once every 20-30 mins into different save slots, I honestly recommend rotating through 10 save slots, or risk getting stuck or just having the game freeze and losing your gameplay. I mean even by doing this and sort of knowing how to play in a way that makes the game smother I still lost hours of gameplay most often from when an animation wouldn't start and I was forced to close the game and reload.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    I was subscribed for years to BoN's Patreon for the old game until the Revamp came to light. After which, I wrote it off entirely when I found the game was just as buggy and now had the Christian NTR bait for Sarah, who was in-arguably the favorite/main girl of the original. Years later, I decided to give the game another chance since the original is my Favorite Weg of all time. I can't believe after all this time, the game is still buggy to point of being unplayable without a 3rd party patch, and that the writing has somehow degraded in quality. I'm not impressed. I was frustrated with the changes made to Daisy, Carol, and Rachel giving them all far less content and ruining what made them interesting. Those however completely pale in comparison to the character assassination of Laura. The Laura from the first game, and the Laura from house 1 and 2 of the Revamp might as well be 3 totally different characters.

    I assume I should blame the Patrons for all the NTR bait in the game now. The original had the failure state with Sarah at the house party but if you played properly you could prevent any contact between Sarah and any one other than MC. That isn't possible with in the revamp. Add on to this with the aforementioned changes to Laura and the other minor moments of NTR bait sprinkled throughout the game is infuriating.

    Additionally, I can't fathom the reason to change the main character so much. He is such an unlikable pussy now compared to the original. The player obviously is going to want to fuck Sarah, so MC being so against it is jarring and leads to the player not liking the main character due to this conflict of interest.

    All of this however I was willing to look past initially, since Sarah is still hot as fuck. But having just finished the tinymon tournament, fuck this game. The original had so much build up and a genuinely cute romance going on for the big moment with Sarah (Which seems to have been repurposed for Lucy now, though that also leads to another massive blue balling). Here however, the MC is totally against fucking Sarah until Alexx tells him to. Then he's totally willing and both Sarah's virginities are gone with 0 fanfare. WTF.

    PS. where the fuck is my Chloe? She featured quite a bit in the original but now disappears from the game after the first few hours.

    TLDR: After 7 years of development, 4 since the revamp, My New Life is somehow still an unplayably buggy game whose writing has somehow gotten worse, with favorite characters being replaced with objectively inferior versions.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    Worst game i ever played
    Controls are clunky
    Bugs everywhere
    Models are disgusting
    Also its really easy to get lost in this game or miss something only because there are no proper map with markers
    also UI sucks as well
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    I played this game just because of nostalgy. Well, i wonder what "changes" did this "revamp" version made, because i barely saw anything.

    It changed the story a bit, but it still runs in shitty RPGM.

    The grinding keeps unbearable. Grinding was suppose to be a "build-up" thing, not the main purpose of a game.

    Renders are grainy and ugly as heck. There are some cool animations, but that's it.

    The story? Well the good point is that there are a lot of content and the idea of introducing four mafias is good, very good, but it was almost not developed because the dev wastes render and time in bullshit, like "becoming Lucy for a day".

    MC? Hahaha, well he is a wannabe mob that smokes and talks big but at the end of the day is just a crying wimp that lick Christian's boots. All the time this "badass" MC has a fight or a real situation he just screws up and act like a kid. Karma worths nothing here.

    He is so useless that he can't achieve anything on his own. It's just others doing things for him or saving his ass, despite the shit amount of grinding.

    Christian is from a rival mob, and is threatening to kill and rape his family. What does MC do? Goes to party and gets drunk to shit, yay.

    The only "special" thing this MC has is a magical overgrowed dick with superpowers and a brain on its own. Perhaps MC's brain is also shared by his dick.

    The girls is downright stupid. Sarah is so annoying that i wish i could get her killed in the game. You have to grind for fucking tinymoon cards for hours so that she can use it to make you jealous and bang the antagonist while expecting you to become a knight in shining armor.

    I doubt anyone playing this game faced less than 10 game-breaking bugs until end of the content of the main story for this version. I really doubt it.

    If it wasn't for the comunity's work, this game would be unplayable. Thats how shitty this dev really is. Someone else must clean his shit for the game to run. Thank you for your work, modders.

    Dev used more than 5 years to develop this "amazing" shit. Wow, that's a lot of sucking patreon money's time, impressive. What's next? another revamp?

    How can someone give this garbage more than 3 stars? I bet those people could even eat shit without complain.

    Finally, i'm brazillian, so i can understand some of the "spanish/latin" talks easily. Good luck to you, american, trying to play this poorly translated shit.

    TL;DR: This is a game where you are going to waste tons of hours in a grinding shit full of bugs that only runs because a modder operated some sort of miracle on it.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    This one is so very bad that its really laughable, the story is non existent, the graphics or horrible, the characters are delusional and the game mechanics are the worst I've seen in a game EVER.
    This one is beyond help, the project should be nuked from space and stricken from the record.
  17. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5552830

    If you are scared of bugs, this will be the scariest game out there. There is a saying:"Beggar of Net sucks donkey dick". Fact! Having a donkey fucker in the adult gaming sphere is very inclusive and modern so everyone please love this game. Except if you are a real connoisseur. I only enjoy the finest of trash. And this game is a bit too soggy and stale. This game has a lot to offer... for morons!!! The music is horrible, the renders could be great but they are buried by the resolution. The resolution dips pretty significantly sometimes which makes the game look all grainy. The story is boring and filled with unnecessary indulgences. Like the game is a bit too grindy. These games really need to figure out pacing. The dialogue is also badly written and translated. The UI looks like shit and is not very intuitive. The scene viewer is terrible. The list of problems this game has is insane. What pains me is that I wanted to like this game. The prospect of a game with its main focus being to have sex with as many girls as possible is amazing. It's a virtual wet dream. But the illusion is ruined when you realize that you have just wasted 2 hours to watch a sex scene with cringey moaning and weird, jagged renderings. This game is a perfect example of quantity over quality. This developer is gonna keep on cranking out low-effort updates where no issues get resolved and new issues pop up unless he abandons it. As I am a connoisseur of the finest trash, this bottom dwelling trash insults me. But I suppose that's the cirlce of life. We got the bottom fuckers eating up all the trash until they die and we got the Big Boys on top. This game should insult you. You should get pissed off by this bullshit. But some people don't. Search for the good trash and don't waste your life with this bullshit. Be a Big Boy. Or DIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    To Much Bags Cant Enjoy They Game Had to Restart Like 6 Times. Also The Book Of Faces Doesnt Actually Works Most Of The Times And A Lot Of Missions Doesnt Start For Me D: Personally The Quality Also Not So Good Most Of The Events
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    i t hurts to say this because i was actually enjoying some of the stuff that this game was bringing to the table, however there was just way too many changes that werent necessary, for example the changes to the sisters... where do i start sarah is really stupid i mean hella stupid in this game and gullible, Amy is about the same idk if they effed her up because i stopped playing due to the change in the eldest sister Laura, who went from the shy kinky sister who has a little brother complex, to a Maria clone, like how do you eff up so hard with that character and for what to change the blue haired girls story line (forgot her name because i dropped the...Sasha) they changed most of the characters for the better but that kinda killed the whole mood for me. Honestly i could say more but that was the killer for me in this game
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Captain Clown

    Beggar has this so full of story and Adult themed fun that I couldn't rate it lower without getting petty. I can't wait for it to reach completion. It has and will have great replay. Keep up the good work.:)(y)