VN - Ren'Py - My New Memories [v0.4.5] [Killer7]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Story – 4.5/5
    My New Memories is a harem visual novel with strong incestuous themes, so it's definitely not for everyone. However, for fans of the genre, it delivers a compelling and emotional story. The narrative includes darker moments and drama, but it also maintains a wholesome tone that keeps it engaging. Some scenes are genuinely touching, and the latest update suggests a shift toward a lighter, more uplifting direction—something that is often missing in many VNs. The dialogue is well-written and coherent, with dream sequences cleverly integrated into the storytelling. A fun touch for German speakers is the use of German idioms, which add a relatable and amusing Easter egg.

    Animations/Renders – 4/5
    While the visuals may not be the most polished in the genre, they stand out due to their originality. Unlike many VNs that rely on generic DAZ3D or HoneySelect models, My New Memories features completely unique assets. This attention to detail helps create a distinct identity for the game, making it visually fresh compared to other titles.

    Characters – 5/5
    One of the game’s biggest strengths is its character roster. Each character is well-developed, with unique personalities and appearances that make them stand out. The diversity in character designs, combined with strong writing, makes them feel real and engaging. It’s easy to get attached to them, which enhances the emotional impact of the story.

    Final Thoughts
    For players looking for a harem VN that isn’t overloaded with drama and offers a more heartfelt experience, My New Memories is a fantastic choice. The combination of emotional storytelling, unique visuals, and well-written characters makes it a standout in the genre. With future updates promising an even more wholesome direction, this is a game well worth following.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I know this is unfinished and not sure if we're gonna have i complete (devs issues) but this feels way way better than his previous novel. Story is better, dialogue is more mature, characters are more deep and mature... it's just a big upgrade overall. Also the DAZ look is just objectively better to the 'stock'(ish?) HS. Some of the girls look super young which is a bit sketchy (I don't mind slender bodies but face as well?).
    The whole thing is way too linear to my liking, no real choices which is a pity, but it feels such an upgrade to the previous AVN, I actually find it a lot more intresting to follow the story.
    A bit slow burn, but eh, still prety good. Can't wait for updates.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a 3/5 for me based on use of flashbacks (regained memories) to tell the story. I also thought the writing is good. Animations are average and are spread pretty thin compared to text. Most of the lewds in the first 2 chapters (which equals about 2-3 hours IRL) are dream sequence stuff. Never been a fan of the dream sequences as they are lewd filler to keep you reading mounds of text. I would only recommend playing this if finished because you are going to devote a lot of time to reading so the story should at least be complete.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't rate games, ever. I am a lurker. This one though...I have to.

    I suffered an accident where I suffered low-grade amnesia. 20 years later, there are memories and parts of my life that I do not have back. I didn't lose everything, thankfully, but there are large patches...just gone. I also have some trouble, sometimes creating new memories (e.g. I can remember that i've done something but not when/where/with whom).

    So this game probably hits me on a deeper level than most. Thankfully my girlfriend at the time was patient (and conscious), and we have been together now over 20 years! She plays these games also and pointed this one out to me.

    Give it a try if you like, the writing is good, the characters have different/varied personalities and problems. Good stuff, hope for more.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    This game, fundamentally, is about a guy fucking every single member of his family. I'm a degen who likes the taboo incest stuff, so naturally I was interested. However, I found this game disappointing for a number of reasons.

    To start, the dialogue is very mediocre. This wouldn't be a major issue, but the problem is that there is A LOT of it. The ratio of dialogue to scenes is extremely lopsided. There is nothing inherently wrong with this, but the problem arises when the dialogue is this dry and boring. Throughout the entire game, I never had a single emotional reaction to any conversation. The subject matter is quite heavy at the start, but the writing just completely lacked pathos.

    However, the main gripe I had with this game is despite the subject matter being super taboo, it never once felt like it. All conflict in this game is very superficial. Part of the incest kink is the taboo of it, but when everyone in this game either immediately accepts it or puts up some superficial token resistance before accepting it, the spice is kinda gone.

    The characters also don't feel like real people. The personalities of the girls often feel a bit samey. There are some nominal differences, like one is playful and one is more closed-off, but overall they feel very shallow. Part of this is just the sheer amount of characters there are (with more half-sisters being added for some reason). Part of this is just that despite the massive amount of dialogue, the dev has just done a poor job developing most of these characters. They don't really have any desires or goals beyond loving the MC. Both the MC's sisters (30+ yrs old) have never had a boyfriend cuz they love MC so much. Every single daughter has never dated anyone cuz nobody compares to MC. MC's mom hasn't done anything in 20 year(cuz guess what, she has a secret crush on MC). These women don't feel like characters on their own, with their own lives. They just feel like cardboard-cutouts whose only purpose in life is joining MC's harem. It all just feels so shallow.

    Overall, I feel like the dev failed at delivering a more emotional, heartfelt take on the incest genre. I don't care about the characters, the dialogue is mediocre, the scenes are boring and the taboo doesn't feel taboo.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Its yet another story with MC having memory loss and it also makes use of idiotic dreams where you see MC fucking hes wife that he cant remember, so in my eyes a forced LI i couldent care less about, also hate forced shit, at the very least they could add a skip button for those that dont want to see it or couldent care less about her atleast for the sex scenes, i found the wife to be the worst looking LI out of all of them so i really dident want to see anything with her and it breaks all immersion since you see MC fucking someone you would never pick your self.

    I got to wonder does anyone ever like dream sex shit in a novel, i just dont see any point in them what so ever, its a poor and stupid way of forcing stuff on players in some idiotic attemt to put in sex scenes early in the game or forcing fetishes and kinks to just say its not real its just a dream? but to me it still ruins the story and game, to make it worse the dream wife even ask he MC wants her to stop visiting and maaaan why the fuck dont dev give the player the option to say no fuck off.....

    With how the story started i had hopes that MC would start from scratch getting to know the family without getting all the past trown in your face, i simply just dont care about the past before a player has a choice and controle over what goes on, but its all about getting to know about evey damn aspect of the past which i just dont want to read about.

    Already on second day MC starts talking about how he can feel the love for hes wife and it just made me lose even more interrest in the story since i dont care about her, how could you when you know nothing about her as the player.

    Story also annoys me since i dont like cheating so playing games like this is pointless since all i want to do is play faithfull even though i dont like the wife i still dont want to cheat on her, since it would destory MC as the character hes supposed to be, so it kills any chance of being a decent adult game when you cant or dont want to go after other girls.
    I know this is a personal thing but it dosent change that the game becomes unplayable to me since the only LI i can go for is not even around shes in a coma....

    The constant thinking about the wife and seeing her in dreams and popping up in front of MC to say something just annoyed me as well, its just no possible to care about her in any way when you never had a chance to build up emotions for her as the player, so it all feels boring and pointless.

    As for choices there are barely any, like stay more at the hotel or go home, its something MC thinks about constantly but its not the players choice, being pissed at the bitch sister is not an option MC just forgives her, its all just so bland and boring.

    Then theres the hole wierd twin power crap....i just couldent get into all of that it was just a bit to much superpower vibe which dosent really have a place in this story, same goes for the dream shit.

    Its also weird how he goes from not caring at all about hes kids and family to loving everyone even though he still dont know who anyone is.

    Then theres the hole daughter thing i mean are supposed to be 18, 19 and 20, they look like 12,13,14 and has the personalties of very young kids as well and in story they arent allowed to visit their parrents in the hospital so again treating them like very young kids, kinda scarry how many great reviews this got just from this alone.

    You also find out your having a sexual relationship with your sister due to your wifes fetishes again NOT a player choice, i truely just dident like this game, its kinetic and nothing is in your controle.
    You also finds out MC has been fucking other womans none stop so your now also a man whore and thats when i quit, whats the point when every choice has already been made for you, it just makes it a pure kinetic novel and i just dont do that type of novels.

    Sure you get the choice to turn down girls but whats the point when MC has already fucked everyone.

    If this game was made without the wife, wthout the dream shit, without the man whore past and just left to being a choice driven novel it could be a 5 star game, but as it it now its awfull.

    I like the girls and the diversity in builds but it cant save the story.

    Music is ok standard background stuff.

    Animations are average but dident see much of em since i dident go for the girls since i dont feel like playing like a cheater no matter if the wife has a weird fetish about her man fucking others, i wouldent have made that choice given the chance i would dump the wife if she wouldent leave that fetish alone, but like i said choices are already premade for all the past and i just dont find that fun to play when your just told "oh your in a relationship with everyone" so you miss all the build-up if there ever was any and that leaves the story pointless and meaningless, wife just want MC to be other womans fucktoy and i would have turned that shit down but thats not in the players controle and to make it really idiotic when playing a faithfull route you get a dream where the wife tells MC to go out and fuck others and he says "i will" again 0 player choice.

    MC is really just an extrem pervert since its a dream and its not the wife telling him that he should fuck others its MCs own mind, it also tells him its fine to fuck the daughters its such a weird game and makes MC feel like he has some serious mental problems and in the real world he would be a world of shit if the wife woke up, MC going to court saying hes wife in a coma told him to fuck hes daughters and everyone else yep that will hold up....nah game not for my taste.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    0.4 version review

    The characters are almost entirely predictable. The girls look both not human, and ugly at the same time---not a single one is attractive. Not even the in absentia wife.

    The writing is mechanical, procedural, and feels like it was written by a machine at times. Also, the premise sucks. Amnesia is not very interesting; that's why it's usually added to other premises as a factor of "whoa", but it doesn't usually fit in anywhere else, either.

    Why is there so much barely-veiled recism? Against germans and the japanese? Is this some weird WW2 fetish thing? I hate it.

    The daughters look barely 13, with Sophie looking barely 15. They are NOT 18. Get the kids outta here. Ain't the place for em.

    The sex scenes are so clinically sterile and boring, it's a wonder that the MC made anyone pregnant ever.

    Very few choices in the game, but they seem to change some things--which characters will continue to be present, some minor story stuffs, but nothing major--no choice is going to wake up your wife, I don't think.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Just wow. You can remove all the inc*** and sex from game and it would still be great. This game is great as a visual novel. I'm just so invested in the role of being a dad. When the game is done devs needs to a non-adult version of the game and release it.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Interesting story
    Great character models
    Animations are decent

    Olivia model kinda looks a bit young to be an adult albeit this isn't intentional and not a big problem
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Just wanted to leave a positive feedback. I'm liking the game way more than the MNF, it wasn't a bad AVN but i'm not a fan of "slice-of-life" type of games, they seem boring to me. This one has some mystery right off the bat, and even tho it's a cliche amnesia, it's quite alright if writing is solid, and it is solid. I didn't get too far into the game yet, but i like what i'm reading. 5* in advance and hopefully it will stay that way. Regards to the dev and good luck with your AVN.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    I can see how this game can be a 5 star for some people because the time and effort into the story is great, but for me I like great animations first story second and the animations are kinda meh in my opinion. Kinda slow, like robots and you can say "well it's not real" but I've seen some fantastic animation so anything less is kinda meh now. Not bad but could be better.

    So story - bout 8/10
    Animation - 5/10
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I haven't finished the game yet but I have a good bit of was through it and I absolutely love it. I love the games where it's just like this one. More story than sex scenes. I also relate to this game because I myself was in a horrible accident and got major brain damage. I sometimes forget things like 5min after it happened. When I was in the hospital and people came to see me, I didn't know anybody that came. Even my own mother and father. I slowly started getting my memory back exactly like the MC in this story.

    Good job on this game and can't wait till it is fully completed
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Amnesia is a trope. When it's used lazily it feels like cliche. I feel like it's relatively common in AVN for amnesia, moving back home, hidden family etc. to become the inciting trigger for what would otherwise be situations that would be hard to flesh out convincingly. They explain the actions/feelings of the main character who now may act unusually, but not so much that of the other characters who presumably have existing thoughts, feelings, morals, and values that have not been effected.

    Amnesia in this story is not used lazily. It is not the trigger for new/unusual /unrealistic behavior. There is a history between the protagonist and other characters that explain their actions. Attitudes and feelings have been shifted over a period of years before the events in the story take place. Amnesia is just a tool for that history to be teased out to the audience organically.

    I don't review most of the games I play here--and I even less frequently get emotional about one--but there were legit tears in my eyes at the end of the current story(v0.4).

    Beyond that, characters are fleshed out, visuals are good. Lewd is present, but not the point. Crossing my fingers that things get to a better place for the creator to continue updating.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Scoring 4.7/5

    Storyline/Originality 3.5/5
    Wording/Dialogue: 5/5 (outstanding)
    Renders: 4.5/5
    Animations: 5/5 (Top tier)
    Character Depth: 4.5/5
    Character Dev: 5/5
    MC Character Arc: 5/5
    Lewd Content: 5/5 (tho this is not objectivly judgable)

    This game has its focus on relationship building and its mainly about love rather than lust. While the story is not really original it really lives off the very heartfelt dialogue and overall likeable characters. Each character fells unique but all of them have a very sweet overall tone. The MC has a relativly realistic way of processing the events of the game. You can definitly draw a connection with him. The visuals are among the best I've seen in any game, espacially the animations got a lot of details and work put into. The lewd scenes follow the main theme of the game. Theres a decent amount of them but not like every two minutes with a different girl. All the intimacy feels natural and focused on deepening the bonds between the girls and the MC.

    If you are looking for a VN with profound romance, that gets you in the feelings this is one of if not the best one. People that like corruption, harem, ntr etc probably wont get satisfied.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I just finished chapter 3 and have really enjoyed everything and can't wait for the continuation. When it comes to story this is one of the best written AVN I have come across. The story has made me both laugh and tear up at times. As with most AVN more lewd scenes never hurt but even with less than most other AVNs each one felt well done and most of all important to the progression of the story.

    Art wise I have seen a few of the faces in other games but with limited resources DEVs can only do so much and each render looks really well done and appeared to get better with each chapter.

    Keep up the amazing work and I'm hoping many of the established characters become full LIs in future chapters.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I had doubt to play and actually didnt play a while but i wanted to give a shot and i regret it not to play sooner. It was the one of the best game i have ever played. I know there is few scene but it was beyond the just sex game. well written, good animation, good characters. I cant wait to play new chapter. Killer7 you are real killer xD
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    It just boring.

    The MC is very unlikeable , all the other characters are boring.

    The models look like nothing special.

    The very few sex scenes are vanilla and the animations <re okay I guess but too few.

    The gameplay is okay nothing special.

    The story could be good but it is sadly very uniteresting.

    If you already have so many character I would expect sex scenes with all of them , otherwise it is just a boring story with very little sex so not good.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Really enjoyed this one so far. The daughters (most of them anyway) are a bit loli for my tastes, but throughout the extended family and friends, there's a nice mix of body types and ages.

    As far as lewds go, most of the sex scenes are pretty short, but most of the renders are pretty hot as are the situations, so ti balances out.

    Definitely a well written, more interesting and (at least slightly) nuanced take on things, aided by the main character's amnesia being the vehicle for introducting relationships and lifestyle elements. A lot of the non-character story beats have been fairly predictable, but that didn't necessarily reduce the impact of those beats. As another reviewer wrote, the game really centers on love and its forms, and it does a great job of depicting a very non-standard family in a way that feels real.

    I'm going to check out the dev's other game now too.

    Edit: Minor update... I did play My New Family (the dev's oither game), but much preferred this one.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is great. It has made me realize that my main fetish is love. I wrote a similar review for another game, but I was thinking of this game when I wrote it. This is my favorite game in a long time, and I will be very upset if it doesn't end well for the MC (and Anna, and everyone else).
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    All I have to say about this game is... OUT FUCKING STANDING!! It is rare that these AVN's can give you an emotional response beyond just the basic neanderthal brain. The writing the connection the characters have to the MC and to each other. I was so afraid that this would be the end with the Dev's tag line at the beginning of the last chapter. Now I feel that it is just getting started with all the relationships that are started and those that are just waiting to blossom. Great job, I can't wait for the next installment.