VN - Ren'Py - My New Memories [v0.4] [Killer7]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Easy 5 star rating here. A fantastic start with great renders, really hot characters and an interesting premise. I enjoyed My New Family and the dev seems to be absolutely making the most of switching to the daz3d for the models in this game. Can't wait for the next update.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a good start, it has an interesting story, but I swear to God, the daughters are not 18 years old. Besides, the trans daughter is a great idea because it gives new ideas and decisions that I personally like anyway, it's a good game, it takes a while to start because the MC is pissed off all the time and the doctor does not understand that he has amnecia but it seems that we can this before a great game.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    So here's my take on My New Memories version 0.1.
    The game took a few hours to get through and I got to say that I'm enjoying the plot so far.
    The few lewds spaced in between were nice.
    Anna is definitely an awesome wife and I do hope she recovers.
    Looking at the developer notes I have to say that using DAZ3D is fine.
    I'm not the best eye for detail but I haven't seen anything that I would call rough really.
    I also read that all the characters we meet in game will eventually be lewdable.
    That's cool because, besides Anna, I'm looking forward to more Sabrina.
    One little detail that I enjoyed so far that others probably don't care about is the fact that the main character bothers knocking on doors.
    He doesn't just go barging into rooms.
    I know it may sound weird but I've played enough games where the main character just busts on in.
    That kind of irks me since I wouldn't want someone to just burst through my door.
    The courtesy to knock and wait to be allowed in is a plus in my book.
    Overall I'm looking forward to the main character reconnecting with his family and uncovering the mystery of the circumstances that lead to him becoming an amnesic in the first place.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is great so far, at the time of writing this the prologue is the content end, that being said its several hours of content. More than a lot of full games.

    The story so far is great, the amnesia trope is used well to slowly introduce us to the character and uncover the mysteries in his life as well as the women that inhabit it.

    Takes a really good story to make me not care that there is not a ton of "action" but I really dont at this point, Im loving the slow burn build up and already in the prologue we get some interesting plot twists.

    Many games I consume and forget about till the next update, this is a rare one that im absolutely chomping at the bit for the next udpate.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Just like MNF I am getting attached to the characters in this game. Some make me mad and some make me want to defend them and go punch some space lizards. Or something.
    Seriously though. I've played through what content is currently there in one sitting. Because the characters are just too real. MC reacts to things just as an actual person would. Or it feels like it. His reactions to what is happening around him and to him feel completely natural. And the same goes for the rest of the people around him.
    Story is very interesting and I am really into it now. Initially I didn't get it and I posted a nasty review about it (once again my apologies Killer7, I really was a douche), but then I just put myself into the shoes of the MC and it all made sense. Things are slowly unraveling with the story, but also each character is becoming more alive. Their little quirks and traits.
    Music is, once again, awesome. Each tune very much adds to the atmosphere of the scene.
    Can't wait for the next chapter.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is one of the best story games i have ever played. So fair with only 0.1 i am hooked and can't wait for more. The dev is amazing who is a very wholesome fellow. I am looking forward to many amazing things to come from this scond game of Killer7's.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game from the start even if with very sad start / beginning of the game however as game start from alpha build to 0.1 has been enjoyable gameplay with each day wonderful with each family member.
  8. 2.00 star(s)



    it's a bit early to rate entire game but as for now v0.1 at the beggining story seems interestig and fine writhen, yet the longer u read the characters start to be more and more irrational. The few ur so called "best friends" refuse to tell u about ur past witch u don't remember cous of ur medical condition yet some of them request from protagonist to tell them everything and it's "ok".
    As i didn't end reading it yet as for now My New Family(the other Killer7 game) seems much more interested, it have not so good story as this one but despite it's more like comedy style the characters are still much more logical and rational and cous of it it's much more entertaining and easy to more or less place yourself in MC position during some choices. As for now it should be 2 out of 5 but i'll give 3 cous i give the benefit of the doubt to autor as i know he can write better characters and hope he will rewrite some of curent ones
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Im quite surprised that this is a 0.1 version.
    Lots of game time, lots of story, and honest to god captivating writing.
    At this point I will be monitoring closely for updates, I need another fix.

    I started out a wee bit bored with the dialog heavy intro, but it rather grew on me as I learned the characters and their ways.
    The story flows. It seems overwhelming with the amount of ppl to get to know, but its delivered in a good pace. It doesnt feel like its rushed or weird how it progresses.
    The renders are quite well done.
    The characters are on the more normal side, and I love it. Im getting a wee bit tired of oversized boobs and asses.
    I get a sense of feel good with this game, even if it has a darker story coming around the corner

    I know the characters are 18+, but the kids feels a lot younger in their portrayal, both in pictures and how they act. Not really my thing, but its all very well written. It doesnt drag the game down in rating.
    Small jerks in pictures that I personally feel are weird. Same positions, same background, everything the same. But the character moved ever so slightly to the side when jumping to a new text

    For those where it matters, not much lewds yet.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Just finished the latest version, i love everything about this VN. The characters are very well done and the story is brilliant, it feels so different than other "i lost my memory" stories. Its obvious that as things unravel there are going to be some interesting twists and turns and i think we are definitely not going to be short of lewd content :) . @ the devs, thank you for creating this, its fantastic (y)
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Killer7 has done it again.
    Superb story-telling with lovable characters and interesting plot dynamics make this a treasure to experience.
    Surprising how much content there was for a 0,1 release, wen it finally came to an end (with a nice surprise plot twist, might I add), I was fully committed and invested in the story and the characters.
    Absolutely cannot wait to see what kind of gem this game will turn into, but I have no doubts it will be amazing!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Played this over the last few days and was really impressed by the length of it. It's rare to see that a 0.1 takes you longer than an hour or so to finish, so that was a pleasant surprise already. I really like where the story is heading, even though I want more lewds. The characters seem pretty interesting, especially Jessica, the younger sister of MC seems to have a very strong background based on her reactions and behaviour. To comments that say the characters don't fit their age: It's a game, not a game that is set in our world, so characters can look younger or older than they actually are. Same goes for things like college, who knows how college works in this game world. My New Family had a cat girl and a lot of things there were different compared to our world as well. This game is more feet on the ground but still has a feel of mystery in it with Anna appearing in MC's dreams. Can't wait where this game is heading.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    So, after I finished My New Family just a few days ago, I saw that Killer7 was working on another game. Of course I had high expectations since I loved My New Family. And holy shit, what a first release. Every time I thought "Man, I must be close to the end" I was surprised by more and more content. While not all the characters appeal to me I'm very interested to see where the story is going in the future. For a 0.1 there is already plenty of interactions. The lewd stuff is not really there yet, it's just dream sequences with the wife, but it looks like there are a lot more perverted scenes coming up
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    I was skeptical about this game from the preview images. The characters aren't my taste (half of them look very young) and the mediocre preview renders with everyone having the same couple expression wasn't helping either. But the reviews highlighting an emotional and strong writing story pushed my to give this game a chance anyway, and unfortunately to say, I should have listened to my instinct.

    The story setting is interesting; You lost your memory and get thrown into a life with people you dont know anything about. This could be a perfect set-up for en emotional story filled with past relationships and conflicts. But the OP wipes most of this from the table at the start by making the MC a perfect guy; Incredible successful, insanely handsome, a perfect father/husband/son, extremely generous, famous and pretty much loved by everyone.

    This makes any conflict in the game feel fake and forced. It doesn't line-up with the whole perfect man picture that get shoved in your face from everyone you meet. You pretty much know the conflict will be resolved with the MC coming out as an Angel. It's boring and predictable.

    The visuals are lacking. They are there to show who your talking to and thats pretty much it. The same 4-5 expressions are used across the board for most characters . (they all laugh with their hand in front of their mouth). This is more enforced by the overly describing of what is happening; do we really need a line that says he is taking off his cloths to take a shower, when the next scene is him standing in the shower. It's unnecessary.

    The writing overall is alright but seriously lacks any progress. The intro is focused on setting up a base relationship between the MC and the other characters, which is completely fine. But why is this 1 hour+ worth of game play, when most relationships are defined after 1 interaction (or even before that). The writing just comes back to the same point over and over, making the writing feels empty and boring. This is even more enforced by the mister perfect MC making the vast majority of relationships exactly the same.

    Then there are the character designs. The game is presented as a realistic, emotional story, and clearly wants to be this with its serious tone, but completely ignores this in the characters presented. According to the story you got married 1 year after college, with the first daughter being born a year later. She is 20 according to the story so that puts you, your wife, and your twin in their mid 40s pushing 50, and your mother in her 60s at the youngest (most likely more in her 70's), but nevertheless you all look like your in their 20s, or early 30's.

    The 3 daughters are in the same boat; they are 18-19-20, but don't look and act like those ages. Especially the youngest one that is supposed to be 18, looks like 10 and acts like a toddler (a 18 year old girl that still crawls in their parents bed at night, seriously?).

    Overall from the other reviews I was expecting an emotional and well writing story, but got a story that takes itself way to serious while overlooking massive plot holes, that drags on and on.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, played the demo around Christmas and now that the first update has come out, I am excited to see what is coming next. With the main first game under development being my new family, I am much happier with how the story of MNM has been progressing (With MNF still being an excellent VN). Excited to see the "first" update to this game and definitely worth the download.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    He is doing it once again! Excellent first installment/prologue. It rreally sets the tone and timber of what is to follow...complete with cliff hanging bombshell!

    Characters: Amazing depth without getting tediously detailed. Backstory and history revealed piecemeal through the story itself, rather than just being dropped in lumps.

    Story: It's Killer7. What more truly needs to be said? Why this developer isn't on a NYT bestseller list (besides the genre, of course) is a crime against story writing.

    Pace: Slow to start with, but with the story's baseline, it is completely understandable, and excellently executed.

    Sexy stuff: A part of the story itself, rather than being inserted (pun intended) just for the sake of it being there. Not a lot of lewdity in the first release, but where there is some, it fits the flow of the story perfectly.

    My rating: 5/5
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    holy shit this is one good game, think its the best first version i have seen of one in this site, even if there is barely any sexual content it didnt bother me at all, story is quite entertaining and characters dont feel copy-paste like some other games , (it does remind me of that "radiant" game but in a good way) really looking forward for the rest of it
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has been a very pleasant surprise for me. The "waking up in the hospital" plot along with amnesia didn't sound attractive to me, no particular character besides Sabrina piqued my interest and I haven't checked out Killer7's previous game, so I had no idea of his skill level. However, the 0.1 version impressed me enormously. It managed to get me hooked into the story and feel for the characters, which is something very few can do properly. The renders look amazing, and the world outside of the MC feels alive, as it's filled with NPCs(my pet peeve... I need immersion!). I've done two playthroughs of the game and the story seems to be rather linear at the moment, but it might simply be a side effect of being an early release. Even so, it is written well enough not to care about the lack of meaningful(what they feel like in the current version) choices. I am really looking forward to the future updates, you have earned my support!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    There's a couple things I'll say before I get into the review for the game.
    First I don't like the pairing of older MC and much younger LI (father/daughter in this case) and while I've enjoyed the game so far, I have no idea how I'd feel once the nookie-nookie starts between them. Hopefully K7 story style would make it worth it for me. Ofcourse this is my personal preference and has nothing to with the game's development, so this has no bearing on my rating.

    Secondly, since MNF is one of my favorite VNs and a fairly successful VN overall, comparisons to it are inevitable. So I'm gonna go ahead and compare the two right now. As someone who prefers Daz3D art over Honey Select, anyday, the art is much better than MNF. I originally thought the whole amnesia thing was there to justify the incestous relationships a la MNF, but it does not seem that way, so fairly different there. This game also seems to have a bit more intrigue than MNF did; not just a bad history but something from the past that can screw over the present/future. Lastly about the story, I can't compare to MNF just yet since it's not that far along but I enjoyed this 0.1 more than MNF 0.3 (1st version I played) back in the day. Overall, so far, I'd say this holds up and has the potential to trump MNF.

    As for the game itself, let me just start by saying, it is fun to read through. K7 seems to have stuck to the top choice being the best choice philosophy and I love him for that. I hate sitting on every damn choice doing math calculation for 5 different stats for each of the 20 characters to figure out the best outcome. This is fun, relaxed in the sense that I can sit back, drink coffee and and read through this illustrated story. I love that aspect.

    Next the characters, the sisters Lena and Sabrina are great and a good contrast to each other. The mother looks fantastic (have a thing for redheads, MILFs and curly hair and she is a combination of all three, so by default my favorite character lookswise), but I can't say much about her till there is more direct interaction with her in future updates. K7 is becoming a master at creating cuckqueens, first Sandra (my favorite character from MNF) and now Anna and I love it. Give me them harems and not fucking guilt for going with multiple girls in a fantasy VN. Fuck realism. The side character are good including MCs friends (the gay couple) who sound like they could be really fun buddies as the story develops. End of the day, so far though, the daughters steal the show. Olivia is cute as a button, Sophie is the more mature and responsible "adult" and bless you K7 for giving us the option of playing Morgan as a transgender. There are very few games on here where a trans character is a main LI and Morgan is a good amout of cute and interesting.

    I mentioned earlier that I prefer Daz3D over HS renders but in all honesty with Daz we usually get the same character models in every game but with a different name. The models here are fantastic - none of that bullshit copy paste from basic models and you can see that K7 has put a lot of effort into making them unique but also beautiful and I gotta say again I love Bethany's model, absolutely perfect.

    Story front, I'd say it's going at a pace I expected from MNF and I like that a lot. Like I mentioned before, there is some intrigue in there regarding the past, the MC's celebrity and Anna's kinks (most important mystery). But again I have no doubt, K7 will keep the story and situations interesting throughout the development.

    Lastly, this is not really applicable to a 0.1, but at this point in MNF, I feel like that game is dragging on and I hope MNM won't follow that route in the future. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the situations/scenarios that come up in MNF in each update but to me it feels a bit more tedious now and I feel it should have ended at 0.15 ot 0.16, but that's just my personal opinion.

    Anyways, now that that essay is over, I have to say great work K7 and all the best for future.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    There's not many scenes yet as the story and characters are still being established... but I can already tell this game is going to be fantastic. The story is compelling and the characters are interesting. I can't wait for things to start to heat up. I regret playing this game... so soon into development as now the wait is gonna kill me.