VN - Ren'Py - My New Memories [v0.4] [Killer7]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    So I am a fan of Killer 7 and MNF, but this little project promises to be so much better!

    Killer7 is a monster when it comes to generating loads of content quickly, but MNM 0.1 just impossible. Maybe 2 hours of play time for a first release? who does that????

    I hope MNF will get it's deserved crescendo soon; it's had enough content for a lifetime and maybe it's getting a little too repetitive. To be honest as nice MNF was, the story telling was a bit too linear and the conversation was so contrived with a "oh I am so good I know how to solve every problem I am wise and my dick is also big" protagonist.

    This game, on the other hand, takes story telling to the next level; not just for Killer7, for everyone.

    The premise is pretty simple, amnesia allowing for a character reset, and character development driven by glimpses into the past. but done is a very good way.

    Content is good, not a fuck-fest by any means, but for a first release, it is totally 5 star with an engaging story and awesome characters on top.

    I don't often play games update-to-update, but this is potentially an exceptional game and thus deserves exceptional praise and fellowship.

    Mr Killer7, I salute you.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    What can I say here? Killer7 knows how to bring emotion to everything. The rollercoaster he brought us all on with My New Family has continued here in My New Memories. Of course the amnesia genre has been used by many Devs in the past, but something about the way Killer7 writes make me like his just that touch more. The renders are wonderful and while things progress maybe slower than some like, I maintain what I said about My New Family in the the past. I would rather have an excellent story with emotion and then have the lewd scenes mean something, than to have the lewd scenes be the be all and end all of the VN. I enjoy these kinds of VNs because they're not just fap material, if you want that, you may want to look elsewhere. This VN hits you right in the feels and I am sure will continue to do so the further the story goes along. Once again, Killer7 knocks this out of the park. For me, I will never tire of his work. I do highly recommend this and really enjoy the fact Killer7 has learned even more skills that can be seen by switching from Honey Select with My New Family to Daz3D with this one. I have been a proud supporter for sometime, and this will only see me continue on as a supporter of his work for as long as he is putting this quality out there.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, as is to be expected from Killer 7, I look forward to the future! The story is engaging and the characters are relatable and evoked emotion in ways that are not commonly associated with "adult" games and is something special that is rare. I fully expect the characters to become realized individuals that I feel invested in and want only the best for. I will want to grow with them through their joys and sorrows and know that Killer 7 will deliver an engaging story that makes me feels as if they are my own family.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Keep it up, the way you write a story is one of the best. The flow of the story always seen to be just perfect, not to fast but not to slow.

    Coming from My new family this seems even better. Looking forward on seeing more on both of this projects.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed this first release.
    Great story and emotional rollercoaster.
    The renders and models look really good too.
    I also enjoyed playing My New Family so i already knew it was worth playing this game.
    Can't wait to see where this story is going.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    EDIT: Releases continue to be let me down, story inconsistencies not revised, much of the feedback has been ignored by other users, Star has been dropped.


    I was really excited for this game. Maybe I put it to unrealistic standards?

    Oh well. Here's a condensed version:

    1. Quality Drama
    2. Mostly Beautiful women
    3. Good renders
    4. Bug-free
    5. Easy to read (no serious or immersion breaking dialogue)
    1. Redundant scenes with characters repeatedly telling you they'll help you remember who you are but refusing to tell you who you are.
    2. Poor motivations
    3. Characters and attitudes try to be different but fail. Many things feel like a repeat of MNF
    4. Focus is geared way too aggressively away from the eroticism, even for a slow burn
    5. Characters are often saying inconsistent things
    6. animations are rigid and awkward
    7. Morgan
    8. Even for me, mc is too much of a Gary Sue
    Everyone's probably already said the same thing about the good. I'm not really certain I can expand much on it. Sabrina is probably the top-tier girl right now. Sara (the officer) is a close second for me.

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  7. 4.00 star(s)


    So it's good, not amazing, but good so far. Characters are unique, and not fake looking, definitely a step up from honey select, plot seems interesting but not very original, been looking forward to this one for a while so I want to see where it goes.
    Now why I didn't give it 5 stars is cause of my own bias. From someone that was in a coma and woke with retrograde amnesia that's not how any of this works, the suggested distancing (They do not have you go sleep in a hotel, best thing for regaining any of your memories is to go home and be around familiar surroundings and close people), the way the doctors talk about the MC's family, the way the MC acts offended and rude towards anyone that mentions family or his past, he doesn't act like someone that has amnesia and is grasping at find out out who they are and what's happening, he acts like someone that's actively trying to get away and rejecting any ideas of remembering his past. Really trying to make it through this first update but the MC makes it difficult.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good. I like that the amnesia is not an excuse for the lewd content but more of a way to reveal bit by bit that it was already there before. Also a suprisingly high amount of content for a v0.1. I'll be looking for what's next !
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    love the story so far, can't wait to see what's in store for the future. Would love for the MC to have a family meeting to discuss with them how he is remembering things so he can remember stuff faster instead of being constantly slow and having everyone dodge his questions. Will be paying attention for future updates.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    For the first release there is a lot of content the story so far is fantastic and the visuals are stunning. All the characters so far are interesting and the dialogue draws you in.
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  11. 5.00 star(s)


    So far, the plot is really interesting. The renders are great. The characters are well developed. I didn't encounter any bugs in 0.1 version, neither any grammar mistakes.
    I spent most of my evening on it, so there is a nice amount of content. Five stars !
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Killer7 ,,,,, once again proves his story writing skills .... that hits the heart of people that play his games ....
    renders are really really nice .... makes me wish i had his skills at this ...
    the complexities of the characters is interesting ... as to the way the story plays out ... and to think this is just the 1st version ....
    i believe this game MNM will give MNF a run for the best games i've played ...
    i do believe everyone .. well ok mostly everyone will thoroughly enjoy : My New Memories ...
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story, great models. Lots of touching and emotional moments. Can't wait to see how this all plays out. I don't usually submit reviews because you need at least 200 characters but I am thinking of just copying this last bit into a text file so I can paste it at the end of my reviews in the future.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Lots of good content, especially for a first release. I liked the characters, and the build toward the likely future avalanche of sex that is yet to come. The different personalities helped to build a diverse framework for character interactions, which is important with a character sheet this size. The amnesia trope may be played frequently in this genre of games, but I feel that you enhanced it enough to make it work pretty well. Please keep up the great work!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Ok so about game. Story written in typical Killer7 manner I would say. Focused heavily on mc development and his and his surrounding people feelings and emotions. Maybe in some places he tries to hard to write every thought and emotions, but this helps understand better about mc and his family. Its more like romance style novel with erotic/lewd elements. Its for sure not for people who likes porn style vn games where couple clicks and lewd action starts. Like in his other game, he focuses to deliver emotions and feelings of mc to reader and he success quite much in this game. Even in this "intro" he successes to deliver quite big emotions rollercoaster. Just one weakness of Killer7 is that he isn't good at making "cliffhangers" at the end of releases because of hints in rest of story, intentional or not, endings of releases doesn't have same effect at it would have if there wasn't dialogues pointing to that outcome.

    Pros: Story in his style(emotions and feelings delivery) "succeed".
    Renders "good quality".
    Cons: Due his style of writing this VN isn't for everyone.

    If you hoping for quick pornstyle lewd game you will not find it here. But if you want story with high focus on mc and his family emotions, feelings and personal development then this is perfect for you.

    PS. Its my first review so don't be harsh due jumping thoughts.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I love almost everything about the game, the only thing that I disliked was the horse "member" of the MC.. A big schlong is fine, why make it soooo big. Breaks immersion for me, sadly. But as I said, loved everything else about the game. Good story and characters.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    As of V 0.1

    I am huge fan of MNF , I was looking for his new game MNM and I have to say story is interesting and awesome characters and better art than MNF and the ending is nice .
    Can't wait to see how the story unfolds , kudos killler7 for another awesome VN .

    PROS -
    ART -5/5
    ANIME / H SCENES - 5/5
    STORY - 5/5
    CONS - none that I think of
  18. 2.00 star(s)



    Well this was possibly the most boring intro I have ever experienced. The writing is ridiculously wordy with very little substance. We are constantly hearing the MC's thoughts which amount to nothing more than him wallowing in self pity for an hour of play time. All the dialogues amounts to what kind of person the MC supposedly is. Yes, he was the very epitome of some good guy philanthropist genius architect who is a loving father and husband. That's great. It just goes on and on, with some faux drama and emotional conflicts that are not totally unreasonable given the circumstances, but is nevertheless incredibly boring and uneventful to read through.

    As with the writing, the game features some of the most uninspired visuals I've ever seen. 90% of the renders are a straight shot of a girl in the center of the screen facing directly forward. The few examples of the H scenes weren't horrible in terms of sex dialogues and renders/animation. Possibly the only saving grace of this game.

    I assume the set up is essentially the wife pulling a Jaime and giving the nod to the MC to bang all the chicks to improve their lives or something. I can already feel the cringe coming.

    I am not opposed to the idea of a feel good harem if the game frames it in a pleasant, fun and kinky way. However, this game takes itself entirely too seriously and is just such a downer the whole time. As cold as my heart is, I am not immune to getting emotional. This game, however, basically failed to elicit any emotion other than boredom because the game does very little to get us invested in the characters organically. The game is forcefully telling us that these are your daughters and loving family members and that we should care about them. It's almost as grating as laugh tracks in old sitcoms telling us to laugh.

    Keep in mind, I went into this knowing that it doesn't line up with my preferred tags. However, my appreciation for quality writing isn't so shallow that I can't enjoy a wide variety of genres. This one just falls really short and does a very poor job of drawing in the players with a great hook in the introductory stages.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    After playing MNF for so many times now, i really was looking forward to play Killer7´s new game.
    And what can i say, he did not dissapoint.
    I wasn't sure if this game could maintain the high standard of MNF, but Killer7 really did it.
    It didn’t take long until I fell in love with the characters just like with MNF.
    And believe me, i played a lot of VNs over the years. And there are not many devs out there that are able to it like Killer7 did.

    Cant wait for the Story to continue. Get to know every character even more.

    Thank you Killer7 for another awesome Game!
  20. 4.00 star(s)

    Boehser Onkel

    this story is so twisted - i need to make notices about who is who with and from whom :ROFLMAO:

    havent played the other game of Killer7 (not my kind of "art" style)

    this one here -
    is great , really , color me surprised
    the story unfolds at a good pace
    the girls are cute
    renders are nice
    thats one of the games where i dont care about lewd scenes ,
    its just the good writing that makes me go on

    i think the "attacker" will be a huge surprise , got some theories in my head
    (the girl from the hotel , the mother)

    thanks for this (so far) great game @Killer7

    gl with the game