VN - Ren'Py - My Time with You [Book 2 Ch.25] [EoloStudios]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Book 2 Ch. 21, Ipatch and walkthrough used

    Simply superb: all the feels of a top-rated anime with an engaging story, attractive characters, romance, and the best use of Koikatsu graphics that I've seen.

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    Kudos for the sensitive treatment of the issues surrouncdng both incest and polyamorous relationships: guilt, societal rejection, reluctance to share, etc. In the end we hope that love conquers all, and the characters end up in the relationship that they increasingly desire.

    Characters: Deep backstories for all major characters revealed slowly over the course of the VN. Cast includes: your adoptive mother, younger sister, childhood friend, high school friend, aspiring idol, future wife, and others. These are women you could easily fall in love with in real life.

    Two male sidekicks are surprisingly inoffensive and provide humor throughout whille a number of minor characters add depth and additional sexiness to the story.

    Note that there are separate interactions with a narrator foxgirl during chapter breaks that can result in fourth wall breaking sex.

    Art: Probably the best implementation of Koikatsu graphics that I've seen. Main character models are attractive and represent a variety of physical types.

    Adult content: Vanilla and loving sex for the most part. Animations are high quality Koikatsu and fairly hot. By mid-story you'll find a lot of sexy time between the mc and other characters.

    Gameplay: It's a VN with choices affecting both dialogue and story. I'd recommend using the walkthrough as otherwise you may miss significant content or even relationships.

    I strongly recommend using the ipatch for the original story
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    My Time With You is heavy on slice-of-life scenarios and characters that I found mind-numbingly boring and uninspired. You've got the male comedic-relief best friend; you've got the romantically-inept childhood friend who finds her way back into the MC's life; you've got the shy, innocent girl who wears glasses (gee, I wonder why); you've got the MILF who is struggling with how to handle her sexual feelings towards the MC; the list just goes on and on. The "humor" is unoriginal and often feels forced. The story plays into damn near every anime trope imaginable. It's predictable and unengaging to the highest degree. I was nearly through Book 1's entirety, and the time travel aspect of the story - probably the most original and interesting thing about this game - was barely touched upon or explained.

    None of the romance in this story feels earned. The MC is an absolute good-for-nothing idiot, and yet every woman in the game is fawning over him like he's a Greek god. They even make comments about this in the game itself as an attempt to lampshade the problem, I guess? It doesn't work.

    The two positive things I can say about this game: the renders/animations are pretty decent (for the most part) and there aren't any game-breaking bugs or glitches.

    I have nothing against the dev, they seem like a hard worker. But this game is so incredibly bland and unoriginal that I just can't in any way recommend it.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I honestly love this game, it's a fun slice of life with a overarching story that doesn't stray too far from the overly serious while remaining fun and lighthearted. Seriously, I don't know that there are any other games I'm as religious about checking out as this one
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This is peak vanilla. It's not exactly believable, in terms of realism it feels like a JP light novel (with lewds).
    That being said, all the characters are enjoyable. They each have their inner struggles when it comes to the harem and other shenanigans that makes them very endearing. Every character is hot and each has their own traits and reasons for why they join the harem. They don't blend with each other, which is saying a lot in these kinds of games.
    I know I definitely have been enjoying it (at ch 16 right now so not quite caught up) and will be sad to have caught up since there won't be more until the next release. I recommend it for pretty much anyone looking for a vanilla game. There's quite a bit of content already.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Yes yes yes, anyhow, Dice and Thonk are the best, all hail some good budies for some good bromance, is always welcome to fall trap in the story, that's a really good sign for me so yep at the moment of writting this I wait for more and to see the finale but so far so good, a "colorfull cast" xd because the hair color aha... yeah the humor is right on point with my humor, also "good stuff" real nice :cool: , I hope you the best on your game and may it catch the interest of many
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5144788

    My Time With You
    Version: Book2 Chapter18
    Type: Heavily based on feelings - Harem Story
    Content: Quite a Bit
    Pacing: Steady
    Plot line: MC wants a gf - Female friends want him - Harem

    Character Models: Some of the best Koikatu models
    Personalities: Main Charm of the Game - deep emotional bonding - tsundere - bold -jester - etc.

    Music: Nice
    Animation: Really Good - Tongue movement is well done

    Thoughts: For once, characters feel like real friends ^^. Especially the boys, good job on that (y)
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This is genuinely an amazing story first and porn second. Holy shit why it the writing so good that I tear up? Mystery, revelations that loved ones are worse than we perceived, the nature of second chances, who deserves them, and what about the people who don't get such a chance/ have to make their own? The fact that I genuinely love all the love interests and want to see the best for them simply makes it better. On top of that this is one of my favorite styles of novel, semi kinetic where the choices change enough where they feel impactful but not enough that you miss out on content/ miss out on one of the side girls the story is setting up. Fantastic game, beautiful art, great sex, and a genuinely moving story with real drama. This is obviously a project of love and I'm excited to see where it goes, with hopefully plenty more to come as I too feel a bit empty when a good game is over.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Reviewing Book 2 Chapter 19
    I have downloaded many of the games from this site, and the harem tag is the one I frequent most. The most negative thing I can say about this game is it's made enjoying many of these other games harder, setting a bar that's difficult to meet. The story and characters especially shine, I can't think of a game on the site that exceeds it in those respects. All in all, this is one of the only games I follow monthly, and I cannot recommend it enough to anyone who's looking for more then just lewd scenes strung together by a paper thin plot. It's worth noting, while I don't mind this personally, so it doesn't affect my own rating, the story is mostly linear, which might be a turn off for people for people who need branching paths and the ability to choose characters to pursue or not pursue.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The plot is without a doubt amazing that for me it actually overshadowed the h-scenes but the h-scenes aren't something to scoff at either, they're pretty well made. I can't wait for the next chapter!!!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    What an amazing game,simply 10/10.
    The characters are all amazing,all the waifus have their own unique personalities and all are likeable,their models are also pretty good,even the side characters are well thought.
    The sex scenes are also one of the best things about this game for sure.
    Just wish we had more of Akemi though,but aside from that just perfect.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Good, wholesome Harem.
    The girls are all very likeable and the two male friends are bros.
    Renders are pretty average but not bad by any means.
    The story up to this point is good as well, same with the writing.
    don't expect any griddy, dark content here, this is a VN that's aimed at making you feel good while playing, emotionally (heh)
    Also a good amount of sex scenes and more to come.

  12. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a gem of a game. The anime style threw me off from getting into it as I usually don't like it, but as I kept going through the chapter, I found it very enjoyable. I especially like how Sayumi looks at you.

    Each girl has their own voice and flavor, you might say. The music is 5/5 for me. Grammer was pretty good. It is usually hard to justify the harem part in games, most don't attempt to. I think the dev did a good job with that. I would have still liked more about why each girl wants to stay with MC, not just saying repeatedly they want to be with him only. Like, what is special about him that they would rather split his love and attention among them than go with a another guy.
    Also, how the exact mechanics and specifics of time travel were left as Sayumi saying "I shouldn't tell you more than you need to know." It makes it much better for me as I would usually be bored and rolling my eyes at most of time-travel genre as it's so overdone. This game doesn't focus on that and just lets it stay in the background while choosing to focus on the characters as it should be.

    I loved the humor. Whether it be thonk or dice, or the MC when joking with the girls, they're all pretty funny, cool people. It is what makes this game so good, in my opinion.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This is worth my time ... I mean story is quite GOOD and intresting.... Also lots of character development.... In my experience... It's feels i am watching ecchi rom com Harem anime ( which is truly worth my time and enjoyable ) ....
    If you play Visual novel for mostly story then this game is for you .... Adult scenes are also Nice but. ..... Nothing in compare to others .... So if play AVNs only for adult scenes... Then you might feel disappointed in this one ... But good side is ... That character's and story cover all these flaws ... Characters are really likeable .... Too

  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game have been with these current 2 play books as book 1 is finished and enjoying playing book 2 with surprises and Homer's D'oh saying overall with this game. If could use a emote here would use CatClap to it.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    You should.. no you MUST try this game. Super enjoyable story, the comedy is not cringe, and the renders kept getting better and better. Each girl has distinctive personalities and their personalities really matches their character, a lot of facial expressions, and of course emotional roller coaster. Easily one of the best koikatsu engine games i've ever played. (Sorry for any grammar mistakes and also i'm not that good at making reviews since this is my first AVN review)
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Super enjoyable story cant wait until next installment. Each chapter kept getting better written and overall just a nice fun story with a lot of interesting characters. By book 2 a lot of the issues i had with the early story like weirdly paced jumps and transitions were improved a ton, but the timeline is still sometimes hard to succinctly follow. I wish there were dates or more indicators on how much times passed but thats a minor qol complaint and doesnt affect how the story is overall perceived anyways. Excited to see whats next and i plan to keep supporting this game and dev for a while.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    ver played: book 1
    The game has some very loveable and likeable characters, with good blends of humor and cute scenes made out of cliches and tropes that make me feel like I am watching a sort of rom com anime that many games try to do but none give me as strong of a feeling and consequently succeeds as much as this! The dev definitely knows what hes doing with how he frames the scenes to add extra details and help deliver his jokes as well as how he does his end of content cliff hangers.

    The biggest downside about the game though is the fact that it feels so much like a kinetic novel where in the choices dont actually do anything only giving you an illusion of choice for the most part and LI's being forced upon you as part of the plot at least in book 1 . Even despite those downsides it is very much well worth the try! If you're a big fan of tropey rom com anime then this is the game for you!
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Review as of end of Book 1. Will update once I finish Book 2.

    The Good
    • Characters have distinctive looks, which is very important for VNs with anime visual style. I never got confused between who is who.
    • Characters have distinctive personalities. You can usually tell which character said a line even without the speaker's name displayed.
    • Character decisions are (mostly) consistent with their personality, previous actions and exposition. There is no personality trait pulled out of the arse for the sake of story, or inexplicable decision. As an example, the MC, being an indecisive person, does not suddenly grow testicles on his chest and become a decisive authoritarian for an event.
      • However, there is one inconsistency that annoyed me, which contributed to the non-perfect score. I'll get to that later on.
    • Events and personality traits that contribute to story events are properly anticipated. The idol's anxiety is a constant theme throughout and so when she panics on stage it is no surprise to the reader.
    The could be improved
    • The scene chronology is confusing and not consistently signaled. There are jumps to scenes set in the high school past, to recent past and to the future. All these jumps are separated by the same transition animation. To make matters even more confusing, few of these scenes are introduced with a slide or description of when the scene happened. Nothing in the previous scene's content indicates what the next scene's setting will be.
      • Personally speaking, the dissolve transition animation used is one I associate with callbacks to the past. Therefore, it was jarring to see this animation used to transition to the next chronological event.
      • To improve this, I would:
        • Reduce time jumps as much as possible so that the scenes are presented in a chronological order as much as possible. Hime's photograph scene comes to mind.
        • Add distinct transition animation for callbacks and future scenes. Having distinct transitions will train the reader to identify which scenes are from the past and which are from the future (call forward) and which ones are in the present (i.e. the scene immediately succeeding the current one).
        • For a callback or call forward scene, the preceding scene's dialogue should clue the reader into what is coming up. But even then, the scene transition animation will cement in the reader's mind the chronology of the scene.
        • The most blunt instrument would be a transition slide that would tell the reader when the scene was set (e.g. Past/Then/Before etc.) This is quite on the nose and should be only used if the previous techniques do not work.
    • The MC is indecisive and avoids confrontation, even those that could lead to potentially solving his problems. This is not a problem as a character flaw, as long a character improves on the flaw over the course of the story, however it does present the MC as incompetent. To illustrate this, I shall reference one particular girl's relationship with MC in Book 1.
      • Reader was given the choice to have MC flirt and be more intimate with Girl X.
      • After several encounters, MC and Girl X are about to take things to the next level through sex.
      • MC has a flashback in which he made a promise to an important figure in his life to protect Girl X.
      • MC panics, gets cold feet and repudiates Girl X, without truthful explanation of his actions.
        • My issues with this sequence are:
          • Having the MC reject Girl X diminishes the significance of reader's previous action. If the story is going to give control to the reader, the reader's decision should be respected and not erased due to story reasons, without the proper plot anticipation.
            • Props to the author to alleviate or explain the MC's action by the flashback to the promise MC made, but I, as the reader, still do not see how that promise is in conflict with MC having a relationship with Girl X. The story does not make the equation intimacy with Girl X = promise broken clear in my mind. There needs to be more plot anticipation such as:
              • A similar relationship shown not to work for another character, where the Girl X analogue gets hurt.
              • MC rejecting Girl X to be faithful to his first love, but this is difficult with MC flirting with every girl and vice versa, as well as MC staring at their bodies.
              • Basically, something to show the reader that intimacy with MC will directly lead to Girl X's future being destroyed.
          • The other issue I had was that MC did not immediately share his true reasons for rejecting her. Why? His epiphany is not shameful and something to be hidden. Instead he chose to let Girl X feel rejected for the wrong reasons. This uncharacteristically strong rejection is in direct contradiction with his weak attempts to reconcile with Girl X. He allows her to keep ignoring him, not showing the same strength with which he threw Girl X off. The weak attempts of the MC tells me as the reader that the MC is incompetent, reinforced by his initial decision to reject Girl X. There was not enough exploration of why MC kept putting off his reconciliation. What was he afraid of?
          • This incompetence colours my impression of MC 's relationships with other characters. I find myself asking: why do all these girls like him then? Why does Dice do everything for the MC? Dice seems to be the competent one, he should be the protagonist, not the current weak willed MC.
    • There are no strong plotlines that tie the scenes together. I understand that, from the wife's perspective, getting a harem together is essential to (somehow) saving MC's future, but then the scenes themselves do not serve to advance this plotline. How do the idol scenes relate to the overall plot? There is no strong conflict to center the scenes around, which means that the scenes themselves feel loosely connected. Even Slice of Life stories have central themes connecting them, and strong conflicts that are resolved within each slice.
    • Finally, the number of renders with small, insignificant movements needs to be removed. Although I appreciate the developer's effort in creating the most cinematic experience possible, having scenes with large amount of renders that the reader has to click through slows down the story and got in the way of my enjoyment. One example of this is in a sex scene where a female character repositions the MC's hand across 4 renders. 1 or 2 renders should be enough for this. Being economical with renders is as important as being economical with words (bravo on this though, developer!).
    As of Book 1, good characters, excellent dialogue construction and English contribute to an enjoyable read about engaging characters. However, I feel that to reach the next level the MC needs to be more stimulating, the plots need to be more gripping and the presentation of the story more intuitive. However, the developer has put in excellent effort so far and I am sure that the VN will continue to improve in leaps and bounds. Looking forward to what the future brings!
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3078705

    One of the most underrated games on the forums, and quickly making its way into the top 3.

    The Positives:
    1. All the girls are interesting in their own way. They each have quirks and hangups that make them feel like real people.

    2. The character models are all very cute.

    3. The story is satisfying and wholesome. Each update brings a satisfying chunk of story that always leaves you wanting just a little more.

    The Negatives:

    1. I understand the reasons for the MC to be passive, but sometimes he's too passive. I wish that if you took the bolder choices when they're presented, he would be a little more forward.

    2. The animations range in quality from really great to meh. None of the animations are bad, so this is a small nitpick.

    Overall, this game is amazing and absolutely worth your time. You should download and play it, otherwise, you're going to miss out on what is shaping up to be a great story.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Woah, this game definitely deserves nothing less than a 5 star. Overall it's great, fun, well written and well prepared. Even much that it saddens me seeing it actually being that underrated. At this time I'm writing this (Chapter 13) it's a hidden gem.

    Unique story, unique characters and really interesting plot exploring all LIs deeply. Which is one of the most positive points I can make about this game, almost all Love Interest's own plotline created as they are the main girl in mind, you can really see the effort and thinking Dev put into the game. Keeping all of them separated but together at the same time, while giving them a distiguishable character. Really something to appreciate.

    At first couple episodes things are more amateur-ish and humour is pretty dry. But as the story progress you can actually see the game progress as well, It gets better in all means, so I suggest players to not to judge quickly.

    I have many more things to say but also no need for it, I feel and wish this game will be very succesful in the future.

    I only have 2 little negative (imo) things I could say about it.

    Honestly I would play and love this game even if it was only about Hikari, so I kinda underwhelmed by the amount of content of her, even though last chapter was entirely about her, thinking that she got into the story really late than others and even though crossing some lines several times, MC's inconsistent and unsure behavior against her is a little bit irritating, it might be Dev trying to pursue "forbidden fruit" deeper but I wouldn't call it succesfully done, It was more like trying to hurt and reject Hikari several times then get angry at both her and Sayumi over the littlest thing, compared to the other girl's arcs (especially Yukimi's) I would say Hikari deserved way better than that, but that's my opinion.
    Second one is not that important, but this little breaks with enthusuastic rabbit-girl between chapters are a little confusing, I see the humouristic and cute side of it, but like what's going on, as MC we really listening someone tell a story or something?

    Overall this was a really enjoyable experience so far, I hope eolo gets more support in the close future and we get to see this piece of art more.