VN - Ren'Py - Completed - My Tuition Academia [v0.9.2c] [TwistedScarlett]

  1. 4.00 star(s)

    A Burning Conscience

    Pretty good. It's a Twisted Scarlett game, so the art is all samey but not offensive, with enough material to get you off and keep you hooked till you've got your times worth.

    It really didn't need to be a Hero Academia fapfic, because it's not relevant in the slightest, as none of the characters (in my limited understanding of the material) are consistent with their cannon depictions. In fact the game might have been better if it had been entirely original.

    And speaking of originality, the ending is definitely a step forward landing in face planting into the pavement. Doki-Doki was pretty popular at the time, and they just couldn't help themselves. But it really doesn't affect the core gameplay so it doesn't matter beyond the various in game endings being pretty bland.

    And on those endings. There's no failure state in the game, you just play till you're done, so the money making mechanic is irrelevant. In fact, all the mechanics are beyond just gating content before arbitrary time points. You can't lose, it's just about how quickly you rush certain scenes. There's no way to be locked out of content, and nothing you do matters beyond how efficient you are in completing the gallery.

    All that said, I'd still recomend. It's a complete product, with enjoyable writing, decent enough art, and it doesn't waste your time... too much.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    The game is pretty boring.

    The art is average but nothing more.

    The dialogues are really boring and the text UI is too small and doesn´t look good.

    The sex scenes get reused a lot and don´t even look good.

    The gameplay is too simple, the "corruption" feels very shallow, and too fast.

    The music is boring.

    I wouldn´t really recommend it, the characters also don´t really feel like MHA characters they just look like them nothing more, so as a porn parody game it also fails.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    At gameplay level, the game is not too boring for a sandbox kind of game. The game is very repetitive after some point because you need to grind to attain the 72k $ required. In the end, I just used the bank, which (unreallistically but okay-ish for the game) is the most quick thing to bring money, especially when you start having 10k+ on your account. Having much money was so easy that at some point I was sad to not have an option to spend more than 100k on things. I would have loved to have new options for "rich" MC.

    What I didn't very much like is the few variety of sex scenes and interactions. In fact, each girl follows the same route. Personalisation is minimal : in most scenes, the "default" appearance will be forced.

    I assume this story would have hit better if I had an idea of who the characters are, which I don't because i have not yet read the manga from which I assume the game is about but I would have expected a bit more introduction/context for each characters.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    4/5 for overall point
    but here's for each of point different part
    4/5 render is good, just decent point
    5/5 charactism, this is the part where i like this game, where u can dress up ur character even giving her tan n etc
    3/5 story, i got 2 ending both just decent
  5. 4.00 star(s)

    Ballistic 9029

    This game introduced me to Twisted Scarlett, and while it is one of their earlier games and it shows-

    This is best damn dev I've ever seen on this website given that I actually remember and recognize who they are.

    It's been a long time since I played this game, and it may not be the BEST game they ever created, but it's still pretty damn good with some solid twists thrown in.

    Check it out and have a ball, I vouch for just about anything this dev makes and that's saying a lot.

    They're smart, creative, witty, and they repeatedly destroy any expectation I could possibly have for them, even if this may not be your preferred genre, maybe check out some of their other games, because they're far from a one trick pony (no pun intended for their first game), and they seemingly do something completely different with every game that they make while making it uniquely their own.

    This game was the beginning of me realizing just how good adult games could truly be if they actually put in the effort.

    It may not be for everyone, but it's damn good at what it does.

    Edit: Also a majority of the mid to negative reviews are from people who never reach the end or just take the game at face value, there's a major twist to the game when you actually complete your goal of paying off debts (possibly while being a virgin?)

    Point is, you're not going to get the complete experience or understand why the game is so highly rated if you don't reach the end. You're not obligated to either, but take any review, positive, or negative, with a grain of salt.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    My Tuition Academia [v0.9.2c]

    I would say it´s an all around decent game with a decent artstyle and things that you don´t find in many corruption games, like customizing your character, or having an OnlyFans and being able to do cam shows.
    It´s a fairly quick playthrough that doesn´t feel grindy at all.
    The sandbox gameplay is straight to the point and open, and you have a quest list that is easily understandable for the most part.
    The reason why I can only give this game 3* is because the "Sex Scenes" are really poor and mostly consists of one image that looks similar everytime.
    I wish the Dev invested more time and effort to at least create something like a Sex Scene, doesn´t matter if it´s animated or just putting multiple pictures together to create an illusion that would look like a scene.
    Like I already said, it´s not bad but it´s not a game for jerking sessions.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is pretty short and fun. You can finish all endings in just a few hours. But it's engaging even if the gameplay is pretty simple. The grind isn't bad, you rarely have to repeat the scenes you already know. There are multiple paths but you can clear all of them on the single playthrough.
    CGs are rather simple, a few are repeated or similar but with a little variation.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    started as just a load of text vaguely based on mha, ended nicely. i went out of my way to complete the game as a virgin (unlock bank and complete streaming asap for easy money without losing virginity) and i honestly wonder what the finale would look like if i didn't. and it's all in renpy? real good, worth your time
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Sensible premise, good art, practically no grind, characters are not annoying. Very solid game.

    The only real thing it's missing is that the scenes are pretty tame. For example, there is an entire location for BDSM that only has shibari and a single suspension sex scene.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a pretty good game with very sexy scenes and moments <3. It has great art and very sexy dialogue which complement the art really well. This game is defined by the corruption genre, where an innocent girl is turned into someone who loves sex. This is something I really like and the game portrays really well, showing the progression in how she becomes more open to these ideas. You don't need to know anything about Boku no Hero to enjoy the game, since the game is not being strict about making the characters accurate and at times it deviates to create better content.
    The gameplay has no issues, which is the best thing you can say about a dating sim.
    Part of the charm of this game is that it gives you a lot of options and a lot of things to do, it has more content than you would expect since some events are unpredictable, random, or hidden.

    The music choice in this game is 10/10
    I was not immersed by the ending unlike many others, I wasn't attached. It takes a lot more time to build that sort of attachment and immersion, it takes a journey. Otherwise they can't stand out as more than a playable character to me. I still loved the content the true ending offered uwu
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game
    Nice progression with multiple paths towards the end goal.
    Nice characters(duh) would like to see some animations but its fine as is.
    The story isnt mindblowing but its alright.
    Overall a nice game that's worth playing. I only wished it had more content :HideThePain:
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Really enjoyed this game. I replayed it recently. The grind is there but there's plenty of variety to give you options. Not very well balanced - easy to min/max the game. Art is simple but suggestive enough to be hot!

    Edit: whoaaa. The end is mindblowing!! Please make sure you play it through and pay off all the tuition! I didn't fully complete it the first time I played...
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Gameplay is decent, story is kind of interesting, art is quite good, but really insufficient. Scenes suck, cause its just a girl posing and some dick in the side, its not different from a a pinup, so scenes are not sexy at all. Some of the lesbian ones have the 2 characters, but usually you can not tell the difference between one girl or another inone scen or another. That just kills the game. I played for 2 hours but it didnt change at all. Never again
  14. 3.00 star(s)

    Interracial UglyB NTR Fan

    no idea how mid tution academia is getting 5 stars, its ok I guess, art is average, story is average, gameplay almost non-existent and it's quite short

    would say its promising but its already completed, good first game I guess?
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I like it, really liked the final final. A surprise that made me happy (y)
    I think it has a great art and style, the game itself is good, will take inspiration of this one if I ever have the opportunity of making a game, great work admin :D
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    The rendering is absolutely stunning in the vast majority of the artwork, but man do the blowjobs look really bad. I can't even sugarcoat it, the mc looks like a fish sucking algae off a fish tank in a lot of the scenes. Also, cum doesn't work like that. At all.

    As for the content of the game, the gameplay loop is fun, engaging, and rewarding enough to keep you interested from start to finish. At no point did I feel like I was simply grinding stats, nor did it ever feel like I truly hit a brick wall until the very end. There's always stuff to do, things to see, people to meet, and stats to boost. It's kind of fun sometimes to roleplay with the builds a little bit, even though they only really affect the beginning of the game in the longrun.

    I guess if I were to ask for anything other than substantial additions to locations, scenarios, characters, etc because I want more of the game, it'd likely be more customization with our cosmetics. Yes, I know the game is very clearly a parody of a certain show, therefore the character design isn't super malleable, but the cosmetic options here make me wish for more.

    First off, in what I assume is a set, we have a black hairdo and some piercings. I suppose this is supposed to be going for a gothic look, but it just kind of feels like some OnlyFans woman cosplaying a tiktok alt fashion style. I suppose that essentially is what it is, especially depending on how you play this, but I'd like to see the style go even deeper into the gothic inspired look. I don't just want to see some black eye shadow and a heart, I wanna see some black lipstick, heavier eye shadow and eyeliner, maybe a choker, and especially more piercings. Nipple piercings aren't nearly enough, I like my women more magnetic than the family refrigerator. Belly button piercings, nose rings, eye brow studs, tongue studs, the more the merrier. Some optional smudged makeup would be beautiful too, like runny mascara or smudged lipstick.

    The other set that I see is the blonde hair and tanned skin, which emulates the look of a gyaru. And I actually like this a lot. Where I'd like a bit more fleshing out, though, and probably the most out there request by far, is I'd like the ability to go through a metamorphosis-esque transformation from puritan saint nerd at the beginning of the game to full-on fatherless gyaru by the end. Maybe there could be a quirk for it at the start or something, which also enables mindbreak in scenes? I'm just spitballing here, but it'd be really cool to see something done with the idea, especially seeing a lot of the content in here fitting with that thing.

    Overall amazing game, one that I'd be curious to see be done with original characters rather than basing them off of one show. They essentially share only visual similarities anyway, so it wouldn't change much and would allow them to be more free with the designs.

    I hope my critiques of this game don't come off as too negative, because the few issues I do have with the game are fairly minor, and I did enjoy my time with it a lot, to the point of getting the true ending, exhausting all the options in the post-game, and starting a new save just for the aforementioned roleplay.

    If the updates are over, as the update history seems to reflect, i hope whatever game comes next is even better, and hopefully takes what made this game so great, and takes some of my requests into consideration, and makes a game I would be a little less ashamed of letting my friends see in my Steam library.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    These type of images age generally not what appeal to me, but I decided to try the game due to the fact it was rated highly.

    I found the story to be ok, if not a little run of the mill. Nice bit of corruption in there, but I still didn't find the game all that fappable.

    If you are looking for a bit of a grindy game with some good images for what they are this will probably be for you.

    I enjoyed this, but it didn't knock my socks off.

    Story - 7 or 10

    Images - 5 of 10

    Grind Factor 5 of 10 which for some people might be a good thing.

    It's an all around decent game.
    Likes: GaRbS
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Bill Temple

    v 0.9.2c [Completed]
    This game is fantastic. I first played it early in the year, but recently replayed it because of my frustration with how many crappy games I've played lately. I can count on one hand how many times I've replayed an adult game. There are so many paths and endings that you could play it several times without getting bored. The true ending is just amazing. I enjoyed playing it just as much with high corruption as low/zero corruption. The fact that you can play the game to a satisfying ending in all scenarios is a testament to the vision, work, and attention to detail that went into this game. It should be noted that I'm not a fan of parody games normally, and I've never watched the source anime. It's not necessary to enjoy the game. I also tend to prefer 3dcg for visuals in games and VNs, but this one is still very hot. MC is a perfect combination of cute and sexy. Well done to TwistedScarlett60.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Loved this. Cute innocent and busty MC gets corrupted while working through college. Not very grindy, good scenes, medium to short gameplay time. I tend to go for max sluttiness, and this game let me do so with ease.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Hahaha I wasen't specting that at the end xd, that was way better that wathever I could think this was gonna be. Simple and to the point, great stuff mate, so only thing left now is to check the other games you make, having finished this one I spect them to be just as good if not better.