VN - Ren'Py - Completed - My Tuition Academia [v0.9.2c] [TwistedScarlett]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Another excellent game by an excellent dev.

    Story: 5/5 - A lot of kinks and situations to explore in the pursuit of fun and money
    Art: 5/5 - If you like the dev's art style, this will not disappoint in the slightest.
    Gameplay: 5/5 - Effectively a VN life simulator. Nothing groundbreaking mechanics-wise, but well refined to not waste player time. Even as a completionist, I never felt frustrated finding any of the content.

    If only I could find a bank offering a 4% / day interest rate! I think Taco may have another superpower she doesn't tell anyone about...
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Game's good my brotha's, dev went pretty far with it and ended up with something pretty nice. I don't know how far the in-game galleries go for me to confirm how far I went but at least when it comes to the endings I got all of them.

    The game has a lot of content and is pretty enjoyable, at first I thought that it would have more replay value but I'm not so sure, considering that I was able to get all endings on the first play through.

    I feel like coming back to double check on it but I couldn't see the other girls getting pregnant, even though that classic "sperm + egg" animation played a few times and there was even a repeteable situation where one of the girls asks for a condom for the protagonist, that the protagonist can either give or not, but still, never saw any of the others pregnant. Game still good though.

    The game isn't long and is pretty enjoyable and forgiving I would say, I totally recommend it.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm genuinely impressed by the last updates bringing a closure I haven't seen since a specific club several years ago, and it was quite refreshing.

    There's little grind, the pacing from unlocking H scenes from one to the next is very well-thought, if you can enjoy the author's artstyle, it's very enjoyable.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty good game with lots of art and different things to do. The characters felt a little like place holders though in the sense that they felt like they didn't seem anything like the characters they are based on beyond looking like them. Its also a bit grindy but there are cheats that help with that.

    There are a lot of CG though and its not hard to get. The CG are also really good. The gameplay is also simple and some of the stuff are cool like the pregnancy function is pretty cool. There is a kind of timer that goes along with the pregnancy.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3174405

    It is what it is and what it does it does well. Great art. Lots of variety. Good built-in features (e.g. the "to do" list is very helpful, as is the "Endings" button).

    Took me about an afternoon to get all of the content. Well worth the time and effort.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Unexpected gem. Without spoiling, there's a nice surprise at the end!
    Try every ending! The game is not too much of a grind fest as skipping already seen content is really fast. You can take your time to read everything or skip dialogue and get to the point.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I almost completely didn't give this a second look, never been a fan of games based on existing series, especially an anime. But my god, the quality here is astounding. Probably one of the best games I've seen on this site
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    It's always strange to see a game marked as completed before v1.0, but that's honestly the only thing I can say is "off" about this game. It's visually beautiful, it has a variety of characters and different routes you can take to a bunch of different endings. It's not grind-heavy, but it even has a cheat option to make it easier to complete it the way you want, but I found that taking your time and exploring is more rewarding than rushing through the scenes.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    A great and enjoyable game! There is a variety of content yet the game doesn't overload you with story that you possibly couldn't care about.
    This is basically Ochako falling to the pervy side at your behest.

    Multiple characters, different positions and quite a few options would have you play this game for a good 2-4 hours before completing everything, though paying off tution can take a while.

    My only gripe with the game is that it doesn't work very well with continuity of character, which I understand is a hard thing to implement. You can have a threesome scene with one character in a different event line, but the character still blushes up a storm in a kiss and fingering scene.

    The end bit was also .... interesting..., though I personally wasn't a big fan of that much reading.
    Overall, recommend playing this!
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    A very good corruption game with a pretty huge number of events and some great art. It doesn't do anything insanely novel, but it really knocks the existing formula out of the park. Innocent girl needs to make some money and you get to decide how depraved she becomes on her path to get it.
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4451259

    Probably one of the best parodies I've ever played about My Hero Academia, and the fact that Ochako is technically the main character make things more interesting, since usually the games have a male protagonist. Not to mention this game shows how powerful Ren'Py engine can be, and how it could be used to make more than visual novels with just a few ellections in-game.

    Sadly, I didn't had the pleasure to play the last builds (Yes, mi PC is more like a trash can than a PC) but I still thinking this is an incredible game which deserves an opportunity if you aren't sure to give it a chance. TwistedScarlett60 is not just a talented artist, but a talented writer and game developer too. It's admirable how fast he can make builds to this game, adding new characteristics and functions in a short time.

    My only complain is that sometimes the soundtrack doesn't fits with the scenes, but it's a minimum issue, so I'll give 5 Stars anyway.
    Likes: Howdo
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    review based on 0.7.2 version
    i was skeptical at first- what can offer 200mb game, but then...
    -good art
    -acceptable code
    -no attempts to tell a pathetic story- there almost no story, but for that kind of game its normal
    -no bugs/errors encountered in game
    -game looks like almost finished- even some endings presents
    -lack of variety of side activity (i mean- same event every 3-5 days)
    -too short characters routes
    -no animation, but there no 3d cg, so thats not real flaw

    normaly i'm not even trying to play games if they have less than 1Gb, but in that case- good game with just 200mb
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Edit: After a nice discussion with a forum member (@Pwener) , and the dev, I've decided to revise my review. Their criticism of my review were fair on many points, so I intend to write a more accurate review.

    As a brief preface; I played My Tuition Academia for about 52 in-game days before making this review. That roughly translates into a couple of hours.

    In short, the game has nice art and a simple non-existing story. There are art aplenty a not very much story to talk about.
    The setting is supposedly a parody of My Hero Academy, so if you've watched that show you may recognize some of it (I haven't watched it). In either case, the game only refers to the MC having special powers once.

    The Gameplay is as follows: the day is split into two parts; from 8-16 and from 16 and onward. Days from Monday-Friday are school days and so the first half of the day is filled by school. I think it would've been nice with some more events that told about what the MC did in school, especially considering how it takes up half the day most days. But in any case, this game doesn't focus much on the school part and instead allows you to pick where to go after school where there are various locations to choose from, and more unlocks as you play.

    What can you expect from this game? This game is heavily focused on the porn content. There are lots of content to look at, and in different locations. I didn't unlock all of them, but already the club and beach had different events. These events are quite nice, and they progress naturally. Although, I will say that they still end up being a bit "you can't do that because X number isn't right". On the other hand, that is how most games function and it's fair. Especially the art in these events are very good. That said, of the events I experienced, they do run the risk of becoming old once you've experienced the same event a couple of times.

    Through these events you gain sexual desire and basically lower your inhibitions. You can also stat-pad by using magazines, alcohol and so on, which acts like shortcuts. But well, the desire still only rise which again underscores that it is heavily focused on the art rather than providing any story. For the higher the desire, the more content opens up, and as the game progresses you will meet the girls portrayed on the frontpage picture.

    It is when it comes to these various characters, your boyfriend and also just some of the random events that I feel like the game has its shortcomings - although decidedly not in the art-department. You don't really ever get to know these various people, why you interact with them, how they appeal to the MC or why you all of a sudden starts kissing them. The reason is that the game has no real story, which makes the characters and the MC's actions sort of disjointed. Of course, if you don't care about a story, then this critique won't matter to you.
    You can also get a boyfriend who unfortunately is just a shadows, which is quite unfortunate. Moreover, I don't really think he has any personality, not that any of the other characters has much of that either. Again, leading back to the game not really focusing on the story part, but rather on unlocking art. To me, a great game has a good story and lots art packed around that story - not the other way around.

    In short:

    The Good
    • Good art and the MC is hot.
    • A large quantity of art.
    • Many different locations.
    • Events have different options depending on your desire.

    The In-between
    • Some of the events can become repetitive. A few extra events in the student bar or on the beach could help that.
    • Though you play a girl, the narration almost changes to playing from the boyfriends perspective when you are together, which is a bit strange.
    • You choose your own pacing. As the game has no story or keypoints to hold on to, you basically decide your own pacing depending on how much desire/lack of shame you have.

    The Bad:
    • Apparently the MC has super powers, but this is very rarely referred to. Generally, the world and setting is not explored to a great extent.
    • The MC has a crush on a guy, but this guy is like all other guys not even given a face. I find that annoying, while others might find it nice.
    • The game is basically devoid of a story. While not all games must have a story, not having one runs the risk of making the various characters disjointed - "why do you start kissing this girl" "why do you like this boy" etc. Their relationship aren't explored or developed.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Awesome MHA parody game.
    It has both decent art and writing, gameplay is pretty straightforward and simple, the game lets you free to choose whatever way you're going to corrupt the protagonist. There is a good amount of events and places to go and all of them are really good.
    It could use some more male characters aside from all the faceless ones, a bit more depth to the crush character/questline (has potential for good NTR content), and some depth to the trait system. The game is still being developed so those things are probably gonna get added at some point.
    If you like prostitution games or trainer games, this one is for you.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Just an awesome game and a perfect example of less is more. Straight to the point corruption of a cute and sexy female protagonist without unnecessary walls of text or time wasting walking to quests. User input is frequent and so is the lewd content after your first couple days. The h-scenes are simple but effective and have been getting better and more unique with each update.

    And the updates wow, they come out every few weeks with a solid batch of content. This speed is partially aided by the simple premise, but the dev deserves a ton of praise for their efforts. As many others have said, this game has been out a few months and has more content than games that have been out years. Plus, the game is very polished and I rarely experience bugs.

    Love this game, simplicity is sexy.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This is hands down one of the best H games I've played. To be honest this game was good before when I first made a review and that was it. Good but not something I would rate amongst the best. However, as the game got updates more content was added some art improved and bugs were squashed making it better overall, though even that wasn't enough for me to rank it among the top. No, the ending is what blew me away the true ending that is. I won't say anything about it to avoid spoiling but if you've seen it you know that oh shit moment.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Do you like trainer-esque games like me? Did you played almost all of them available at the site and run out of content? Wanted to hold off on this one and wait for more content?

    This game got more H-scenes then most of the games with 2year + in development. As of 0.6.3, there is a good chunk of stuff to do.

    It's not your usual hooded guy corrupt girl(s) but instead you corrupt yourself,with your decisions.

    I don't mind grinding in trainer games,i know its part of the progress, but in this one,the grind is very little,almost non-existent because you can almost always progress or get a scene here and there,just explore. There is already pregnancy in it, it's kinda rare to have sex scenes with pregnant characters,let alone pregnant MC. There are lot of kinks already included,even BDSM.

    I don't usually write reviews ,only when a game catch me off guard.
    So if you are still on the fence, make a favor for yourself and play it. Can't wait for the full game!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has been out for 4 months and it's better than similar games that have been out for 4 years (*cough* game of whores *cough). I really can't believe how good it is, how much there is, and how quickly it came out. Fantastic game! Dev should be proud!

    If I could request any features, it would probably be 3 things:
    #1: More outfits to wear around town that are more daring but not totally slutty.
    #2: More (optional I guess) NTR content with the boyfriend. This has a lot of potential to add another dimension to the corruption if done well.
    #3: More midgame content for corruption/exhibitionism/cheating as she goes from innocent to mega-slut.
  19. 4.00 star(s)



    Art is great and lots of options.

    Somewhat weird pacing (traits not really impactful when acquired later), cheating scenarios seem encouraged,
    how pregnancy is integrated is awful,
    ending is eh.

    Overall Art and lots of choices carry it.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    tl;dr at the start: Great game and worth checking out for players who want to corrupt a innocent girl.

    I played it yesterday. Overall, it is a great game and makes lot of fun. I am a total sucker for Corruption games like this, making an innocent girl slutty over time is just a classic and most of the time enjoyable. This applies to this game as well.

    I like that you can choose a character for the MC before, this gives some variation, but is not overpowering through the playthrough.

    The things you can do are a lot so far, which is nice to see.

    Things I dislike/think can improved:
    Honestly, things that might not even need changing or might not even possible. My biggest criticism would be the Art sometimes. The art itself is good, but if you change something on the MCs appearance, you barely notice it. E.g. if she is pregnant, you barely see it. Same with using the fake tan, the difference is really minor, which also defeats the purpose of doing it.

    A little bit more variety when it comes to outfits would be nice as well. Especially stuff she can wear at the street, so not directly lingerie, but slutty street clothing (similar to the waitress-outfit, which I used for most of the time). Also, a little bit more hairstyles would be nice. They differ from the default hair, but I think more variety would be great.

    But my biggest concern are the lack of really visible changes when pregnant or having a tan.

    Then the economy-system might need some looking at. It starts slow, which is alright, but especially the Online-Features can get to high values pretty quickly. Which, again, is nice, but at some point you dont have anything to spend your money on. Sure, you can use it to pay the 72.000 $, but some of those benefits (like increased money income) will probably not be needed anymore at this point.
    And, last but not least - basically anything besides Lonelyfans or Webcam-Sessions are not worth the time if you want to get money. For the scenes, those things are great and the scenes itself are also good (same with the dialogue in those), but repeating them does not really do much, since the income earned from those is way lower than Lonelyfans for example.

    Maybe some more stats which can only be increased when doing the alternative Incomes?
    E.g. maybe Body Modification would be a thing, that you work at the strip clup and there are desire points for a breast enlargement surgery? Which can be build up by doing the tasks. Just as an idea.

    But overall, really positive experience and I really liked it!