VN - Ren'Py - My Virgin Roommate [Demo] [Twisted Rabbits]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    review as of the demo.
    like the other reviewer stated this "demo" could have been longer if it was a teaser trailer! it feels like a waste of time to download a demo that doesnt show you how the game works! you have the player determine names for the girl and the MC and its over! i looked in the options and you have a gallery full of slots for gallery images (maybe even scenes) but nothing in there! you have to give your players more of a taste than that! this is like smelling the food cooking but you arent allowed to have any!

    renders are decent (and thats the only reason i didnt give this a 1 star), but the MC looks kinda weird to me. theres just something about his face! the render is fine i guess but might need adjusted a bit cause he looks older than college age.

    the story of the MC getting assigned to a room with a female roommate is a bit cliché, but if you can add depth to it with good writing it may hold a good story otherwise your gonna end up with generic porn stories like stepsister stuck in the washing machine or girl cant pay for a pizza so she fucks to pay for it! theres potential here but you need to write a good story to make it work! ill even give you an idea you can use for free here... roommate went out with friends, they went to the club, roommate gets abandoned when her friends hook up with some boys, she calls the phone in your dorm room because its all she remembers and asks if you can come pick her up! boom! that shoulda been your demo!

    this sections simple... there is none! if you just wanted to show off this small amount of gameplay you have so far, this could have been done in a teaser trailer and saved players from downloading a game that ends 30sec after it starts!

    Final Thoughts
    i cant honestly give a recommendation on this one! dont waste your time! wait for the game to be further along in development! the same advice goes to the dev, wait till your game is further along in development before releasing another version! please give your players something they can actually play and something that will leave them wanting to come back to see what happens in your story (and to see the hot roommate girl learn to do naughty stuff with the MC)! i like to give devs positive feedback because so many out there will just take a dump on games they dont like, but this demo was really disappointing and it needs a lot of work! hopefully this can become a good game because i see it having potential but right now its gonna be a hard pass for me!
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    This feels like an insulting joke.

    The 'demo' is "this is the main li, she shares your room as the title says. the end." Limiting the demo to that much screams cash grab.

    The renders look good but not outstanding. The model we've seen so far is a good choice. You will have seen her in others.

    The writing already seems poor, mc seems super insecure and the girl is so vapid she doesn't even seem to worry about the fact a guy claims to be her roommate (against apparent policy) for even 2 seconds. That type of attitude (that girls have no thoughts outside of sex) usually leads to bad plots
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