Unity - My Wife's a Star [v0.13 Beta] [DeviantWiz]

  1. 1.00 star(s)

    Calvin Kloin

    The one star is only for the lack of save space and none-dialogue replay, and maybe the frustrations.

    I don't have any issues with any game engine but this is ridiculous. Limited saves in a branching story game with no proper replay implementation? Seriously?!

    Anything elses are good, no questions. Graphics are great, story is hot and the character development doesn't feel unnatural or forced. That's it bye
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    You know what is a bad idea? Merging worst parts of sandbox and kinetic novel.
    In this game you have a bunch of pointless buttons which you can only press if kinetic part of the game allows you to. It gets very boring fast. You are not managing your resources, trying to get someone to like you or get some scenes. You are just mashing every button on every screen to make sure you don't miss some scene. Maybe game gets better in the later stages but the beginning is BAD.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an amazing, hot game with a reference NTR for what it should be, many other authors should follow the example of how to make similar games. A beautiful model of the main character with a beautiful face and a graceful figure, without funny and ridiculous breasts like a cow and an ass from a truck, so admiring the children's audience.

    It's funny to see underestimated people who are offended deliberately giving low marks to a good game because the update schedule does not correspond to their desires)) what does the game have to do with it??) funny. I lacked perhaps some kind of fetishes to make the game even hotter than simple vanilla sex, even though it was beautifully served. Perhaps more attention to the beauty of the legs, elegant shoes and heels, the gameplay itself, the convenience of saving and loading, and the lack of rollbacks also seemed inconvenient, I understand that this is a feature of the unit, perhaps it was more convenient for the author to work with him.
    I’ll also add, it’s a pity that the author didn’t spend time looking for more suitable models for the father and mother of the hero, they look like his peers and this is not very funny)

    As a result, the game seemed to me interesting, exciting and hot for fans of the NTR genre, which is clearly underestimated, one of the best on the site, I definitely recommend it!
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    The game is good. But here comes the Big BUT....

    We understand that most of the Devs have other jobs and maybe they are busy with it.

    But still not releasing anything besides Images, it is no good look.

    At least the Dev should say I have other stuff to do and the next release at this point is postponed or some news.

    We are losing interest in the game.
  5. 5.00 star(s)



    I have been looking for good sharing/swinging/"netorase" games on this site and this is the best one I have come across.

    This game gives the player legitimate choice as to how they want their relationship to play out. You can be a voyeur and watch your wife, you can be a swinger and have sex with other women while she has sex with other men, or you can be a cuckold and watch your wife have sex with other men,

    This game also does a great job of introducing multiple characters and storylines that play out. You also get to play / make decisions as the wife, inependent of the husband, so you can play a cheating wife as well.

    The story is interesting and slowly builds to an increasingly sexual and daring options. The game does a good job of building the relationship with your wife and other characters before she starts getting corrupted and you can control how corrupted both you and your wife get.

    The sex scenes are extremely hot and have a great build up and pay off as well.

    If you're looking for a normal average game on this site with harem / guy presses x to fuck 10 bimbos then this isn't it. But if you're into any form of sharing or NTR as a fetish this game is a 11/10 must play.

    The game isn't completely perfect though.

    The biggest problem is that the developer provides the player with a 'sandbox' like game with multiple options, however at 0.12, most of the options do nothing 95% of the time but might do somethign 5% of the time. This leads you to constantly clicking on 'go talk to your assistant' and nothing happens 95% of the time.

    The dev needs to highlight which options on the screen are actually available to the player at any given time, rather than making you guess which ones actually lead to something.

    Overall, the game has been voted down by NTR haters and deserves a much higher score.

    NTR ENJOYERS RISE UP. Play this game and support it!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favorites games here:
    - Well written, you immediately get a feel for each characters personality which helps keep you immersed.
    -Nice renders
    -Slow burn (the gradual anticipation is what makes this hot for me!)
    -No scenes are mandatory, it's fairly well signposted what could happen next , the game does let you pass on opportunities, that said, you're going to miss out on the majority of the content if you play a chaste or straight laced Valerie or MC, all of the best content depends on your couple reaching a high corruption level prior to the event.

    -A minor flaw imo but it's very easy to make a wrong decision, or not do things in the right order, mismanage your corruption / obedience and shut down scenes without even knowing it, the scenes menu gives you some hints but it then becomes a trial by save scumming grindfest.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    this game is growing great.

    it start slowly and the party is the only great early scenes that I like

    but when james can deside to flash valerie to the workers when asleep en at the gym shares her it get greater and greater

    hopily deviantwiz will continue like this.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games I have played. It got something for everyone with possibility to explore multiple endings.
    Can't wait for the next update.
    Only thing that can make it even better is in game guide.
    The models are really good. Lots of playtime.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is one of the best to me. All the paths involved are awesome. I love the main character as the wife. I would love to explore more scenes with the model couple, the swingers. But other than that, this game is awesome. Keep the hard work, man!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Ok i don't know what it is with this game. I hate the engine and mindlessly clicking through a dozen of locations and people hoping to find an event. The renders aren't great but somehow despite all of these things i really like the game.

    I think where this game shines is the events and although these events don't have any influence on the general path of the story so far, they are really well made. They are isolated events and don't change the story(sometimes it feels like they never happened), within them there are meaningful choices to be made that change the outcomes of the events. Which feels really rewarding and makes the game replayable. I found myself replaying this a few times just to see the variations.
  11. 2.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    My Wife's a Star is a sandbox style VN where you play as a talent agent engaged to your agency's biggest talent. While it has some excellent scenes and great images, it’s unfortunately completely destroyed by its gameplay and story.

    Gameplay generally consists of navigating the MC through the day, choosing actions to take and people to meet along the way. This would work fine... if it weren't for the fact that you don't actually have a choice over 90% of the time. While all of the buttons for interacting with characters and locations are available to click on at all times, they don't do anything unless an action is actually available, which it almost never is. As such, the core gameplay loop currently consists of clicking on two dozen buttons a day to see if any actions are available, before clicking on the one button that actually does work to advance. You do this each in game day. It's unacceptable. Each button should only be visible if there’s a reason to click it, or a notification should be offered if an events is available.

    Every once in a while, an event is actually available, which tend to be pretty good. My Wife's a Star is good at creating erotic circumstances and the writing is also solid. If the game had actually buckled and just been the VN it should have been in the first place I'd have less complaints.

    Unfortunately, from a story line perspective, the events are problematic. While events are individually strong, what they spell for the plot and the MC's relationship sucks. The fun part of a sharing or ntr game is either the consent of all parties or the distinct lack respectively. My Wife's a Star does neither. The MCs don't discuss who they're fucking, not like keeping a secret, but they simply don't interact about it. As a result, you don't get the fun scenes where the MCs are either guilty or getting off about their secret sex. You also don’t get scenes where the MCs ask permission to fuck someone else or ask for an open relationship. Frankly, it’s like the MCs aren’t even in a relationship at all; they’re more like roommates with benefits.

    Events also tend to be either 0 or 100, meaning that Val is either doing nothing erotic or fucking on a whim. While this might work out fine for the hard ntr fans out there, it kinda sucks for anyone looking for a shade of grey in the middle or any kind of good guy/girl style player. If most of the scenes aren’t going to offer things that aren’t ntr, just write an ntr story.

    The gradient for corruption is pretty bad as well. Much like the above, the MCs will start fucking other people with no remorse almost immediately after having a few raunchy conversations. No guilt, no slow slide into depravity, just fucking around immediately. Why even have a story?

    I really want to like My Wife’s a Star more than I do. There are some great scenes hidden in this mess of a game in a mess of a story, but it’s just not currently worth digging them out. If you’re into hard ntr, it might be worth digging through it, but anyone else shouldn’t bother.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    This won't be a useful review but...

    I don't know what it is about this game, the graphics look dated, there aren't really any animations, and the story is nothing special, BUTTT it just has a certain je ne sais quoi that makes it enjoyable.

    I don't know if it's because the main LI is so hot, or the characters are mostly down to earth and relatable, but for some reason while similar games get the trash can after a playthrough, I keep coming back to this.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the best story based Visual Novel with swinging and NTR. Every sex scene looks natural for Male Character or his Wife. Expect gym trainer though..
    However, the game needs more renders in every scene, because the ratio of text and images is not proportional.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Critique - v0.11 Beta

    The game has a ton of potential but lets you down on a couple of fronts, the amount of pathway crossover from glitches is one of them.

    For example without warning you end up in a 3 way bj with your fiance and mom when you get trapped in a changing room with them. It comes without warning and without any kind of preamble to explain it.

    Another example is when you cheat with your colleague's wife and suddenly you're both in love and you're introducing her to your fiance. Who introduces their lover to their partner without warning? Obvious pathway crossovers that are just ruining the game at this point.

    Other main events that occur don't tie into the repeatable events, if fiance cheats with the gym douche bag she still goes back to the gym and works out with him same as before with zero changes to the dialog.

    It's a shame really, ruins what would be a fantastic game.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a good one. Lots of good kinks and fetishes, most of which are avoidable if you don't like them.
    Each updates adds a few really good scenes.
    The only thing stopping me from rating this a 5 are the needless options. I don't think there's ever a reason to go to your home bathroom, yet it's an option every single day. After day 2 or 3, there's almost no reason to ever talk to your colleagues, but they're always available to be selected. Yet, here I am clicking everything useless to see if something has been added on that front in a recent patch, which feels tedious.
    Otherwise, the game is fun, erotic, and worth coming back to.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    This game would get 5 stars if it weren't for the obnoxious sandbox element. The story, character models and lewd scenes are all great. Just having to repeat the same boring interactions throughout the day just to get to the good kink scenes after days of repetition just turns me off.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    May its somehow not comfortable for someone that the game is made with unity, maybe itsf or someone oldfashioned that there are no animated scenes but only static pics.
    But the writing of dialogues7thoughts and the consequences by decissions which opens different paths and scenes is really really very good made in this game. Its still in development so i will not criticise the leak of activities at home and currently also the many times i have to skip time to next event issue because i hope this will get upgraded in future updates.
    The game contains the best ever trth and dare paarty/orgy i have ever experienced in any of the available games so far. very tricky made and different choices lead to different interactions and scenes. I just wish that other devs use such party games same way.
    Just hope the dev can keep his promise with new update end of may this year because writing and characters are really great.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    [v0.10 Official]

    I'm with the previous reviewer on this game. There are some serious design flaws to this game. The wasted time slots and needless clicking to do nothing in particular. Always needing to repeat the same activities that do nothing other than raise some stats. Considering this is Unity, we don't even have the usual skip protection that stops when new text appears. It makes the game annoying to play.

    I did a pure NTR run, where the male MC will not sleep around or give consent for his wife to sleep around (but she does so behind his back). The game has many unfortunate hardcoded netorase vibes. Even when playing a male MC who doesn't have a sharing fetish, the text very often makes it seem like he is enjoying it when it happens despite his wishes. There is some wiggle room here, where the MC might be tantalized by the thought but is terrified and absolutely against it becoming reality. However, the MC often goes over this line and comes across as a very willing cuck.

    Based on my findings on this first run, it certainly seems like this game is first and foremost a sharing, swinging, netorase type of story. The male MC has a lot of potential females he can fool around with too (although I opted not to), and the most natural progression to this story is that of an adventurous couple. If that is your thing, you will probably find this more enjoyable than me.

    So I had pegged this game at 3* based mainly on the gameplay design mentioned in the first paragraph. However, there are a couple scenes that was absolutely top notch. One particular foursome scene in the clothing store was so expertly built up for an NTR enjoyer that I had to bump the score. The passed out at the party scene was super hot too, although the MC was a bit too willing to get cucked there.

    All in all, it's a decent fetish game. Don't come in expecting believable characters or some amazing story. It's quite porny, but it gets the job done.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1157790

    First, the obvious problems. In this game there is a day/night system, which gives you the option for a variety of interactions. The problem is that basically all interactions are useless. For example, the only thing you can do in the evenings is skip time by watching tv. After the first day, there is no reason to talk to any of your coworkers. The weekends play out exactly the same every time, the only option is whether you want to skip time in the kitchen or backyard. Further, the pacing of the game is off. For example, in one scene a super old man touches Val's boob, which she is creeped out by, and the next time they meet she seduces/blows him. Val and Darius sext, next time they meet shes getting railed by him in a threesome, and the time after that she is hesitant about giving him a blowjob.

    With all of that said, I cannot give this game less than 5 stars because of how well executed some of the scenes are. In particular, "The Party" which is one of the best scenes I've played in a game.

    If the dev better paced and reordered some of the scenes, and got rid of the day/night interaction system (i.e., formatted the game to be a typical VN), this game would one of the best in the NTR genre.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    So far played through the game and overall it’s not bad, but could definitely be better. Unlike a
    Lot of people I have no problem with the platform of renpy, unity, or rpgm. If it’s a great game and I like the story I could careless what platform it’s on.

    graphics - graphics are ok and the scenes are fairly nice. Will the graphics compare with some of the other games out? No but they are acceptable.

    story- It’s a different story and one that is unique from most I’ve played. You do get to have some control over the course of the story and where it goes, but I wish you had more options. Such as instead of going to a pre-planned scene you could say no or suggest something else.
    Plot- I like the plot although like I said above some more control over your characters actions at some points would be nice. It’s done really well in some points and completely missed in other moments.

    overall - it’s an ok game I like that NTR is avoidable for those that want to play faithful, although it would be nice for those people to have the option to disable or enable. The two main characters are interesting the others are kind of meh. It’s definitely got components to be a really great game just with a little tweaking and development here and there and this may move it from meh to a wow.