Others Mystery Flesh Pit National Park game(But very NSFW)


Oct 1, 2018
This is a long-time contemplation and imagination I had in my head. I kept dreaming about getting stuck inside the flesh pit and instead of dying, I'm constantly getting raped and bred by the countless weird creatures in it.

I'm a degenerate but, well I think it would be cool and interesting if we could have weird games that play out like that. I'm not sure that if I take all the lore from the official MFPNP it would be ok or not. But perhaps the best way is to make something that is inspired by MFPNP instead.

So this is the main story that I have in mind.

Players can pick whether to have a penis or a womb(maybe options to have both? I'm not sure)

You were invited to the park by the Scientists, they had records of your medical history and they had a hypothesis that you might attract the megafauna in the flesh cave, they think that exposing you to the creature might yield some interesting results.

Eventually, the scientist would guide you around, pretending to be your tour guide, exposing you to different creatures, and of course, you can choose to protect yourself when these creatures attack or submit to them. If you successfully fend off all the creature types in your playthrough, the scientist will let you leave since they don't have enough experiment results, if you submit and fucked by at least one of the creatures, the scientist will reveal to you their devious plans, you will then be forced to have sex with other kind of creatures.

During this stage of having sex with these creatures, you will have to maintain your sanity and choose whether to act aggressively to the creature or be nice to them.

If you lose your sanity(minigames) or choose to be aggressive to the creatures, the scientist will force you down the special flesh wall that will turn you into seed beds, making you give birth to tamed creature babies forever.
But If you endure and be nice to the creatures, the scientists will propose a new experiment, and expedition to wake up the flesh pit and present you to it as its mate.

If in your playthrough, you never hurt a single creature, the flesh pit will ask you nicely to be their mate for life, you can choose to have sex with the flesh pit and become its wife/husband, making all creatures in the flesh pit non-hostile, this will make the park more visitor- friendly and no more deaths will occur from the creature. The flesh pit became your new home/partner and you have forever orgies with the creatures and the flesh pit in your private chamber, secluded from the rest of the park.

You could also decline the offer to be their mate, the flesh pit would be disappointed but will threaten the scientist to let you walk free, out of harm. You will be able to leave the park, the scientist will apologize and compensate you. After you left the park for a month, the July 4th incident happened where the flesh cave accidentally choked from the rain, killing many people and forcing the park to close.

If in your playthrough, you attacked and killed at least 4 creatures, the flesh pit will see you as a threat and subdue you by forcing you to mate with them, they will encase you in its breeding chamber and force you to give birth and pleasure them for eternity.

These are the brief story+gameplay(?) I had in mind. Unfortunately, I am working on SFW farming game on Unity so this project will have to wait. If anyone is interested, feel free to share your ideas here!

I'm still not certain what game engine I would make this in, not even sure if I could make this 3d interactive game or just light novel style on RenP.

I am inexperience in any other engines other than unity.