Ren'Py - Mystic Valley [v0.19.0] [Mucski]

  1. 5.00 star(s)



    Its an excellent intro for a game. But even after a year in develpment and being in "Beta" there are just a few sex scenes with 3 out of 16 girls.

    + I love these cute models
    + Animated hot sex scenes
    + Short dialogs, straight to the point
    + Easy sandbox with repeatable sex scenes.
    + Helpful hint system, I had no problems finishing all content.

    - There is barely any content for each girl. Just a few conversations, dates and daily routine.
    - Only 3 out of 16 girls have sex scenes. You can count them on one hand.

    Its an Intro or Demo at best. There is very little content, but the content itself is great and I had fun playing it. Right now its 3-4h of gameplay, mostly talkig to girls and getting to know them.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    I've given this game, according to the in-game clock, 7.5 hours of playing time on the latest version, which is a very committed contribution to any game.

    graphics are ok but available elsewhere - not a complaint.

    animations are ok but few, and repetative.

    story is - non-existant, we are introduced to characters but even now not really told why they are where they are - ok, its a developing game, but the direction remains really unclear.

    But what really pisses me off, are reading the deserved pages and pages of queries about bugs in every version of the game released, whith the answer being "what, where?" followed by " oh I'll fix that in the next version", only for the next version to not fix the problem, and instead throw in a few extra ones.

    We are assured 2 people are checking for any problems, well, sorry, but they arent doing their job well if at all, but nevertheless its a shitshow excuse when the buck stops with the Dev full stop to put out a product which at least works, which this doesnt. Unresolved bugs every version is just lazy production, and doesn't deserve support I'm sorry to say.

    We are also told about following the hints process, yet those hints don't reference essential key info needed to trigger conditions, even before getting to the bugs - prime example, the continue teaching requirement to trigger Selena's condition, which needs certain smarts (which we are never told about, and even getting those smarts still doesn't trigger satisfying the event)

    Overall - a game of possible potential we will currently never know about through failure to explain, and even worse failure to pay attention in preference for laziness. I dont like to diss devs, but this is deserved
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.16
    Date - 02/04/2024

    Pretty decent game , girls don't look the same which is a huge plus considering the fact that it's the HS engine.

    Pros -> Kind of happy with how varied girls are , don't feel like dialogues are repeated or phrases over used again.
    Cat girls

    Cons -> Some dialogues could be improved and rewriting on some scenes and interactions , overall not a big deal but noticeable in the long run.

    GL for project , tldr my only gripe would be if you've gone through the effort of making girls feel different make sure mc's responses feel that way as well.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty for a start.

    Characters are nice, some more interesting than ohters, arlerady some H scenes.
    Quite good for a start, (~2h of gameplay right now), want to see where it is going.

    Only weak point right now is the plot imo. Some of the interactions with the girls are a little unnatural and feel rushed.
  5. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2755092

    The renders are subpar.
    The story is, well, just a bunch of words at this point.

    The free roaming, is the typical "nothing to do except for the very few actions you can do one that day in that timeslot, everything else, will either be a great lot of nothing, or "in development."

    Anything you do in the game, consume a 1/3rd of the day. As is the usual in that kind of game, it means if you click on the wrong thing, you'll have to waste a full day to do the interaction you were aiming for.

    Girls basically give you a blow job on your 2nd interaction with them, for reasons. That pretty much says it all about the story's quality, and the depth of character's developments. Considering the game rendering engine and quality, this is not even working as fap material either.

    Move along people, nothing to see here.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    It looks like a good game. More development require, such as doors and level up characters. Also, some dialogue are out of place. The characters look interesting. Wait and see. I will put this game in my waiting list.