Others - Completed - Nagai Yamiji [Kajio]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Really tight and tiresome platformer.

    If you like really tough and tedious retro platformers, this is the game for You and not me.

    The controls are really close and unchangeable- to gain any distance or use wall jump, rolling mid-air is a must, but the timing must be perfect and the locked keys are [ X ] and [ C ], not to mention the useless [ Z ] and spells [ V].

    The other part is sparse and tedious save-points: in between massive sections of gameplay where the amount of enemies and traps can whittle you down and force to restart and large vertical platforming sections where a single mistake means having to do it over again (especially with really demanding platforming).

    The music and sound effects are okay, the voice is so-so, the sprites and end-screens are definitely not good enough, not even for a pixel art game.


    I found it
    boring- long , slow and demanding platforming,
    tedious- respawning enemies for both entry an time , long gaps between save-points,
    unrewarding for mediocre at best h-scenes with so-so visuals and sound