This is a great game, with few questionable things.
Art style is top tier, its rare to see such high details of everything while also being so lively animated.
Music and sounds are quite good too.
The story is... its there i guess? its just "Defeat evil villain", really forgettable.
The gameplay is the most unusual thing here:
Because who would see a Doom clone and guess its actually some 2D-Sonic-like FPS action-puzzle-race game about collecting items and avoiding enemies?
I felt like i got rug-pulled when i was doing tutorial, my brain was so confused about what i was even playing lol.
Not to say its bad gameplay, its good, im just confused why its attached to a porn game.
Now the only questionable issue, its gameplay:
Its a loop of completing arenas to unlock gallery monsters.
As of now, It gets repetitive and grindy fast.
The requirement to unlock just one gallery monster is,
1 - Fully complete level,
2 - Be lucky that the monster on the level is the one you need.
And you need to do this for EVERY SINGLE ONE.
So yeah, unless you really like the gameplay, after having some fun, i recommend you to use 100% full save file to skip most of the grind, at least to fully unlock level select option from your mage Victor.
Its not the hundreds of pages of mind-numbing text at slog pace grind curse like most porn games suffer from, but one can easily see how it could be improved in some ways.
Right now can easily give it about 7.5/10 score, i think later it could be a solid 9.
Again, amazing art style, can't wait for it to get new content!
need an option to pet cute mage guy victor...