Hey, folks! I finally get my developer badge and willing to put some effort into the f95 community. As you might know, I'm working on remastering the current game. It will include a completely new high-end character editor, interactive fights (instead of a previous "cinematic" way) and many other improvements that were inspired by the player's feedback. If you have any thoughts that you think should be considered in a new version - please, let me know 
Also, I'm going to make a special f95 build, that will be less powerful than the highest tier version, but much more sophisticated than a regular public demo outside of the f95. I hope it could be a good pirating\support compromise. Feel free to share your thoughts, will be happy to hear from you

Also, I'm going to make a special f95 build, that will be less powerful than the highest tier version, but much more sophisticated than a regular public demo outside of the f95. I hope it could be a good pirating\support compromise. Feel free to share your thoughts, will be happy to hear from you