After specific request here's a slightly edited
DeepL/Google hybrid MTL for
v1.0 including scripts.
Known issues:
2 Equipment labels still have some Japanese characters. (No idea where they come from, but they are additional, the label is translated.)
The word wrapping makes it a bit hard to keep track who's talking. (Thank the quirky dev for that.)
To extract and play the game you might need to set your system locale to Japanese(Japan) or use another locale method.
How to change your system locale.
Before you can apply the MTL you need to extract and then move or delete the "Game.rgss2a".
How to apply a DMTL to RPGM Ace.
If you experience a crash, game-breaking bug or seriously broken text please post me a screenshot and a short description when it happened. Providing a save just before the problem occurs would drastically increase the speed of the fixing process.