Unity - Naughty Fairies [Ch. 2 Part 2] [ANVI-Soul]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    The models, posing, and animations are all quite good. The problem is that the game itself is ultimately too fiddly to be good at the level of difficulty that it's set at.

    Clicking on faeries? Not really a problem, though the detection is rather picky. Clicking on fast-moving faeries under a time limit? The movement patterns are fixed, so you can plan a route to catch faeries when they're stopped, so it works kind of well.

    But clicking and *dragging* faeries? Yuck. Clicking faeries *repeatedly*? double yuck. Clicking faeries *while the camera is moving*? Extreme yuck.

    The 'hidden object' sections are similar. Cleaning up a nature scene that's full of opaque junk? Pretty easy. Finding a pair of wings or a hidden crystal that's been reduced to like 20% opacity and is the size of a spec of dust? Eff that.

    The 'locker room' section unlocks an animation for each fairy... after you click on her boobs/crotch over a dozen times... for each pose she's in, so well over a hundred times for each animation unlocked this way.

    My hand and eyes both actually hurt a little after playing this.