RPGM - Completed - Nebel Geisterjäger [v1.2] [BBQ Lover]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    This is definetly a good game. It has a surprisingly interesting story and cool villain with motive and backstory tied to both mc and Kana, and it becomes available by paying attention to hints. The scenes and sounds are really hot. The mystery is good. You can have sex with heroine in late game, and based on the size of dick you selected, its gonna be easier or harder to fight back against Lawrence and lower her submission.

    The pacing with corruption is a bit off I think, I found myself trying to get ntr and it was still slow in the beggining, but then it just takes off, youll get a bad end before seeing a whole lot of scenes, and her reactions to you dont change in response. She has the same dialogue whether Lawrence groped her or came inside her. No change in guilt, but atitude change is very visible in actual scenes, so it isnt that bad.
    Likes: Genis
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    To preface this, I've only achieved the Normal Ending so far.
    I'll go back for the other endings later, but I think I've earned the right to judge this game after playing it for 24 hours.

    This game is a far cry from the previous game by this author. Semen Squeezing Devil was also an NTR game, but it was paced very differently. In that game, you only had 4 days with which to do essentially everything in the game. However, in this game, you have essentially infinite time to do that. Which sounds like it's nice, relieving some time pressure, but this means that the game drags. I spent hours just constantly running in circles trying to grind up the stats to fight the later enemies because that shit does not scale well.

    The combat is innovative. It's fresh. It's new. It also sucks. You generate TP by consuming MP, and if you have TP, you can attack spiritual targets. Also, you have spells, but these are mostly useless unless you can figure out the elemental reaction debuff system which is not very well explained and also you only get two gem slots so you can't use all the elements anyway. The girl's kit is unironically better because she can generate MP, for free, and can do way more damage and control enemy moves more. Too bad that she doesn't level with you because she spends half the game in another dimension, literally.

    The NTR was compelling in concept, but in execution it's a drag. Basically, if you aren't careful, the other guy will rape the girl while you're helpless to stop it because you're in another dimension. They call upon the Day 4 scenes from Semen Squeezing Devil, but are functionally different in execution, because while that was sort of a final scene, where he's fucking her for a whole day, these are just small scenes littered throughout the game. The game has way more scenes than Semen Squeezing Devil, but their quality and variety can be considered lesser.

    ...This game has some promise. I hope that the endings deliver on that promise. I will be back to change this review after learning the true story and getting all the endings.

    Edit: Grabbed the Bad Ending and the True Ending since the Bad Ending is just 1200 Submission.

    UGGGHH. This game has so much promise, but it just can't deliver. I loved the last game so much and I thought this would be much of the same, but it was still so grindy. Even when I gave myself 9999 MATK, I still had to grind for the recollections to get to the true ending. The NTR content also is the bulk content of the game, but if you don't actively fuck over Kana, you never get there. In the previous game, NTR was so easy to get. It just happened while you played the game and did other things.

    I understand making you work for it but you can't get any ending fast.

    This game is good, but it can't balance its downsides. Honestly, to some extent, I'm mad that this game exists. Not because it's bad, but because it feels like the bones of something even better are here, they just don't have
    any meat on them.

    Edit: I think I've finally come up with how this game could best be well, fixed.
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  3. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a tough one to review. Without access to the game guide I'd give it 2*, but 4.5* or 5* with the guide. So, overall I'm giving it a 4* rating.

    I tried playing the game as is about 6 months ago and bounced right off, but came back to it recently with the guide and had a great time.

    My recommendation to get the most out of the game; get a hold of the guide, use a save editor to give yourself enough money to buy enough cameras for each mission location, then install them one your first visit to each place. Might be counter to the creator's intent, but this way you'll actually have some idea what you're doing and can get right into enjoying the NTR content without spending 3+ hours without seeing a single H-scene.

    - really nice NTR mechanic during missions with a heartrate monitor giving indications something may be about to happen/is happening and leaving the decision to the player as to whether to intervene or let things proceed. The feel of this system carries into the evenings, where events are decide somewhat at random and again the player can choose to block them or not. I'm personally a big fan of NTR games that give the impression of the events happening outside of the payer's control, while still giving some agency on whether to interfere. This gives the feel of an actual game with decisions, rather than a glorified scene viewer.
    - Penis size mechanic (yep, turns out that is a thing) - the option is given to specify the MC's penis size. At first I thought this was just an arbitrary value the game asks for to give a sense of immersion, but it turns out this is actually reflected in certain scenes (3 different variations, dependent on size), and can also impact the level of the love interest's submission (corruption) level later on in game
    - Tracking options - the game gives you the options to unlock 2 extra status screens for the MC's love interest, meaning you can choose to be blissfully ignorant of how she is developing, have all the information to track her activities, or somewhere in between. I really appreciated this as it let's you experience the game with whatever level of knowledge you prefer in these games

    - the game itself does an awful job of explaining its systems and mechanics
    - even with the guide, combat isn't particularly well explained in terms of spell types, tarot cards etc
    - which events trigger is largely random, making it frustrating if you are trying to trigger particular events (the "dream room" can help with this, and even strongly suggests the player use the "unlock gallery" feature when chasing down the last few scenes)
    - trying to raise the population through night-time exorcisms can be frustrating as the game only gives you alerts for the retaliation events after they've already happened
    - until you grind/cheat enough to get cameras installed in every exorcism map, finding NTR scenes is really hit and miss
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Best hentai game, right beside Karryn's Prison I recommend it a lot. Tons of variety despite its simplistic approach to gameplay. I wish for more games by BBQ Lover or more content in here with DLCs or a sequel. That would be great.
  5. 2.00 star(s)

    Sword of Slaanesh

    The potential of a great, innovative, pseudo-horror ntr game was there, but the grind in this game is INSANE, the combat is also not good, the things you have to do are also poorly explained, I kid you not when I say that I did not see a single scene until I was like 7 hours in.

    This could have been a 5 star game.... hope fully the dev learns from this and makes an amazing game with like 1/15 of the grind in this game.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is just way too grindy for those scenes, on top of that it's like a behind the scene of the mc for those CG which is just not my cup of tea . For real tho I don't even know what am i playing the whole time didn't really know what is the requirement for those cg
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    I was really hyped for this game. The art and production seemed high, so I was expecting something more high concept and engaging than your typical jpeg hunt, which many RPGM games can be.

    There are a lot of great ideas here, but it ultimately fails. It's very tedious and there's little payoff.

    The pros:
    The art
    NTR scenes don't get triggered intentionally, they happen sporadically, and you may happen upon them

    The cons:
    H scenes are rare
    Gameplay is confusing, a lot is not spelled out
    Escort missions
    The gameplay loop involves setting up cameras to spy on the MCs girlfriend, but until new game+ they are grainy and very expensive, making an already over-long and grindy game even longer and grindier.

    tl;dr Great idea, poorly executed. There are slow burns, and then there's tedium. This is the latter.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    This could have been a good game, but it was not.

    The combat is not good. Because it is far too hard. Even if you cheat to make your character level 99 some fights you will lose. That's right, you make them level 99 and still lose.

    It lacks sufficient relationship building between the MC and love interest. I don't think you can bang her I tried taking her on a ton of different dates, but never got any action.

    Many of the shops and stuff open up over time when you really kinda need the stuff from the start. Like bandages for example I couldn't find in a shop for several hours until a shop opened up with them.

    It does have some interesting elements like a heart rate monitor, and a phone, and you can pick your penis size. Although you won't be getting to use that penis all that much anyways so why does it matter?

    Almost all of the NTR stuff revolves around running around placing cameras around haunted houses. Then you have to wait for a scene to show up based on her heart monitor. Unless you cheat money in you must grind a lot of money for cameras.

    The "Good Ending" where you cock block the bull and everyone else the whole way... Yea, that doesn't get you laid.

    The crafting system is a bit of a pain in the ass. It takes a long time to farm anything to craft a decent weapon.

    Sometimes basic choices don't effect anything. For example if you choose an alcoholic drink for you and the love interest... She does not drink it!

    Later you can go to the bar alone and buy some alcohol for like 12000 or 14000 forget how much, but then it didn't really do anything and that would have been a lot of money if it wasn't cheated in.

    There is only the option to "Interrupt" or "Do Nothing" if you find an NTR scene. By do nothing I mean you don't even get to watch. You just walk away. Then if you interrupt you become on a date with her instead of him. Which is great! but there is only like 3 spots for dates and you get no action anyways.

    It's very frustrating and grindy, and not in a fun way as in a game like Karryn's Prison.

    There isn't a lot of gradual progression to her level of corruption. I think it's like "No!" and she is getting raped... To like she is total slut right after soon enough. Little build up there.

    By far the biggest frustration of all is the fact that the love interest and the bull are in the same haunted house as you... You can see them on cameras, but you can't run into them outside of the cameras. They are invisible. You can run circles around the entire building forever and never see them unless on the hidden cameras.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    I'm a big fan of mystery NTR and corruption, some reviews for this game made me interested and i gave it a try, wasting away a good evening.
    It's very slow paced, and by that i don't mean like the corruption is gradual, i mean it as in you will have to do a lot of gameplay stuff like puzzles and battles, then walk for hours in the town praying that you maybe get some event to continue with the story.

    The gameplay loop consists of going to a dungeon, fully exploring it and setting up cameras in every room, the girl will be fighting in the same dungeon, but you can't see her bcs the developer was lazy or something, when her hp gets to 0 and some time passes she will go heal, there she gets harassed by the other guy building your typical corruption points or whatever name they used for this, you will know this is happening as the heartbeat meter on top of the screen will make the most annoying sound imaginable, you can also go to the security room to see the event or call her on her phone, it's hot the first couple of times, but it gets super repetitive and tedious. I got bored after a couple of hours, the corruption is bland, and it's the kind that doesn't change the heroine much, just adding new events, like she changes her underwear and that's it, you don't even get to see that most of the time.

    If you have beaten all other good NTR games on this site and have nothing else to play, you might want to try it tho, for what it is you might get one or two faps out of it.

    I also want to add that i got bored while also cheating to speed things up LMAO
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Finally one hundred percented this game, it's quite good. For those who just want to know, THIS IS NETORARE THAT HAS MULTI ENDINGS! VANILLA, NTR, and NETORASE!

    The Vanilla:
    I do like the options, and the fact we can sex the female as the main character, however, there should've been a lot more sex scenes with them, like at least one for every dating spot. The vanilla sex is quite lacking in this one, but it's understandable since I don't think it's what crowd they were going for. As it is, you only have a single sex scene with variants depending on penis size and love points. That's it. However, there are lovey dovey moments and the True Ending is quite nice. Even one of the bad endings is good in a yandere way. (Hint, to get this, lose to the final boss 3 times, then lose again. The ending is worth it if you like yanderes.)

    The NTR:
    Here's where the game shines, and what it's mostly catered for. The way it starts is like every freaking NTR ever in existence that it will honestly make you roll your eyes. Blackmail that the feMC DOESN'T tell the main character about and sexes up and gets corrupted while trying to hide her secret. The plot of like 80 percent of NTR. While I'd prefer more of a hidden NTR thing, your main character WILL know about the NTR since a majority of it is seen through cameras and through your dreams.

    The Netorase:
    I'm sorry about this one Netorase crowd, but there's only a single ending for you guys, She unfortunately doesn't know about you knowing during her NTR sessions, so I'm next to certain that it doesn't count as Netorase, and it only shows up in an ending. (I don't know about this fetish, sorry for this)

    Everything Else:
    Dear god man, they didn't balance this game at all. Get a cheat plug in to handle just how much BS this game throws at you for little pay off. If you still don't want to, go to the final area during the weekend and train your ass off. If you want the NTR scenes during the missions though, you have to make sure the feMC isn't too OP though, since it relys on her being injured and is totally randomized.

    Overall: 5/5. Could be a 10/5 if they balanced it correctly and added a Vanilla package for us degenerates. Where's my loving kisses, marriage and handholding ASMR?
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    ll start off with the two main issues of the game: grind & RNG.

    The grind is disproportionately high. RNG is just a minor issue for an NTR run, but for the true ending, you need to constantly save-scum to find your partner on time. Time progresses each time you enter a new screen, whether it's a map or a building. This means going to the wrong building causes the time to progress twice, once for entering, once to leave. :D Later in the game, as you unlock more and more facilities, it gets worse.

    NTR Run: That's pretty much your typical NTR game—let the bad guy take your girlfriend.

    True Ending: Now, this is the real pain. You need to save on different save slots and literally stalk your girlfriend to prevent any harassment :D

    Endings: I believe there are 8 endings—6 bad, 1 normal, 1 true.

    The story is simple but fine.

    Unlocking new facilities is just grinding population.
    Some mechanics I could never unlock, like the 4th & 5th status screens.
    I also never found the Hospital map.

    It's sad because the gaming concept was promising. You can install surveillance cameras either to help your girlfriend or to capture scenes (later, even record and sell them).

    It took me 15 hours to beat the game for the Bad Ending & True Ending....with cheats...
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    The only game I've ever hated enough to actually leave a review, seriously fuck this game for wasting my time. Boring grindy bullshit I'm deleting it as soon as I finish writing this. do not waste your time, it is inferior to real games and fails as an h-game for having it's head stuck up its own ass. Its like Demon Souls if instead of fighting it just fucked you in the Clock.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm a fan of unique gameplay systems. And games like Dwarf Fortress or RimWorld. Like in these games you also don't have full control over everything. "Stuff" will happen, you can decide to just watch, or influence events in different ways. This improves your immersion and makes this game something different from all the other RPGs.

    It takes some time to understand the game systems, so the game needs some time commitment, but after that it's a a lot of fun.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    The Build up for NTR is great hence the experience of the story progression itself leaves a lasting impression. Main problem is that the game is horrendously tedious when trying to complete it manually.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Short review: Overall 4.5/5. Surprisingly very well-made and high-quality NTR RPGM by a developer that has consistently made good quality product. If anything, it is probably the best NTR game released in 2023. Gameplay and unlocking H-scenes can potentially be a turn-off.
    1. Story: The story is straight-forward, but the worldbuilding and setting were very well done.
    2. Characters: While you don't know too much about the background of either of the protagonists, there is a bare minimum of trust and care between the two that is acceptable for an effective NTR. I thought the antagonist was very well-made. Quite irredeemable, but not just a generic ugly fat bastard or blond-hair/tan skin delinquent stereotype. The antagonist has ulterior motives, but he is essential to the protagonists to progress.
    3. Gameplay: Half of the gameplay is the strongest element of the game, and the other half is the weakest element of the game. The heartbeat monitor adds so much more flavor to the NTR experience. However, it can be challenging and confusing if you don't know what you're doing. You're very likely to get lost quite often trying to figure out puzzles or hints, all while juggling between fighting and responding to heartbeat monitor. Could be really grindy depending on how you look at it (struggling helps flesh out the NTR experience fwiw).
    4. Fappable: If you're into NTR, you could get numerous faps from this game. There's a good number of scenes, and they are very high quality art and well made. The corruption is slow-paced (which I love), but the scenes building up are very good and memorable. Voice acting is also fantastic. Progress system and trying to find out what happened behind doors adds so much more excitement.
    Longer review:
    I cannot express how much I enjoyed this game. It focuses on hidden NTR, which is a rarity in what is otherwise quite an over-bloated genre. Even NTR games that do hidden NTR reveal the H-scenes almost immediately, which defeats the whole purpose of hidden NTR. It's the mystery and curiosity that helps enhance the experience. While I did overall enjoy this game and rate it one of my favorite releases this year, the game does have some glaring flaws.
    • As I mentioned earlier, the gameplay is quite divisive.
      • On one hand, you have the NTR-centric elements, which are: traveling in the overworld, using the phone outside and inside dungeons, CCTV cameras, and the heartbeat monitor. These NTR gameplay features are phenomenal, and I've never seen anything like these in other games. They effectively set the tone for the NTR experience and add a lot of mystery to trying to figure out what happened when you weren't looking.
      • The other half of the gameplay is the RPG elements. Leveling is slow and it can be a slog to progress through the game. Solving puzzles can be very difficult and frustrating, as you rely on the heroine to traverse in her world to help provide hints or unlock doors on your world. Your heroine can be the most efficient agent ever, or be the dumbest and stay in one spot. At one point, you might feel like you're not making any progress with the story, and that's because the path of progressing is not intuitive. You have to travel by yourself or without the antagonist to proceed. Again, the gameplay can be a miss for most people, and I don't blame them: I have certainly gotten frustrated with the gameplay plenty of times. It is only because the art and the Hscenes hard-carried the RPG elements that I was willing to overlook it.
    • I will be honest. I thought the true ending was a letdown. After around 10 hours, I felt like the true ending did not live up to my expectations at all. I thought a lot more was at stake given how low she was willing to be corrupted. I feel the NTR might be the most appropriate ending (of course, I'm biased). I do however appreciate that the corruption is slow and it is not rushed. Plenty of scenes for sure, but the game takes its time to really make sure the heroine falls below redemption.
    • Unlocking H-scenes can be RNG, and some scenes require you to do specific acts on top of the RNG to unlock, which can a buzzkill. In my first playthrough, I couldn't figure out how to unlock H-scenes and it frustrated me so much that I quit the first time. Luckily I tried again and looked up the unlock conditions, but I can see why other people would drop the game based on that experience. It would be nice if there was set requirements or conditions. I understand why the RNG was implemented, but there needs to be a balance between RNG and set events.
    Overall, fantastic game for NTR lovers, average to above-average game for others. Lots of innovative gameplay features, but the repetitiveness, RNG, and grind can ruin one's experience.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This is easily the best NTR game I've ever played, I give it


    but for an h-game? 10/10.

    I have 3 complaints about this game.

    1. it's too grindy
    2. it's hard to get all animations organically [without just unlocking gallery]
    3. there's a few animations involving piercings that during play that don't have piercings in gallery sometimes

    ... maybe 3.5 there's no animations? XD

    The slow burn of her being corrupted while you learn about the past and your relationship with her feels really good.

    The way they incorporated a heartbeat sensor at all times during NTR scenes you can't see is REALLY hot and exciting.

    The voice acting is amazing and I even have the audio ASMR file as bonus content!

    The art style is excellent.
    The design on "check her progress/status" system is really hot too!

    All in all, if this game had higher production value (literally more money involved with it.) I think it would be the absolute best NTR game ever made. More money would have meant animations and slightly better design which would have filled all the problems.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    How good is a game that has amazing content but you never gonna get to it?

    The graphics and the corruption arc look so nice, but you never gone see it cause its hidden behind unbelievably complicated gameplay (how did they even manage to do this??). Even if you master some of it you gonna miss out on a huge amount of content cause there is so many things you need to do in the right order. The game totally overwhelms you, you need to invest many, many hours to get your PHD to actually understand the game and yet it will not be enough. Its very sad to see cause I think the NTR corruption arc must be great. If one day there is a version out cutting all the unneccesary gameplay, this would be a great game. But like this... dont waste your time, your not gonna find the scenes (apart form rec.room). Believe me.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    This game took 13 hours from my life to finish once. Because I cheated. On easy mode. But I played for 13 hours straight

    This game is good. Great even. But it's not a a game where you can just press a few buttons and call it a day. I'm a great fan of NTR and the NTR content here is astonishing, with all the CGs being really great. You can go pure love mode but more for a challenge than for the reward, because you'll see like 3 scenes. The interesting part is that getting the NTR scenes however is really damn hard. The heroine interacts with the NTRer sometimes, but the meat and potatoes is their interactions during the missions. You get thrown to one of 3 places where you have to manipulate the environment to great detail in order to make the heroine suffer and be vulnerable. No joke, I understood how to do it efficiently after like 10 hours into the game. Hospital is especially bad.

    But I'm kinda rambling. The thing is: THIS GAME IS GRINDY And I really have to emphasize this. But the atmosphere (which is a mechanic here but I don't understand it even after finishing the game) is worth it if you like slow paced NTR. And challenge.

    Try this one. But be warned, this won't be a quick fap
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    It could've been a good, even great game, but is too unpolished both as NTR and as an actual RPG. There's barely any story related to the heroine herself, you can meet her for "dates" and you'll need to do them HUNDREDS of times if you play without cheats, except there's just one short dialogue for each date type. To progress romance with the heroine, you need to grind both dates without any new text AND repetitive gameplay. I recommend to use save editor and just increase your affection score after playing for an hour or two. The RPG gameplay has some interesting ideas and skills, but any sort of skill progression stops after an hour or so and then you just grind for stats. The puzzles of the dungeon counter-intuitive and you need to read the manual or some explanations in the comments here. Basically, other than ntr-scenes this is a two-hour game artificially made into a ten or even twenty-hour one if you aren't using any cheats. There're some hot scenes and situations, but the problem is that you just don't develop enough affection for the heroine, as she has very little content with the main character (unlike the previous game of the developer). The game also has no post-game content or DLCs like the previous game, so as a netorare game this is a step back, a big one at that. The game is almost exclusively netorare with just one ending giving you one netorase scene. A minor spoiler - there's a side heroine who has more story than the main one (if you go for the true ending, which is very short btw), but she doesn't even have any scenes. In the end, it feels more like a demo-version, a very long and grindy one at that. Also, the Japanese description says that there're voiced scenes, but I don't remember any, maybe there's just a couple of them in the entire game. I still recommend it for those who know their way around with cheats and save editor and like NTR.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    NTR done quite amazingly, love this type of "it's happening slightly off screen".
    But would be nice if it had an actual system for events with set requirements instead of RNG, to then being encouraged to just not bother and flip the "unlock all scenes" switch, it's just not the same...