Identify Need help finding a game


New Member
Jan 25, 2018
I'm trying to find a game I played a few months ago. I think it was a first version release then. The game was about a guy maybe in his late teens who starts off living with his father who tells him he has been in a relationship with a woman for quite a while (can't remember how long). He says that he is engaged (or getting engaged) with this woman and that the two of you are to move in with them. The MC is shocked or maybe even mad at the news and leaves the house. I believe he then called a friend to meet him at a club or bar. At the bar a random girl comes up to him and kisses him out of nowhere be caused she was dared by her friends there to kiss a random boy in the bar. I think the MC later goes to what is to be his new home to meet his soon to be mom. The mom calls for her daughter to meet her new to be brother who turns out to be the girl that kissed him at the bar. She runs off and the MC goes after her. She apparently likes him a lot and is sad that they are to soon be brother and sister. She asks "why did it have to be you". The MC starts at his (new school?) and sees the girl hanging with a group of people try to pick on him I think. One of the guys thinks the MC looks familiar because he was also at the bar and saw the kiss. The MC says some witty comeback and I think the guys from the group may have jumped the MC later. That's pretty much what I remember. I'd appreciate the help, Thanks.


New Member
Jan 25, 2018
It's not Intertwined, the only similar event in Intertwined is that you get jumped at school over a girl that likes you. but the girl isnt related to you at all and non of the other events that i described happened in that game.