Seeking Need help finding game


New Member
Sep 16, 2017
Sorry to contribute to the flood of "What's this game?" but I spent hours searching for a title I played last year.

There were 3d models and the setup was something like a "religious commune" to get around incest. You did something to piss off your family and had to get back into their good graces. There are scenes where the "matriarch" is like working out in the living room or cleaning. The city map was kinda bare, but you could go to a facility and work for them or have sex with either the receptionist or like the lead researcher. (Skinny chick or voluptuous milf) I remember it having really high quality cgs, not the best I've ever seen but consistent.

I realize this sounds like a lot of games, and I can't even be sure whether or not mind control was involved at the facility thanks to all the coomer brainrot. I thought it was straightened times at first, but downloading that proved to be a different (yet awesome) game.

If you somehow decipher that into the game, I will appreciate you greatly