Identify Need help remembering an old RPG Maker game


New Member
Mar 10, 2018
I don't remember much about this game but for what I do remember

1) it was a few years back, I can't give a specific year that I played it but I think maybe 3 or 4 years ago?

2) it was an RPG Maker game but I'm not sure which version

3) It had an overworld map with random encounters

4) I think one of the random encounters possible was the pokemon Hypno and he hypnotized you and after a few encounters he fucked you in his cave

Now as for things I'm not 100% sure is correct but still listing just in case

5) I think the main village (or at least where your character house was) had a haunted mansion with ghosts... Think it also had Pac-Man ghosts...

6) Think there was some kinda witch on a beach with a crystal orb?

Thanks in advance