Need Help whit Daz Denoiser

Sep 2, 2020
Hello first of all there is indeed a denoising function in Daz so why dont you use it?

Steps to handle this issue can be:

Add more light or as this seems to be a night scene one or to lamps that brings more light. Noise is harder to fight the darker the scene gets from my xp thats a bit like in real life when you are in a very dark room and you eye is catching just glimples and your own vision gets fuzzy.

a video for how to use the denoiser which is under render filtering.

in the video he talks about that he doesent like it but you can change render resolutions and how many pixels are effected by the denoiser urself so you may wanan expereiment with that.

You also have some fireflies and may experience some issues with closeups of eyes in you scene to combat that you may set a bigger path lengt in the optimization tab to around 11 i think that fixes most eye issues at least. There is also the caustic samples if you wanna go with her into the pool at some point :).

I also would set the min update intervall higher as it is not needed to update the render every sencond and the 5000 samples are mostly not needed for good lit scenes so i would lower that if you see that you render image looks great and the renderer goes on for a long time. In your case tho upping the samples might be the right solution if everything else fails since with more samples you generally get less noise.

But upping samples means longer render times so try out some diffrent scenes and how much you need for diffrent settings to get good results.

And if your still following me a real bonus tip.

Render in lower resolutions and then use an app to scale the image up. there are some ways in gimp or ps or use google to find a tool that uses the nvidia ai upscaler if you have an nvidia card. That can save hours or render times and you get 4 k images for 2k render times with even the nice effect of it having a nice smooth effect that also kiills noise.

Have fun.
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Sep 2, 2020
i pasted here a 1440 image that is upscaled from your attachment.
There is little enhancement but the image proofs that there is no loss in upscaling which means you can produce a 4k image at the cost of a 2k.

Google: ansel ai enhancer and you will find this.
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Active Member
Apr 23, 2020
i pasted here a 1440 image that is upscaled from your attachment.
View attachment 1057676
There is little enhancement but the image proofs that there is no loss in upscaling which means you can produce a 4k image at the cost of a 2k.

Google: ansel ai enhancer and you will find this.
Thanks; but I count on that on my pc. It is low-end. I tried another and that is the best I achieved.


Active Member
Apr 23, 2020
Hello first of all there is indeed a denoising function in Daz so why dont you use it?

Steps to handle this issue can be:

Add more light or as this seems to be a night scene one or to lamps that brings more light. Noise is harder to fight the darker the scene gets from my xp thats a bit like in real life when you are in a very dark room and you eye is catching just glimples and your own vision gets fuzzy.

a video for how to use the denoiser which is under render filtering.

in the video he talks about that he doesent like it but you can change render resolutions and how many pixels are effected by the denoiser urself so you may wanan expereiment with that.

You also have some fireflies and may experience some issues with closeups of eyes in you scene to combat that you may set a bigger path lengt in the optimization tab to around 11 i think that fixes most eye issues at least. There is also the caustic samples if you wanna go with her into the pool at some point :).

I also would set the min update intervall higher as it is not needed to update the render every sencond and the 5000 samples are mostly not needed for good lit scenes so i would lower that if you see that you render image looks great and the renderer goes on for a long time. In your case tho upping the samples might be the right solution if everything else fails since with more samples you generally get less noise.

But upping samples means longer render times so try out some diffrent scenes and how much you need for diffrent settings to get good results.

And if your still following me a real bonus tip.

Render in lower resolutions and then use an app to scale the image up. there are some ways in gimp or ps or use google to find a tool that uses the nvidia ai upscaler if you have an nvidia card. That can save hours or render times and you get 4 k images for 2k render times with even the nice effect of it having a nice smooth effect that also kiills noise.

Have fun.
Thanks I'll try
Sep 2, 2020
Thanks; but I count on that on my pc. It is low-end. I tried another and that is the best I achieved.
low end pc dont affect resolution of renders or noise.
It only affects the time needed to do a render.
Or if it can handle the amount of texture and mesh data needed to visualize the characters and assets you have in your scene placed. So if you have a low end pc you may wanna try to lower texture resolution and use minimal assets. As in mostly only 2 chars and indoor scenes.

You may also wanna find out if its better to render with your cpu or gpu or combined if thats possible and make sense with the resulting render times.

Dont buy a gpu right now the prices are unreasonable and you wont get you money back with patreon for a long time.

Also if you into this to try to make some money on patreon i would think again as if you pc isnt capable of rendering fast enough and you arent already setup to do all that is needed you probably wont make anything anywhere near what you would make working some other partime job or making burgers at mc d or something. Just my 2 cents if you arent disabled and live in a country where you only need 200 eur to make a living its probably not worth putting any time in this.
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Sep 2, 2020

This one might be helpful for denoising outside of daz with the intel denoiser.
I would still up the render res to around 1080 at least or better 1440 and then use an upscaler if you wish to get 4k images, the details of her face are pretty washed out at 720p and denoised.

If the denoiser works better pre or aft the upscaler i dont know you may try that for urself.

btw the intel denoiser is better in image quality than nvidia ... at least from my xp in Blender.

btw as i was speaking about texture size ... if your ram is not big enough you may try to lower the texture compression in the advanced settings. First entries medium and high thresholds are actually doing something and may help you render scenes you couldnt otherwise. Also cpu rendering may also less ram bound as gpu is at least i could render some scenes with cpu that where crashing with gpu checked.
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Active Member
Apr 23, 2020

This one might be helpful for denoising outside of daz with the intel denoiser.
I would still up the render res to around 1080 at least or better 1440 and then use an upscaler if you wish to get 4k images, the details of her face are pretty washed out at 720p and denoised.

If the denoiser works better pre or aft the upscaler i dont know you may try that for urself.

btw the intel denoiser is better in image quality than nvidia ... at least from my xp in Blender.

btw as i was speaking about texture size ... if your ram is not big enough you may try to lower the texture compression in the advanced settings. First entries medium and high thresholds are actually doing something and may help you render scenes you couldnt otherwise. Also cpu rendering may also less ram bound as gpu is at least i couldg render some scenes with cpu that where crashing with gpu checked.
I don't have a graphics card, I only use the GPU
Sep 2, 2020
well this will be my last reply to this issue.

As i had forseen the problem with the post about the better denoiser i provided you a link that would have helped you to get to that.

There is also a tool or script for daz which you can google for urself..

Good luck and try to use google a bit more and maybe watch some tutorials man its really not that hard to get this done..
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