Need help with Base model lips


Active Member
Mar 30, 2017
maybe it is just me but the lips on the base model when i load it to start a new model or load a model straight from the asset seems to have these duck lips.

i installed that a week or so ago and thought it was the problem so i uninstalled it and reinstalled gen 8 base but it still seems to be there. i cant figure out what is causing it
the fist pic is gen 8 base
second astrid
3rd aurore (this is the one used for bella from Being a Dik)
4th another base character

it just looks off to me
Aug 30, 2019
Load G8. Then with it selected, go Edit > Figure > Zero > Zero Figure. Go to the currently selected tab and look at what morphs there are. If you see the lips morphs, then it means it's loaded in by default, usually because of careless devs. Click the gear wheel next to the morphs and set the default values to 0. Then go File > Save As > Support Assets > Save Modified Assets. This should fix it.
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Aug 30, 2019
Click on your figure, and find a tab called Parameters. If you can't find it, click Window > Panes (Tabs) > Parameters. In that tab, there should be an option called Currently Used, under All and Favourites.
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