Others Need help with javascript,for crack app


Sep 5, 2019
# i need help how to crack this app,it using javascript,please help
#sorry for use
Online JavaScript Beautifier
# i upload original file below,you can check it for complate code

generateRequestCode() {
this.requestInitiationCode = this.randomNumber(6, "12345678"), this.requestInitiatedOn = new Date, this.localstorageService.setItem(`requestInitiationCode_${this.route}`, {
requestInitiationCode: this.requestInitiationCode,
unsuccessfulAttempt: this.unsuccessfulAttempt,
requestInitiatedOn: this.requestInitiatedOn
}), this.googleAnalyticsService.trackEvent("RequestForUnlock", "RequestInitiated", this.requestInitiationCode)
randomNumber(n, l) {
for (var e = "", t = n; t > 0; --t) e += l[Math.floor(Math.random() * l.length)];
return Number.parseInt(e)
unLock() {
if (null != this.requestInitiationCode) {
if ("" == this.himalayanCode) return void this.presentToast("Enter Unlock Code given by Himalayan Masters");
try {
var n = this.himalayanCode.substring(3),
l = atob;
`${l.substring(4,6)}${l.substring(9,11)}${l.substring(13,15)}` == `${999999-this.requestInitiationCode}` ? (this.meditationCategory == Rg ? this.localstorageService.setItem(`${this.level}mindfulness`, {
isGuideLocked: !1,
isLocked: !1
}).then(n => {
this.presentToast(`Congratulations ${this.level==xg?"Soulfulness":"Heartfulness"} series has been unlocked. Please exit and reopen the app if it doesn't take effect.`), this.utilityService.closeModal()
}) : this.meditationCategory == Lg ? this.localstorageService.setItem(`${this.level}${this.route}`, {
isGuideLocked: !1,
isLocked: !1
}).then(n => {
this.presentToast(`Congratulations ${this.techniqueName} has been unlocked. Please exit and reopen the app if it doesn't take effect.`), this.utilityService.closeModal()
}) : this.localstorageService.setItem(`${this.meditationCategory}${this.route}`, {
isGuideLocked: !1,
isLocked: !1
}).then(n => {
this.presentToast(`Congratulations ${this.techniqueName} has been unlocked. Please exit and reopen the app if it doesn't take effect.`), this.utilityService.closeModal()
}), this.localstorageService.setItem(`requestInitiationCode_${this.route}`, {
requestInitiationCode: this.requestInitiationCode,
unsuccessfulAttempt: this.unsuccessfulAttempt,
requestInitiatedOn: this.requestInitiatedOn,
requestCompletedOn: new Date
}), this.googleAnalyticsService.trackEvent("RequestForUnlock", `UnlockSuccessful-${this.techniqueName}-${this.himalayanCode}`, this.requestInitiationCode)) : (this.unsuccessfulAttempt++, this.localstorageService.setItem(`requestInitiationCode_${this.route}`, {
requestInitiationCode: this.requestInitiationCode,
requestInitiatedOn: this.requestInitiatedOn,
unsuccessfulAttempt: this.unsuccessfulAttempt
}), this.googleAnalyticsService.trackEvent("RequestForUnlock", `UnlockFailed-${this.techniqueName}-${this.himalayanCode}`, this.requestInitiationCode))
} catch (e) {
this.unsuccessfulAttempt++, this.localstorageService.setItem(`requestInitiationCode_${this.route}`, {
requestInitiationCode: this.requestInitiationCode,
requestInitiatedOn: this.requestInitiatedOn,
unsuccessfulAttempt: this.unsuccessfulAttempt
}), this.googleAnalyticsService.trackEvent("RequestForUnlock", `UnlockFailed-${this.techniqueName}-${this.himalayanCode}`, this.requestInitiationCode)
} else this.presentToast("Please initiate your request first before unlocking")
openEmailToDeveloper() {
return Vu.__awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, (function*() {
const n = yield this.modalController.create({
component: Wy
return n.onDidDismiss().then(n => {}), yield n.present()
presentToast {
return Vu.__awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, (function*() {
Last edited:


Old Fart
Respected User
Game Developer
Jun 25, 2017
So, you've posted a bunch of Javascript without formatting it as code, which means that its indentation is all off and some parts of it have been converted to emoji, so we don't have an easy way to know what the entire code is. You might try re-posting the code (or editing your original post) so that the code is formatted correctly.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
[Note: My javascript is really rusted, and I know really few about the recent technologies added to browsers]

# i need help how to crack this app,it using javascript,please help :oops:
With formatting, more information about what need to be cracked, knowing what game it is, having the missing information, and knowing if you can edit the code or not, it would have been way easier to answer you.

What I can say is that the expected key is a 15 digits long number, where only the 5, 6, 10, 11, 14 and 15 digits are significant. Then once turned as a string those 6 significant digits need to match "999999 - this.requestInitiationCode" once turned as a string as well, where this.requestInitiationCode is randomly generated at fly ; so I assume that it's the same for the said key.

As for the effects, it depend of external variables defined elsewhere but are done this way :

this.localstorageService.setItem(`${this.level}mindfulness`, { isGuideLocked: !1, isLocked: !1 })
To unlock the Soulfulness series or Heartfulness series, depending if this.level is equal to xg (Soulfulness) or not (Heartfulness).

this.localstorageService.setItem(`${this.level}${this.route}`, { isGuideLocked: !1,isLocked: !1})
To unlock this.techniqueName technique for this level of this route (???)

this.localstorageService.setItem(`${this.meditationCategory}${this.route}`, { isGuideLocked: !1, isLocked: !1 })
To unlock this.techniqueName technique for this meditation category of this route (???)

So, to unlock everything at once, edit the code of generateRequestCode this way (replace the [WHATEVER] by the corresponding value) :
generateRequestCode() {
    this.localstorageService.setItem(`${[FIRST VALUE OF THIS.LEVEL]}mindfulness`, { isGuideLocked: !1, isLocked: !1 });
    this.localstorageService.setItem(`${[SECOND VALUE OF THIS.LEVEL]}mindfulness`, { isGuideLocked: !1, isLocked: !1 });

    this.localstorageService.setItem(`${[FIRST VALUE OF THIS.LEVEL]}${[ONE VALUE OF THIS.ROUTE]}`, { isGuideLocked: !1,isLocked: !1});
    // repeat for all possible values of /this.route/
    this.localstorageService.setItem(`${[SECOND VALUE OF THIS.LEVEL]}${[ONE VALUE OF THIS.ROUTE]}`, { isGuideLocked: !1,isLocked: !1});
    // repeat for all possible values of /this.route/

   this.localstorageService.setItem(`${[ONE VALUE OF THIS..MEDITATIONCATEGORY]}${[ONE VALUE OF THIS.ROUTE]}`, { isGuideLocked: !1, isLocked: !1 });
    // repeat for all possible values of /this.route/
    // then repeat for all possible values of /this.meditationCategory/
Or an easier method, which will need to unlock step by step, is to bypass the check. Edit the code to replace :
generateRequestCode() {
            this.requestInitiationCode = this.randomNumber(6, "12345678"), this.requestInitiatedOn = new Date, this.localstorageService.setItem(`requestInitiationCode_${this.route}`, {
                requestInitiationCode: this.requestInitiationCode,
                unsuccessfulAttempt: this.unsuccessfulAttempt,
                requestInitiatedOn: this.requestInitiatedOn
            }), this.googleAnalyticsService.trackEvent("RequestForUnlock", "RequestInitiated", this.requestInitiationCode)
by :
generateRequestCode() {
            this.requestInitiationCode = 0
            this.himalayanCode = "999999999999999"
and keep the rest unchanged.

Or even easier (relatively speaking) if you know where your browser store the... well, stored data.
Edit the file corresponding to this game (either with a text editor or a binary editor, depending of the format your browser use), or edit the database and search the part related to this game. Then you change all the value related to isGuideLocked and isLocked by 0 (or by "false" if the value is stored as "true").
There's perhaps tools designed for this kind of manipulations for your browser if the data aren't stored in plain text.
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Sep 5, 2019
So, you've posted a bunch of Javascript without formatting it as code, which means that its indentation is all off and some parts of it have been converted to emoji, so we don't have an easy way to know what the entire code is. You might try re-posting the code (or editing your original post) so that the code is formatted correctly.
done upload original file and thank you


Sep 5, 2019
[Note: My javascript is really rusted, and I know really few about the recent technologies added to browsers]

With formatting, more information about what need to be cracked, knowing what game it is, having the missing information, and knowing if you can edit the code or not, it would have been way easier to answer you.

What I can say is that the expected key is a 15 digits long number, where only the 5, 6, 10, 11, 14 and 15 digits are significant. Then once turned as a string those 6 significant digits need to match "999999 - this.requestInitiationCode" once turned as a string as well, where this.requestInitiationCode is randomly generated at fly ; so I assume that it's the same for the said key.

As for the effects, it depend of external variables defined elsewhere but are done this way :

this.localstorageService.setItem(`${this.level}mindfulness`, { isGuideLocked: !1, isLocked: !1 })
To unlock the Soulfulness series or Heartfulness series, depending if this.level is equal to xg (Soulfulness) or not (Heartfulness).

this.localstorageService.setItem(`${this.level}${this.route}`, { isGuideLocked: !1,isLocked: !1})
To unlock this.techniqueName technique for this level of this route (???)

this.localstorageService.setItem(`${this.meditationCategory}${this.route}`, { isGuideLocked: !1, isLocked: !1 })
To unlock this.techniqueName technique for this meditation category of this route (???)

So, to unlock everything at once, edit the code of generateRequestCode this way (replace the [WHATEVER] by the corresponding value) :
generateRequestCode() {
    this.localstorageService.setItem(`${[FIRST VALUE OF THIS.LEVEL]}mindfulness`, { isGuideLocked: !1, isLocked: !1 });
    this.localstorageService.setItem(`${[SECOND VALUE OF THIS.LEVEL]}mindfulness`, { isGuideLocked: !1, isLocked: !1 });

    this.localstorageService.setItem(`${[FIRST VALUE OF THIS.LEVEL]}${[ONE VALUE OF THIS.ROUTE]}`, { isGuideLocked: !1,isLocked: !1});
    // repeat for all possible values of /this.route/
    this.localstorageService.setItem(`${[SECOND VALUE OF THIS.LEVEL]}${[ONE VALUE OF THIS.ROUTE]}`, { isGuideLocked: !1,isLocked: !1});
    // repeat for all possible values of /this.route/

   this.localstorageService.setItem(`${[ONE VALUE OF THIS..MEDITATIONCATEGORY]}${[ONE VALUE OF THIS.ROUTE]}`, { isGuideLocked: !1, isLocked: !1 });
    // repeat for all possible values of /this.route/
    // then repeat for all possible values of /this.meditationCategory/
Or an easier method, which will need to unlock step by step, is to bypass the check. Edit the code to replace :
generateRequestCode() {
            this.requestInitiationCode = this.randomNumber(6, "12345678"), this.requestInitiatedOn = new Date, this.localstorageService.setItem(`requestInitiationCode_${this.route}`, {
                requestInitiationCode: this.requestInitiationCode,
                unsuccessfulAttempt: this.unsuccessfulAttempt,
                requestInitiatedOn: this.requestInitiatedOn
            }), this.googleAnalyticsService.trackEvent("RequestForUnlock", "RequestInitiated", this.requestInitiationCode)
by :
generateRequestCode() {
            this.requestInitiationCode = 0
            this.himalayanCode = "999999999999999"
and keep the rest unchanged.

Or even easier (relatively speaking) if you know where your browser store the... well, stored data.
Edit the file corresponding to this game (either with a text editor or a binary editor, depending of the format your browser use), or edit the database and search the part related to this game. Then you change all the value related to isGuideLocked and isLocked by 0 (or by "false" if the value is stored as "true").
There's perhaps tools designed for this kind of manipulations for your browser if the data aren't stored in plain text.
thank so much for help i will try change.


Sep 5, 2019
[Note: My javascript is really rusted, and I know really few about the recent technologies added to browsers]

With formatting, more information about what need to be cracked, knowing what game it is, having the missing information, and knowing if you can edit the code or not, it would have been way easier to answer you.

What I can say is that the expected key is a 15 digits long number, where only the 5, 6, 10, 11, 14 and 15 digits are significant. Then once turned as a string those 6 significant digits need to match "999999 - this.requestInitiationCode" once turned as a string as well, where this.requestInitiationCode is randomly generated at fly ; so I assume that it's the same for the said key.

As for the effects, it depend of external variables defined elsewhere but are done this way :

this.localstorageService.setItem(`${this.level}mindfulness`, { isGuideLocked: !1, isLocked: !1 })
To unlock the Soulfulness series or Heartfulness series, depending if this.level is equal to xg (Soulfulness) or not (Heartfulness).

this.localstorageService.setItem(`${this.level}${this.route}`, { isGuideLocked: !1,isLocked: !1})
To unlock this.techniqueName technique for this level of this route (???)

this.localstorageService.setItem(`${this.meditationCategory}${this.route}`, { isGuideLocked: !1, isLocked: !1 })
To unlock this.techniqueName technique for this meditation category of this route (???)

So, to unlock everything at once, edit the code of generateRequestCode this way (replace the [WHATEVER] by the corresponding value) :
generateRequestCode() {
    this.localstorageService.setItem(`${[FIRST VALUE OF THIS.LEVEL]}mindfulness`, { isGuideLocked: !1, isLocked: !1 });
    this.localstorageService.setItem(`${[SECOND VALUE OF THIS.LEVEL]}mindfulness`, { isGuideLocked: !1, isLocked: !1 });

    this.localstorageService.setItem(`${[FIRST VALUE OF THIS.LEVEL]}${[ONE VALUE OF THIS.ROUTE]}`, { isGuideLocked: !1,isLocked: !1});
    // repeat for all possible values of /this.route/
    this.localstorageService.setItem(`${[SECOND VALUE OF THIS.LEVEL]}${[ONE VALUE OF THIS.ROUTE]}`, { isGuideLocked: !1,isLocked: !1});
    // repeat for all possible values of /this.route/

   this.localstorageService.setItem(`${[ONE VALUE OF THIS..MEDITATIONCATEGORY]}${[ONE VALUE OF THIS.ROUTE]}`, { isGuideLocked: !1, isLocked: !1 });
    // repeat for all possible values of /this.route/
    // then repeat for all possible values of /this.meditationCategory/
Or an easier method, which will need to unlock step by step, is to bypass the check. Edit the code to replace :
generateRequestCode() {
            this.requestInitiationCode = this.randomNumber(6, "12345678"), this.requestInitiatedOn = new Date, this.localstorageService.setItem(`requestInitiationCode_${this.route}`, {
                requestInitiationCode: this.requestInitiationCode,
                unsuccessfulAttempt: this.unsuccessfulAttempt,
                requestInitiatedOn: this.requestInitiatedOn
            }), this.googleAnalyticsService.trackEvent("RequestForUnlock", "RequestInitiated", this.requestInitiationCode)
by :
generateRequestCode() {
            this.requestInitiationCode = 0
            this.himalayanCode = "999999999999999"
and keep the rest unchanged.

Or even easier (relatively speaking) if you know where your browser store the... well, stored data.
Edit the file corresponding to this game (either with a text editor or a binary editor, depending of the format your browser use), or edit the database and search the part related to this game. Then you change all the value related to isGuideLocked and isLocked by 0 (or by "false" if the value is stored as "true").
There's perhaps tools designed for this kind of manipulations for your browser if the data aren't stored in plain text.
i change like this and it stuck at opening screen:

generateRequestCode() {
this.requestInitiationCode = 0
this.himalayanCode = "999999999999999"

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
i change like this and it stuck at opening screen:
Well... it was interesting to see if I was or not as rusty as I thought, but my help stop here.

Perhaps that someone will come and complement it, but like you apparently missed the first line of my initial reply, I doubt.
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