Identify need to identify 3 games


Aug 13, 2023
Game 1 - This was a demo not sure if ever went ahead. Can not tell much about it other than this.

You played as a young guy, you lived with your mum, friendly sister and bitchy sister. The house belonged to your father, then it gets sold and you all go to live with your aunt. After you settle in a bit it ended with your aunt on the phone telling somebody that she got you there. It was short but looked really good.

Game 2 - This one I can tell you more

You played as a guy that looked and had a name like a native american. You played as hit man for an organisation and wanted out. They asked you to do one last job and kill the daughter of an asian crime boss. It was a double you shoot so the daughter could escape. The daughter turns up one day to where you live like pretening she is trying to rob you. She ends up staying with you and tries to break her orgasm record each day. Your old handler is a women in the same town who is the boss of the dmv, you also have a guy that runs you around, and I think you made a friend at the library. The daughter turned up because here dad was killed and she thought she tracked his killer to the town where you live, and they might be after you.

Game 3

This one you played as a young guy going to university. You live with your mother, sister and brother who also go to the university. You go there to play football, and become the Quarter back. Your sister is a hard arse and tells the guy that thinks he is all that and will sleep with her to get lost. Your brother hangs around the volleyball team and is friends with them. you meet a few of them, you are also friends with the women on the front desk and stir her up a lot. Your clothes get stolen and you are found by a teacher who is cool and gives you something to put on. At one staged you, your sister and brother are walking out and have water tipped on you, so they all just take their shirts off and walk out cool and calm and your brother says it was hot and that was just what was needed. You take the women on the desk out one night and invite her to your game. It ended with your team winning the game.