a simple version number. no over inventiveness that other devs choose for version updates, which they seem to lack in their games. clearly this dev sees the wheel and knows it does not require reinventing.
odd rant aside, this one a do quite like. it has it's issues, like we see the booty, we can touch the booty, but we cannot plunder the booty.....game even has pirates in it and we STILL cannot see the MC plug any females' hamster mouth. work THAT logic out!!
an anti pirate game that has pirates....
some of the art is suspect, with a few females pulling faces that has me thinking i have inadvertently switched to the nature channel and i have an urge to throw breadcrumbs to the swimming birds. but most of it is more than up to the task. my occasional chubby is living proof....oh...it was livin......no there it is again....
the writing and plot are pretty good. pacing is not the best but it has enough about it to be interesting, which is more than most. some of the dialogue can be a little immature but i don't feel luck i am stuck in the young adult section, which is where they keep the enid blyton and old mills & boon bodice rippers.
oddly, i get much of a muchness vibe about this, like another devs works under a different name. 23-22-13 is your only clue, though this is much better plot wise. just serious de ja vu on occasion with writing and art styles.
can't really fault this one as it does entertain me. MC being a protein enema applicator, to go with his skin cream dispenser and egg fertiliser duties, would be nice. it's booty waiting to be plundered and even half gods love a bit of piracy
a simple version number. no over inventiveness that other devs choose for version updates, which they seem to lack in their games. clearly this dev sees the wheel and knows it does not require reinventing.
odd rant aside, this one a do quite like. it has it's issues, like we see the booty, we can touch the booty, but we cannot plunder the booty.....game even has pirates in it and we STILL cannot see the MC plug any females' hamster mouth. work THAT logic out!!
an anti pirate game that has pirates....
some of the art is suspect, with a few females pulling faces that has me thinking i have inadvertently switched to the nature channel and i have an urge to throw breadcrumbs to the swimming birds. but most of it is more than up to the task. my occasional chubby is living proof....oh...it was livin......no there it is again....
the writing and plot are pretty good. pacing is not the best but it has enough about it to be interesting, which is more than most. some of the dialogue can be a little immature but i don't feel luck i am stuck in the young adult section, which is where they keep the enid blyton and old mills & boon bodice rippers.
oddly, i get much of a muchness vibe about this, like another devs works under a different name. 23-22-13 is your only clue, though this is much better plot wise. just serious de ja vu on occasion with writing and art styles.
can't really fault this one as it does entertain me. MC being a protein enema applicator, to go with his skin cream dispenser and egg fertiliser duties, would be nice. it's booty waiting to be plundered and even half gods love a bit of piracy