Netori/Netorare - A question


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2018
So, I've had an idea for a game that I'll obviously never make, not having the time or enough drive to do so. But I enjoy fiddling around with ideas anyway, so here we are. The game idea I have would have the NTR tag on F95 due to the extremely limited tagging system here. With full tag descriptions it would be a netori game with netorare as the punishment for failure. Put simply a revenge plot utilizing netori concepts and failing to seduce would result in watching a scene with that potential LI getting with their significant other that you failed to steal them from. (the netorare part).

There are a LOT of layers of NTR games on this site. From simple open relationships (which I don't consider to be NTR, but apparently a lot of people here do), to full on rape/corruption and everything in between. And that's just the netorare versions and not touching on the netorase or netori flavors.

So here's what I'm curious about: Would the netorare aspect of my idea be more or less hated than the average 'LI choosing to bang another guy' version. I mean, you try for an already married woman, fail, then get a "you lose" as she gets with her previous significant other.

barebones definitions:
  • netorare: unwilling cuck
  • netorase: willing cuck
  • netori: MC does the cucking
Edit: Clarity
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Meaning Less

Engaged Member
Sep 13, 2016
Not really netorare, wouldn't even be tagged as such by your description.

"Failing to steal" someone that is already married or in a relationship is just failed netori.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2018
Not really netorare, wouldn't even be tagged as such by your description.

"Failing to steal" someone that is already married or in a relationship is just failed netori.
Looks like I failed to give a good enough description in my original post, the failing to steal would result in watching a scene with that potential LI getting with their significant other that you failed to steal them from.
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Sep 3, 2017
Looks like I failed to give a good enough description in my original post, the failing to steal would result in watching a scene with that potential LI getting with their significant other that you failed to steal them from.
No, he's right. It's not really netorare if there isn't an aspect of infidelity between the relationship established by the MC and the LI. Considering that they already have a significant other, all you did was fail to convince a woman to cheat (which is just failed netori). She's not betraying your trust and cucking you, because you never really had anything to begin with.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2018
No, he's right. It's not really netorare if there isn't an aspect of infidelity between the relationship established by the MC and the LI. Considering that they already have a significant other, all you did was fail to convince a woman to cheat (which is just failed netori). She's not betraying your trust and cucking you, because you never really had anything to begin with.
Ah, I get your point. But this game I have been thinking about isn't a "walk up to a girl and fuck 'em" game. There would be work up, kind of like a condensed version of single LI games. There would be a lot of lead in for all the girls. I think this would add a bit more kick to the NTR aspect. Also, don't forget, this is F95 where the real NTR haters call a consensual open relationship NTR.


Jun 14, 2018
So here's what I'm curious about: Would the netorare aspect of my idea be more or less hated than the average 'LI choosing to bang another guy' version.
I think that yes this will be hated even more hated in my opinion. You seem to be aware already that people on this site overreact to NTR, people who hate netorare will hate it regardless of how you introduce and present it.

As for the people who like netorare like others said this wouldn't really be considered a good netorare, or considered at all.

If netorare is a must in your game then I would maybe change things a bit:
Let's say that the MC has been absent for a while and the LI which is some kind of childhood crush for the MC is now married to a guy that MC hates. This would explain both the desire to steal the LI, the revenge on the other guy and also give at least a small reason for some jealousy when you fail.

One more thing that I would like to say is that personally I'm not a fan of netorare as a result of your own actions. If you have to play bad or intentionally make the wrong choices for the NTR content then it kind of defeats the purpose for it IMO.


Active Member
May 10, 2017
NTR is simply sexual jealousy and this is unlikely to invoke that, common example, the MC's mom in an incest game.

There's a huge difference between an established relationship from the start and one of the designated love interests being claimed by another male character during the course of the game, the former is just background, the latter requires the game spend time on developing it.

Time spent on it, the critical detail, sex scenes require time and effort to create. Most devs know about not blowing their load, they want to drag it out to keep people coming back, but they sometimes make the mistake of thinking that wasting time on animating the MC's mom banging the dad works as something to appease the customers until you get to the parts they really want.

So what you'll end up with is wasted content that's appealing to neither people who want to see the MC fuck women or NTR weirdos.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2018
NTR is simply sexual jealousy and this is unlikely to invoke that, common example, the MC's mom in an incest game.
Actually, that's only part of it. Netorare, at it's core, is the destruction of something beautiful or good. In hentai or sex games that usually boils down to your definition though. But in mangas and other forms, it can be and very often is, something so disturbing that even the most staunch of NTR lovers on this site would be "Holy shit wtf" after reading one.

So what you'll end up with is wasted content that's appealing to neither people who want to see the MC fuck women or NTR weirdos.
I also agree with this, but I guess I should say that in this game that I'll never be making, I envisioned a fully fleshed out netori game with all the concepts that come with it, but with a single netorare sex scene at the end of of each LI story if that particular LI is counted as a fail. No half way efforts on the netori front.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2018
I think that yes this will be hated even more hated in my opinion. You seem to be aware already that people on this site overreact to NTR, people who hate netorare will hate it regardless of how you introduce and present it.

As for the people who like netorare like others said this wouldn't really be considered a good netorare, or considered at all.

If netorare is a must in your game then I would maybe change things a bit:
Let's say that the MC has been absent for a while and the LI which is some kind of childhood crush for the MC is now married to a guy that MC hates. This would explain both the desire to steal the LI, the revenge on the other guy and also give at least a small reason for some jealousy when you fail.

One more thing that I would like to say is that personally I'm not a fan of netorare as a result of your own actions. If you have to play bad or intentionally make the wrong choices for the NTR content then it kind of defeats the purpose for it IMO.
That's pretty much along what I was thinking as well, but that last sentence is something I would say is kind of the point. Netori and netorare are polar opposites in concept. It would make sense that in a netori game that netorare is more of an actual punishment than a reward.

Meaning Less

Engaged Member
Sep 13, 2016
It would make sense that in a netori game that netorare is more of an actual punishment than a reward.
The only thing you are missing is that there is no netorare taking place in your scenario therefore it invalidates the ntr tag if you read its definition.

Watching a husband fucking his wife is voyeurism and not netorare.
Such game would just be tagged with cheating(for the wife cheating on her husband if you succeed) and voyeurism(if the mc watches husband fucking his wife after losing).


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2018
The only thing you are missing is that there is no netorare taking place in your scenario therefore it invalidates the ntr tag if you read its definition.

Watching a husband fucking his wife is voyeurism and not netorare.
Such game would just be tagged with cheating(for the wife cheating on her husband if you succed) and voyeurism(if the mc watches husband fucking his wife after losing).
That's a good point and not something I considered, though the revenge aspect of the game brings the cheating (MC with other man's wife) into the netori category, especially when the end goal is to cuck the husband.

Edit: One thing to add. The F95 definition of NTR is a catch all and ignores that NTR has multiple aspects and complexities, netorare, netorase, and netori just being the most common three. Games aiming at breaking these down aren't done justice by that tag here.
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