New 3DCG Game


New Member
Apr 1, 2023
Hello, everybody, it will be probably my only post.
It is some ideas I have for a prototype 3DCG game, like 3DXChat.

Firstly, every partner could kiss each foreskin of the other partner. A system like Achat where you could choose a specific caress. But you shall click on the part of the body to choose a caress in a menu.
It would also let you personnalize the way you fuck your partner, and the way you move your hips during the intercourse.

I would also this game to be a sort of open world and between each pose, it would be transition like in Chathouse 3D. (Maybe code a different set for first peson viewe, and for third person).

I would also have a way to create your own piece and a ingame store where everyone could trade its creation.

This game would have Vr and the best graphics up-to-date.

I don't know if it is a good idea, but I would this game to be free. Money would be generated via a commission on the trade.

You could personnalize each part of your body, even deeper than 3DxChat.

Let the player customize and save his voice and moans.

A day-night system, depending of where you are but optionnal

Maybe do a partnership with some girls on MYM and OF, but not to much well known, because it would be too expensive.

Maybe let the receiver to make penetration more complicated

Player must buy lands to create their own or pay a monthly or yearly rent.

A ban system from main lands by the game or the owner of the lands.

Maybe do a system to avoid addiction and stay a whole day playing.

Owner could play with a customizable bot, and maybe let player in their land play with it.

Why don't I create this game. I don't want to play anymore this kind of games, but Me at eighteen would have liked, so why not for future users.

Sorry for my bad english.

Have a nice day or nights and take care guys.