HTML - New Life Project [v0.7.1] [Nota Bao]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    i dont know how anyone can enjoy this game if you played anything similar before, its just so basic with nothing unique or original about it, i reserved judgement at first but it just didn't evolve at all trough the years,
    ass wiggling gif from thumbnail is still the best thing about it

    its like every event /text / system is placeholder filler that you need to repeat 20 times, nothing connects to anything while dev keeps adding same filler slob on top of it
    dude at least ai generate some sentences instead of writing " you see his dick, you get fuck, you cum"
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    I want to start off by saying I really, really like HTML real porn games. One could even say I have an unreasonable fondness for them. I know all the common complaints. The porn doesn't always match the characters. The UI is terrible. There's so much grind. There's too many clicks to get from one scene to another. There's no sound (or there's too much sound that you can't turn off). They're just delivery systems for porn gifs. And on, and on, and on.

    I don't necessarily disagree with these points. A lot of them do apply to many HTML real porn games. Even ones I like. But I can usually overlook them for one simple reason.

    HTML porn games make me cum.

    Or, if thinking of internet strangers cumming to a porn game bothers you for some reason, you can translate that to "most HTML porn games remember that they're porn first and game second."

    New Life Project, however, seems to be one of the exceptions to that rule.

    The dev likes to boast in the changelogs about how many words the game has, but most of those words seem to be dedicated to descriptions of the sandbox city your character lives in, and not, you know, the sex scenes. In fact, most sex scenes have very little description at all. In many cases, there's a lot of build up to a single sex gif, and then you get kicked right back to the area menu as if nothing had happened.

    As an example:

    One of the things I really like about female MC corruption games is the build up to the MC losing her virginity. It's a very sexy scenario to me, and I can spend hours edging in one of these games just getting to that point. NLP is one of the only female MC corruption games I've played where the payoff to that build does nothing for me. Because there is no payoff. No one reacts to your character no longer being a virgin, least of all your character. She just has sex, and then goes about her life like normal. Which is a theme for all the sex scenes. They all seem to happen in a vacuum. And while that can be overlooked if the sex scenes themselves are good, they're just not. Very little description, very little dialogue, very limited use of porn gifs, very little satisfaction to be found.

    And that sucks, because I think this should be one of the better HTML games out there. The writing is pretty good, where it exists. Proper English, etc. But all the character are lifeless. Your roommate barely says two words to you, but if you're late with one payment he just rapes you and then you go back to living with him like nothing happened. Your dad has apparently been searching for you for months, and the first thing he does when you talk to him is he rapes you. You meet a female coworker at the cafe, and after talking to her once she just starts sending you nudes which your character thinks are hot, never once giving you any information about if she's previously found other women attractive or not, until you get to your fist sex scene with her (which comes out of nowhere the first time you randomly run into her at a bar), and she asks the MC if she likes having sex with women and the MC says "only if it's you". And that's the main issue with this game. Nothing has any consequence. Everything happens in its own separate world. The only thing that changes are the numbers next to your stats. The whole game feels off. And that unfortunately makes it one of the few NTML porn games that I just don't like.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    I have to say this game is pretty average.

    I mean, the whole game feels like a porn dump but it's a quite simple game and i know some people are really into this type of super simple cum dump game.

    Basically my take is, the game is not very good butthe porn content is hot. Also, i don't like female protoganist games but that very personal opinnion Average...
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    The premise is simple enough, new girl in a city filled with sexual fiends with some light life sim elements. The problem is that some random things are ridiculously grindy such as dating the librarian or mustering up the courage to talk to your father which both take upwards of 2-3 in game weeks. The game started off promising enough but for awhile it seems like instead of getting things added that do some substantial improvements or continuing the storyline we get endless gimmicks that take about 5 minutes of playtime to see fully which honestly wouldn't be bad things if the core game itself was complete and hammered out
  5. 2.00 star(s)



    really boring. work work work work sleep.

    barely anything to do.

    scenes are rare. and corruption is nonsensical. you just randomly and slowly turn into a slut with no prior story.

    the only sex scene i've seen in like 1h of play is randomly getting raped on the street with no reaction or anything. it breaks immersion and is just a low effort game. most HTML games are better.

    the only reason i don't give it 1/5 cuz at least the buttons work and so far i have not seen any bugs i remember. althought that might be cuz it's the same scenes over and over again.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    At this stage, this game is really lacking. The starting premise in a nutshell is: "You wake up in a new town after your 18th birthday party, not knowing how you get there. You still have your memories and know you have a boyfriend, but instead of finding a phone and calling someone, you decide it's better you plant roots and find a new place to live and make a new life for yourself." There's got to be a better way to start this game off than this. Even if it's just a straight up amnesia path, you'd at least check with police or the hospital first.

    You're able to get a job and a place to live almost instantly. Where others have said they didn't find any bugs, I found that you can simply spam work for days and nights on end without ever taking a break or rest. Doing this gets you enough money to buy everything at the shops in about 5 minutes. Pay raises also don't seem to work at the moment.

    There's zero to little build up in any relationship or sexual encounters, and random forced sex scenes have no mention of them again afterwards.

    I know these games are really hard to make. I'm making one myself. And the ground work is here to be something good if the writing catches up with it. But it really needs some fixing as of October 2023.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    i'm giving this a second star, because it might have a chance of improving.

    This game lacks any kind of set up for the sex scenes. I get that people don't want to grind for scenes, but there should at least be a bit of conversation or a hint of attraction before characters start fucking.

    On the good side, there seems to be a mystery story, that could be fleshed out later and compared to other games on here the game is playable, the english is good and i haven't encountered any bugs.

    The images i will not consider for this rating, cause they are just random pics taken (i guess without permission) from the internet.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    The game uses stolen pics, which isn't bad by itself - some developers are great at making engaging gameplay or writing superb stories, ad they'll use other people's art or pictures to compliment their own work.

    This game, however, isn't fun and the writing is honestly awful, so in the end you're left with a bunch of random pictures, which begs the question of why should you bother playing this as opposed to browsing a random porn gallery online.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    I really like the game and want to give it 5 stars but I have 2 gripes. Firstly, the gaps between events in the staory are a bit long and I ended up just killing time as I had nothing meaningful to do. The second one is related to the first in that there needs to be more to do and more diversity with the repeatable events.
    However, I would gebuinely say this is one of the best HTML games I have played. I see some criticism of how quickly things happen, but I feel that is better rather than worse. I hate games where you play for 4 hours and get no real reward.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed it, the game as of now is relatively short, but the content that it offers is of the utmost quality. The developer seems to be active/engaging with the community too.

    Definitely excited for new updates!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I just played the games, and the storyline was excellent. The interface could use some improvement, but the developer is doing great work since the release, so I believe they will definitely work on it.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Ver 0.3.8

    In its current state, new life project presents itself as an intriguing, albeit somewhat rough-around-the-edges, text-based adventure. You step into the shoes of an amnesiac character navigating a new city, trying to piece together their obscured past.

    While the narrative is enticing, it's undeniable that the story and dialogue could use some expanding to further immerse players into this mysterious world. However, don't let this initial roughness deter you.

    The reason for my five-star rating? It's not for the game in its current state, but for its potential and the dedication shown by its developer.

    The developer of this game stands out as particularly receptive, communicative, and eager to improve the game by considering player feedback. He's shown dedication in actively refining the early content and even added an innovative 'gender bender' route. This level of commitment to improvement is a rare trait and often a key factor in creating a successful game.

    My experience with NSFW games might be limited, but I've noticed the games that become gems are usually the ones with developers who listen and refine. This dev embodies this quality.

    While new life project might have a rough start, it's a game that's rapidly evolving and shaping up to be something truly special. I highly recommend getting on board.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I play alot of html games and as someone who enjoys them, this one does have an enjoyable time. I feel like there is plenty of room for improvement but with the fraction I've played, the developer has done a great job of making a fun and hot game. Keep up the good work.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Review is for v0.3.3
    Not much going on yet, but it's got good framework for updates.
    The character and story are about as typical as it gets. Girl moves out and goes to the big city and moves in with a perverted man.
    As of now, the game is way too easy. it's a hard balance to make one of these not feel to grindy, but at the same time not be too easy, and this one is too easy. In about three weeks you can buy everything and then the only thing that maters is the Beauty Bar allure improvements.
    The last, and most important piece of advice I can give, is there needs to be way more events. In these sandbox type games, the most important thing, and what drives the player to grind out the stats, is to get the next event, and right now, the events seem like they have been completely pushed aside and forgotten.
    All in All though, it does have some really good framework and has some decent potential for updates down the road, but the lack of events is really holding it down.
    Update for v0.4.2a
    From the user side, there doesn't feel like that much has changed. Maybe I'm just not staying at the jobs for long enough (because the game is still too easy), but there are still too few events that I found.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Version 0.2.6: Did not expect anything new, but this is reallt poor in terms of writing. No buildup. Very little content. Sex just magically happens, out of nowhere. 2 minutes after meeting dad he rapes you, and in return you give a loving blowjob. Occasional bugs but its early version.