New Render engines for DAZ 3D - Any Thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2017
So instead of a genesis 9 model, this release cycle and the past few months have been focused on making DAZ 3D more friendly to other 3D programs with transfer utilities and now new, faster, render engines. Has anyone tried out the Octane or Filament renderers and how do they compare with the results you get with Iray?

Edit: fixed the typo
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Active Member
Nov 7, 2018
You mean Octane? Yes. Its hyperfast. It's good.. not as good as iray (it renders differently on a fundamental level). It's renders can be very very good. .but theyre not aiming for photorealism.. it will look like art. But like i said.. it's hyperfast and it is very good.
Filament is VERY good. IT's Daz's answer to Unreal engine 4 being experimented with by some people (mostly gamers etc) who think ue4 can be "one of the rendering big boys". UE4 does have an advantage... you can do realtime.. and have real clothing hair etc physics.. in realtime then render them. Buut... it's low poly. It will always be low poly.
What's GREAT about filament: it will produce better renders than 95% of the games here by default.. and can produce a 30 second animation in MINUTES. Here are a few filament renders that took me literally minutes to render. Note i needed to adjust a LOT of things in these.. they were thrown together. You could render an hour long movie in a few hours.... it's a game changer for adult games. No it will never look like iray. But it's good enough. I cant wait for them to continue it's development and MAYBE people will start making aniblocks available.

Here's a youtube video that demonstrates it. I have a few made but.. theyre a few hundred meg each for 30 seconds so nowhere to upload them


Xpression Games
Game Developer
Aug 23, 2017
Octane has been available for quite some time as a paid plugin from OTOY which needs work still on matching Iray materials when converting. OTOY has said they will add native MDL texture reading to Octane but that was on the last big update on their to do list. Filament is an open-source Real time PBR engine made by Google still very early in development. As for Iray it keeps getting updated and works in half the time with RTX 20 and 30 series GPU's knowing Nvidia they will at some point in the near future drop support for non-RTX cards in Iray as that no longer update the old pre-RTX version of Iray and just update Iray RTX Then there is the amount of time DAZ takes to integrate the new updates into Studio took a year for them to add the first Iray RTX version to Daz Studio


Fudged it again.
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
Filament has potential but it's pretty shit at the moment. Issue with using other render engines for iray is the fact that the shaders were made for iray. I have read a lot of recourses about Daz shaders, and although I cannot explain the ins and outs, I know why they work how they do, well I should say, a laymen's understanding. So I can see why things made for iray don't work the same in different render engines. I hope they keep working on filament as it would solve a lot of issues.