VN Ren'Py New To Making Lewd Games, Need Advice/Help.


Feb 18, 2018
Hello all. I’ve been a lurker here for a while now and this place has inspired me to make a lewd game of my own, but I have never really done this. The game I am planning will be much like an interactive visual novel where you can date girls and progress through their stories with choices you make and how you interact with them. I’m going to use Ren’py fro this. The program seems simple enough, even for someone who has no programming experience but I am still learning. I hope I can have like a day progression and money management stuff. I'm still looking into all that but maybe some of you who know Ren'py better can tell me. I do have a friend with more experience programming helping me too, but he doesn't know Python that well. It does seem most of the stuff I want to add like a pregnancy progression can be done in Ren’py somehow, so I should be okay in that department.

My second problem is a more artistic one that I kind of hope some of you will chime in on.

First off, here are 3 of the characters I have sketched out. I don’t know if nudity is allowed on the general forms but I am sure someone will let me know.
Cow Sisters Heads Sketch Big And Small Sis small2.png Goat Lady Sketch 1 small.png

So as you can see, I might have a bit of a problem because I'm trying to make a furry game. From what I gathered being here on this site, furry stuff is not liked as much, which is fine, but I have a question for those who don't like the furry type of games. Would you guys interested in a game like this if there was a human protagonist as the main character, or does it not really matter to you? My original plan was to have a carnivore main character like a wolf trying to get with and date herbivore type of girls like a sheep, goat, cow, ext. But I think I can still pull off a dynamic like that with a human just as well. I would really like to hear from you guys about that so I can start working that aspect into the story now.

So what say you? Human male trying to date furry ladies, or wolfy carnivore man trying to date prey girls? Or do you not really care?
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anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
I hope I can have like a day progression and money management stuff.
Yes you can, in many different way going from something really basic to a professional-like approach, depending of both your needs and capabilities.

I do have a friend with more experience programming helping me too, but he doesn't know Python that well.
It's not really a problem. I Python can help a lot to improve Ren'py's capabilities, Ren'py by itself already permit most of what you can want and is more on the side of a Basic than Python, so it shouldn't be a real problem for your friend.

First off, here are 3 of the characters I have sketched out. I don’t know if nudity is allowed on the general forms but I am sure someone will let me know.
Nudity is allowed everywhere, and while not being this much into furry, I really like your models.

Would you guys interested in a game like this if there was a human protagonist as the main character, or does it not really matter to you?
If the MC is human, then your game fall more on the animorph side than on the pure furry one. It will probably help it have a good welcome, especially with you drawing.
Anyway, I think that it's not really possible to judge if there's many furry adepts here or not. The majority of the furry games available here are also gay games, which limit twice the possible audience. But there's way more games with at least one animorph character, and it don't seem that they encounter problems to find their public.


Game Developer
Feb 11, 2019
In fact... I don't really care
I don't like furry myself
but as long as your character hot and suit my taste furry or not is not the problem

and people who like furry are more than you know
you don't really need to care people who hate furry
just make a good game character design game play plot
and it will pay out by itself


Jun 12, 2018
0- Sorry for the bad English

1- About coding
My suggestion is to find a partner and split the profit. You can learn, but it will require time, a lot of time, nothing that you can't do, but it may be not worth writing, drawing and coding.
Get someone with some degree of experience with renpy (and not only python) and do an agreement to let him get 20% of the profits or even less (if you write everything he just have to copy paste, most of the feature you talked about are relatively easy to do, if he's experienced he doesn't need much time nor effort, the big will build the assets and write the content).

2- Art and such
Don't know much furry community... but I know one thing. Your drawings are GORGEOUS, good job.
Do you have an art gallery somewhere in the web?
If you want to do a game with success, without doubt, doing a quality game that cover a niche is the best strategy, expecially if you like the fetish of that niche. Usually they lack of content and fulfill the desiderata of the community behind that niche is granting you at least the attention of almost the whole community but...
I don't know how furry people think. What I saw is that in the last few years is that furry environment is pretty much almost only gay/trans and such but there is a game that mixes human characters and furry stuff that is pretty successful (quite engaging even if it is not one of my favorites).
The furry games with most audience are not entirely gay, maybe some may have some gay/lesbian (more lesbian) features, but they tend to be more likely straight.
I think it is a matter of numbers: gays (male) are about 1-2% of the population maybe, or even less, a bit higher are the bisexuals (male) between 4-8% (actually bisexuals or that had some attraction to their same sex or transgender for a period in their life). Probably ignoring this kind of fetish, the furry-gay one, is a good thing for getting the biggest possible audience, maybe you can put some stuff in future if you really want (lesbian stuff instead is welcome for the most of porn consumers, who are straight males).

About the protagonist... I don't know, the carnivore-herbivore thing is much more interesting, in my opinion, than using an human as MC... BUT it will push more people into the genre that is a bit infamous right now. A pure human will help to self insert in the story.
You can still keep the carnivore-herbivore thing... with a human, I don't know the plot of your story, but you can resolve it in many way, MC get transported in a furry world, he's an ambassador, he goes to this fantasy world etc etc,
Maybe in future, even listening the patreon (if you want patrons you HAVE to give them something they want) you can add transformation for MC or give the possibility of start the game with a human or a furry and so on.

My, more than 2, cents.


Feb 18, 2018
Yes you can, in many different way going from something really basic to a professional-like approach, depending of both your needs and capabilities.
That's good to hear! Yeah I want a lot of stuff like that, like branching paths, a pregnacy system, day cycle, unique items and quest for each girl. There is a lot, but none of it will be too complected, at least I hope not. Do you have a source where I could go to find tutorals or videos that teach us stuff like that in Python/Ren'py?

Nudity is allowed everywhere, and while not being this much into furry, I really like your models.
Thank you! I am glad you like my art at least. I am hoping I can make something nice enough that most people can look past the furry thing.

If the MC is human, then your game fall more on the animorph side than on the pure furry one. It will probably help it have a good welcome, especially with you drawing.
Anyway, I think that it's not really possible to judge if there's many furry adepts here or not. The majority of the furry games available here are also gay games, which limit twice the possible audience. But there's way more games with at least one animorph character, and it don't seem that they encounter problems to find their public.
Yeah, that is part of the reason I want to make a game like this. Most furry art is about 75-80% and the fandom kind of refelcts that too, but its motivated me to try and add to the straight side a little lol. We will see, I just hope that I can get most people to enjoy it.


Feb 18, 2018
Your english is good!
1- About coding
My suggestion is to find a partner and split the profit. You can learn, but it will require time, a lot of time, nothing that you can't do, but it may be not worth writing, drawing and coding.
Get someone with some degree of experience with renpy (and not only python) and do an agreement to let him get 20% of the profits or even less (if you write everything he just have to copy paste, most of the feature you talked about are relatively easy to do, if he's experienced he doesn't need much time nor effort, the big will build the assets and write the content).
Yeah that is kind of my plan.

2- Art and such
Don't know much furry community... but I know one thing. Your drawings are GORGEOUS, good job.
Do you have an art gallery somewhere in the web?
I do but, ehh... It's mostly MLP art at the moment. So not sure you would like it all that much.

I tryed that game before and didn't really like it, but maybe I will give it another try.

I think it is a matter of numbers: gays (male) are about 1-2% of the population maybe, or even less, a bit higher are the bisexuals (male) between 4-8% (actually bisexuals or that had some attraction to their same sex or transgender for a period in their life). Probably ignoring this kind of fetish, the furry-gay one, is a good thing for getting the biggest possible audience, maybe you can put some stuff in future if you really want (lesbian stuff instead is welcome for the most of porn consumers, who are straight males).
Yeah I have been in the furry world for a while and its about 75-80% gay/bi. Which is fine but I do see a demand for straight stuff. We will see I guess.

About the protagonist... I don't know, the carnivore-herbivore thing is much more interesting, in my opinion, than using an human as MC... BUT it will push more people into the genre that is a bit infamous right now. A pure human will help to self insert in the story.
You can still keep the carnivore-herbivore thing... with a human, I don't know the plot of your story, but you can resolve it in many way, MC get transported in a furry world, he's an ambassador, he goes to this fantasy world etc etc,
Maybe in future, even listening the patreon (if you want patrons you HAVE to give them something they want) you can add transformation for MC or give the possibility of start the game with a human or a furry and so on.
Yeah I hve a plan and I agree that the carnivore-herbivore is more interesting, that's why I want to do it lol. I could do it with a human as well but I don't think it will be as impactful.
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Jun 12, 2018
1500421736.pusspuss_lewdwindy_web.png I see, you are really skilled, and you enjoy a lot drawing expressions, that's awesome for a VN artist.

You already have an important group of patrons, why don't you do a MLP game? There isn't much stuff about that and cloppers are still a lot, are you tired of drawing only ponies or you are excited about doing new stuff?
I got now where the "puss puss" went, lol.
You know what?
I changed my mind, you are already a skilled professional who know what she's doing, ignore my suggestion about doing a human character.
The audience feel when the author is having fun and feel the story she's writing, doing mechanical stuff just to please everybody will never bring a product of the same level than a really felt work.
Go with carnivore-herbivore stuff, I'll wait for your game.


I Want to Rock your Body (To the Break of Dawn)
Jun 5, 2017
From what I gathered being here on this site, furry stuff is not liked as much, which is fine, but I have a question for those who don't like the furry type of games. Would you guys interested in a game like this if there was a human protagonist as the main character, or does it not really matter to you? My original plan was to have a carnivore main character like a wolf trying to get with and date herbivore type of girls like a sheep, goat, cow, ext. But I think I can still pull off a dynamic like that with a human just as well. I would really like to hear from you guys about that so I can start working that aspect into the story now.
First of all, furry isn't that hated on this site at all. Its more of furry being combined with gay recently, that's had some people questioning. But all in all this website is pretty furry friendly, almost as friendly as it gets outside of sites designed around it. Of course there are the occasional people who flat out are toxic against it, but they are few and far between, and they get deleted pretty quick.

I really like the predator prey idea, Its pretty refreshing. Although the biggest question is if you do it are you going to make Mr Wolf have the appropriate member? If you're going to human dick route you should probably just go human all the way, otherwise I fully endorse anthro wolf MC. More people like furry content then you might think. While I would never consider myself as part of the fandom, I quite like furry characters in porn games.

Also your arts really good!
Last edited:


Feb 18, 2018
First of all, furry isn't that hated on this site at all.
Really? Everytime I see a new furry game there seems to be a few haters as the first comment lol.

Its more of furry being combined with gay recently, that's had some people questioning.
I have seen that too, and it can be frustrating. The furry communty is mostly gay so its not shocking to see so much gay content for it, but it sucks for guys like me that are straight lol. Thats kind of anohter reason I want to make a game. I want to make one for guys like me that like furry art but aren't into the gay stuff so much.

Although the biggest question is if you do it are you going to make Mr Wolf have the appropriate member?
I want the gintals to match the animal they are attached to, so yes, he will have a wolfer pecker.

More people like furry content then you might think. While I would never consider myself as part of the fandom, I quite like furry characters in porn games.
I'm kind of in that same boat. I don't know if I would call myself a furry, but I love the art an anthropomorphic characters.

Also your arts really good!
Thank you! I hope I can do something nice with this game.


Feb 18, 2018
why don't you do a MLP game?
The pony fandom is dying slowly, but it is still strong. I don't think I could work for a whole year on a pony game though. I would like to tell my own story with my own characters.

I got now where the "puss puss" went, lol.
Puss puss went? What do you mean?

I changed my mind, you are already a skilled professional
Idk about that, but thank you! ^^;


I Want to Rock your Body (To the Break of Dawn)
Jun 5, 2017
Really? Everytime I see a new furry game there seems to be a few haters as the first comment lol.
The last time I saw any real hate was in Crowjob In Space, and the last furry, well scalie, game I played Kobold adventures received zero hate. Also if you do see someone that's being toxic for no reason, use the report button, it works better then you think.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2018
I don't mind if it's furry or not, that tag isn't something that will make me run away, if you develop those two cows characters (particularly the mother, I guess they are mother and daughter) then count me in.


Engaged Member
Apr 3, 2019
I can't help with your first problem, but i can comment on the second from a outsider to the furry fandom.

I think the concept you're attempting to do is fine and in fact has been done before in comic form by Kadath. So you can start there for insipiration if you want. It would be interesting to see how you handle it in VN form and how it plays into any romance or dominance aspect you choose to incorporate. I guess that brings me to critiquing the art, so here's my take it looks good now but i don't know how well that's going to translate to a game and animation. For me the models are fine but almost too clean if that makes sense.


Feb 18, 2018
Hopefully it doesn't have NTR.
I'm not sure what NTR stands for, but I see that used a lot with cucking type of games. There will be nothing like that. It will be all about the player building a relationship with each girl and doing lewd things at the end.